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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
they charge you on your water you use for the sewers?
As a young electrician I had worked in sewage treatment plants and always knew when corn was on sale🙄
Our sewer charge is based on our water usage and is expensive.

We don't get a discount for having lawn and garden sprinklers.


Well-known member
I signed a contract to dig out the bent pipe section and splice in a new ABS section. $2,160 after my 10% Veterans discount, and they can do the whole thing Tuesday.

The biggest downside is that the bent section extends under our front brick cobblestone walkway, so I will have to have the walkway repaired or replaced once the excavation and plumbing are all complete.

Presently moving a heating pad around on my upper and lower back, both of which are unhappy with me. Almost recovered enough to take Miss Layla for a stroll and look at different walkway designs in the hood.
Well, it's a shit job...


Well-known member
Our sewer charge is based on our water usage and is expensive.

We don't get a discount for having lawn and garden sprinklers.
My father-in-law has a pool and paid to have a meter installed on his sewer line because the majority of his water usage in the summer is topping the pool off due to evaporation and flushing the filter. If you water the lawn a lot, may be something to look into…


Well-known member
You should have a hemorrhoidectomy and see what happens. Talk about losing your modesty.

Wearing a colostomy bag for 3 months was enough to destroy any hint of modesty I might have had after 2 weeks in the hospital.

I really considered wearing it permanently after discussing the reconstruction surgery with my Surgeon. # 3 will be every bit as brutal as #2 was. At least he was honest and upfront as to what I was facing
No f’ n comment…. Nothin happens during that and ill never ever get in the fetal position again unless i die in that position….im forever traumatized…. Lol its not funny butt you old farts can laugh
If you were awake that is a sigmoidoscopy and was stopped in general user by all but the most backward countries and small regional hospitals 30 years ago. Although I have a close friend the Veterans Hospital in loma linda Ca. who had that done to them just 10 years ago. I advised her to SUE.
I wont go into detail butt i might have went through a different procedure butt not by much tho at all… what they put me threw has me putting windex on broken bones for life. Dont even call the ER just let me die with zero dignity pride and tegridy!!!😫😳🥺
Now it's twilight sleep, lights out and you wake up full of gas but zero pain or side effects besides a lot of farting the next few hours.
There is the broken joint with the left side lifted up.

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2 non English speakers from the Home Depot parking lot. $100.00 worth of PVC and fittings, rent their chain cast iron snapping tool as well and be done for $300.00. Sit in your folding picnic chair and direct how it's done with a few rounds of charades.



My plumber of 50 years has gotten to where he won't roll for less than $1000.00, I've gone back to replacing my own shit, when possible, if the tenant calls. If it is a bastard under sink reach, I'll grab a warm body from the parking lot.

Hot water on the left, cold on the right and shit don't run uphill. What more do I need to know?