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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
OK, I know I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
I was baffled by your numerical numbers, aaahhh, your messing with me, good one.
I'd better hope you were or I will look really bad, which isn't hard for me to accomplish.

Good morning to you Pute!
Some people count sheep to go to sleep, did you count salmon going over the waterfall at bedtime.
Sorry, I am 73 be 74 on Sept 19


Active member
Good points! As a retired facilities engineer, I still have contacts in the mechanical industry and am currently in contact with my former prime plumbing vendor, now retired, seeking a referral.

I dug down to the broken pipe, leaving open the question of how far back the cast iron pipe is busted up after the 120-year-old Douglas Fir's root ball it was passing through, was uprooted in a windstorm.

What I would like for them to do first, is run a camera with beacon through the cleanout and identify where the breaks start, then using their above ground locator to establish where the camera is under the ground. That would eliminate any guessing.

I can already see we will lose our Rosemary bush, as well as our Mountain Laurel, and hope the break is after our 97-year-old Rhododendron and that we don't have to dig through our front cobble stone walkway.
I got my med badge and looking for an industry job in denver area… lol ill be water boy even! I just refuse to be an “ipm” poison sprayer again!


Active member
Looking in archives and found these pictures of my first hash set up.

I made it out of two 5-gal buckets, one of which I cut a washer ring out of the bottom and discarded. I cut a hole in the bottom of the second bucket and pop riveted some Stainless-Steel Bolting Cloth and heavier reinforcing mesh over it's bottom using the washer cut from the bottom of the first bucket.

I then shortened the second bucket so that it would fit in a third bucket and leave space between the two bottoms.

I did that by cutting the bucket off even with the bottom of the top rings, and then pushing the bucket bottom down through the top ring until their top were even, and then pop riveting the top in place.

I used a mud paddle in an electric drill to agitate the ice water trim mix and collected the hash from the bottom bucket.

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I did my first bubble bag run in 05’ also whaaaaaat!!!i used sonic ice with distilled water and an egg beater …5 bags in a 5 gallon bucket…shaken like a washing machine bent over until my back would spaz out lol…

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I did my first bubble bag run in 05’ also whaaaaaat!!!i used sonic ice with distilled water and an egg beater …5 bags in a 5 gallon bucket…shaken like a washing machine bent over until my back would spaz out lol…
Kool! How did it turn out?

PS: I ended up with a counter top washing machine and bubble bags.


Active member
Now this is a good example of the problem currently and for the past few years the US has pecome the world's number one producer of oil. If our oil/gas industry was nationalized there would be no reason we couldn't be paying $1.10 (USD) like they currently do in Iran. There is no valid reason other then profit motive for any oil being imported into the US. The reason we have to import oil is part to keep the oil market stable where it's at and two because we would rather sell our oil to other countries were the oil companies can make more money then to provide cheap, reliable gas here in the US. The only reason gas is $3 - $5 a gallon isn't because we HAVE to import oill and are at the mercy of our suppliers, it's because after the pandemic the oil companies have opted to not bring back online the refineries they shut down during the pandemic. They are still operating with the refineries that were mandate to stay open because it was deemed essential (I'm not sure but IIRC the number of open refineries is 3). They are operating at max capacity as they have been since the end of the pandemic. This creates the current price for gas because the demand is greater then the supply the maxed out refineries can produce. Even if we could suddenly produce sll the oil we could ever posssibly need prices wouldn't get cheaper because the refineries in operation are running at max capacity already. So wwhen you hear people say "Drill baby drill" they're just chanting a catch phrase for a false narrative that we need to produce more oil then we already do. Until they open more refineries so that the supply can grow greater then demand, then the prices will remain pretty much where they are only fluctuating slightly until the next available excuse for jacking the prices higher.
There is a movie series out right now shedding light on how this has impacted native indigenous peoples of canada and america called “The Green Veil” with John leguizamo… really starts like on episode 5 but i will digress because it is election season right now and icmag is my last home before im banned from all forumns…🫠🤞🫶🏼

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor


Well-known member
Been taking it easy - these lasts days - with only one hospital visit a coupla days ago - and a current physical evaluation by a doctor - he checked my recent CT chest scan and didn't find anything of concern in the lungs - or around them - looks like I'm recovering well without extra things to worry about so far - managed to get St Thomas's outpatient pharmacy to give me more edoxaban 60mg - blood thinners - and the doctor said that I will probably be on this med for the rest of my life - which is kinds sad 😔 for me to accept - but if that's the way to prevent heart attacks - and live on - then that's the way I'll go - getting old sure is a medical magical mystery tour - lol
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Myself and the rest of the inhabitants of Planet X wish you well on your wholesome recovery, so we thought we would entertain you with a couple of jokes.

What is a prize old people can win for aging? Atrophy

What's the best part of old age? It doesn't last very long.


Active member
Kool! How did it turn out?

PS: I ended up with a counter top washing machine and bubble bags.
I had no technique or understanding of what ergonomics was at the time….
It was outdoor sungrown preemie sativa called Electric haze out of east mountains the sandias aaaaaaaaand alot of the patties had emo stamping on it for

So funny if anyone fro NM knows what EMO stamp stood for on said patties!!! Man nolstagia hits hard even when misspelt