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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Smell the flowers.jpg
Smell the flowrs 2.jpg
Smell the flowers 3.jpg


Well-known member
We have a flock of ravens in the area now. They started showing up last year. Up to 7 that I have seen now. I believe they decimated the hatchlings of a killdeer breeding pair that we have been watching for 3 or 4 years. There were 4 originally, then 3, yesterday 1 and today just the 2 adults. The ravens were fighting over something about the size of the hatchling when Zig and I went to investigate. He is a bird chaser…

Those aren’t crows? We have tons of birds like that I thought they were crows. Is that the same bird?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I have a friend up here in Canada he is originally from the US, he said he was from "the show me " state.
Missouri......................... Something like the nipple ring may well be how they learned that wisdom.
I have a murder of crows out back and boy do they make a racket when they get going...I need to look close to be sure they're not ravens...
Ravens also croak, and crows don't.

We get more and more crows around here and fewer and fewer songbirds, ostensibly because the crows are eating their young in the nests.


Well-known member
Those aren’t crows? We have tons of birds like that I thought they were crows. Is that the same bird?
We had crows before the ravens showed up. These are about twice the size of crows. I use an app called Merlin that identifies birds by their calls because I didn’t believe we had ravens here. You can also ID them when they fly over you by the shape of the tail.


Unca Walt

Well-known member
I don’t like going to the speakers corner. There is a lot of angst there that I want no part of. I’m trying to end angst in my life. I don’t mind hearing both sides from my democrat and republican friends here so that I can take part in finding where we all have commonalities.

I will say that I don’t like when anyone calls out the whole party democrat or republican as the cause of all the problems as I think we could do better on both sides of the aisle but I understand why they do. It does seem to cause conflict in the thread on occasion but I’ve seen yet on this thread where we didn’t at least agree to disagree at the end when we think differently.
‘it’s just one of the many things we breeze over now and then in conversation as any other subject. We talk about a lot of issues here I’m sure you have been around long enough to know that. News and politics are just something that effects all of us so lighten up a bit on the diarrhea talk we are just having conversation and nobody is trying to change your views here.
That was beautifully put, @SubGirl The Speakers Corner is not where we want to go. But sometimes there is news of a political nature that really should be shared in normal conversation among a group that has known each other a looong time.

Fer instinks: The dude that got offed in the hoppycopter -- the official photos show the copter wreckage with the tail of a Cessna.

There useta be a sitrep call: "WTF, Over?"


Well-known member
I don't know what the percentages are but I'd say it's over 50% of the homeless aare the way they are due to mental health issues. I often wonder if during the Reagan asministration if they didn't gut mental healthcare in the US that put a lot of people on the streets, would the homeless problem still be as big as it is now?
I too think the core issue is mental illnesses and no services and
not homelessness as the media keeps directing their disinformation.

So much easier perhaps for people to accept a 'homeless' crisis
rather than a mental health crisis.
Too much negative stigma attached to the term "mental illness'
for people in general to accept comfortable.


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