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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Good morning SG! Hope your MIL visit is warm and fuzzy! View attachment 19007232 View attachment 19007233

Yeah, hanging is too good for them!
Thanks GW, we usually only stay 2-3 hours She complains a lot (almost constantly) about everything and everyone. It’s hard trying to get her thinking another way. We would probably visit more if it were a little less bashing love ones. Mr Sub has two sisters in the area that live close to her that check in on her. They too feel pressure when the visit her. She has a lot of friends where she lives but I think she like the rest of us is tired of getting old… Lately, she’s been being mean to the lady we have checking in on her for bathing, light housework, visitation and three meals a week. It’s a really nice lady with great compassion who cares for her.
Harvesting the sixth out of 6 plants. Lots of trimming coming.

Will be cutting down to one light for a couple months. There's just to much to do outside to keep up.

I ain't as good as I once was ......But I am as good ONCE as I ever was!
you always say that cutting back thing 😂😂


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Thanks GW, we usually only stay 2-3 hours She complains a lot (almost constantly) about everything and everyone. It’s hard trying to get her thinking another way. We would probably visit more if it were a little less bashing love ones. Mr Sub has two sisters in the area that live close to her that check in on her. They too feel pressure when the visit her. She has a lot of friends where she lives but I think she like the rest of us is tired of getting old… Lately, she’s been being mean to the lady we have checking in on her for bathing, light housework, visitation and three meals a week. It’s a really nice lady with great compassion who cares for her.

you always say that cutting back thing 😂😂
I am already down to one light. Just a minor speed bump then I will be back at it full speed.

I gotta get in a veggie garden!!!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
A 10 of 10 is dropping to the floor curled in a ball panting to catch my breath and yelping at each pant unable to reach the pain med bottle just 2 feet away. Had a 45 minute event yesterday and couldn't alert the wife on the floor below. All I could do was wait it out and hope it was transient and I didn't need a ride to the hospital.

My surgical adhesions (dragon in my belly) is a 10 in full bore mode and the VA hospital will shoot a huge hit of morphine right in if I show up in emergency. I set that up with my GP years ago for that ultimate emergency. Come close twice to pulling the fire alarm.

18 days since they "implanted" me and at times I'd cut it out it hurts so bad. Other moments I can't tell it's there at all. BP hit 62 / 48 with a 91 pulse yesterday. No wonder I'm lightheaded. Temp was 95.5 so not just 2 degrees high but now lower then even my usual 97.7.

I've done 3 rounds of open surgery, and they were all a slow but steady "feeling stronger every day". This bastard thing is 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. One step forward and 4 steps back. Just when I think I'm getting ahead of it something pokes a stick in the spokes of my cycle and I go head over the handlebars again.

If each sealing / expansion point (7 in the next one) hurt like this one does........

I do the last autologous pint of blood today then back up here for a day or three to recover then head to the grow early next week. Got shit that must be done before the next "Implantation". Spring set of plants to harvest, trim, dry and jar. Summer set to get in the ground as soon as the harvested ones are out. Lights to hang.

Normally that would just be the start of the fun and games with Hash to shake, tincture to RSO from the scraps of that. Redistill the next 6 jugs of vodka to a higher proof. This whole aorta rebuild has tossed a wrench in my nicely organized setup. On the other hand, my odds of a burst increase with every passing day at my current beer can size aneurisms. Should be a garden hose.

STFU fool we're trying to save your life.
Sounds excruciatingly - awfully painful man - what are these surgical adhesions that you have implanted? - is it to do with this aorta rebuild? - or is that just on top of some other problems?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Last plant is hanging in the dry cure tent. Now I can concentrate on the outside chores.

My long lost son from half a century ago is coming to visit this weekend from Kansas. I gotta get the place spit polished do he doesn't think I am a dirt bag.

He was born out of wed lock and I haven't been much of a father to him. Will try my best to make up for that the best I can.



Have I mentioned how much I love the snow and cold weather lately?


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Last plant is hanging in the dry cure tent. Now I can concentrate on the outside chores.

My long lost son from half a century ago is coming to visit this weekend from Kansas. I gotta get the place spit polished do he doesn't think I am a dirt bag.

He was born out of wed lock and I haven't been much of a father to him. Will try my best to make up for that the best I can.


Well-known member
Premium user
I agree with you. Good thing for GW we are not his plumbers. His bill would be climbing.
However, he might not have regrets later.
You really get screwed in the long run if you dont do some things right.
IMHO thats one of them and problems such as that can happen again in the winter with a whole set of additional problems.
Not the opinion of the group and your milage may vary😊
This is coming from a plumbers son and someone who watched " The Three Stooges Do Plumbing" a 1000 times🙄


Well-known member
Ehh - maybe not such a good question 🤔 - since it pains psychologically to remember physical pain - but you ain't never gonna forget it - that's for sure - maybe physical pain is good? - reminding you that you are VERY much alive - and ya gotta do something to alleviate that pain 😢 - or it's just gonna get worse - maybe even before it ever gets better -

As for being able to adjust our 'Pain Threshold' - to be able to cope with more pain - does that really work well? - I've seen a fair bit of pain over the years - so I think that I'm an old pain campaigner - and nothing should shock me - but it sure did when I did a heavy sneeze - after having my chest wired shut - and maaaan - that must have hit a twelve - on a one to ten scale -
Because of my morphine script, I had to attend a pain clinic. The man facilitating the program had a string of credentials behind his name. He was university professor, instructing and research. He was a business man with healing centres. He travelled around the world giving seminars on pain.

In all his time he said he never met anyone could cope/control their chronic pain.


Well-known member
Premium user
Because of my morphine script, I had to attend a pain clinic. The man facilitating the program had a string of credentials behind his name. He was university professor, instructing and research. He was a business man with healing centres. He travelled around the world giving seminars on pain.

In all his time he said he never met anyone could cope/control their chronic pain.
You can understand why folks get hooked


Well-known member
Ahhggg! - (Sneezes!) - gawd sneezes hurt - after open heart surgery - even after nearly 6 weeks since they opened me up - but were much-much more painful after 3 days since the surgery - I wanted to die - that was the worst pain I've ever encountered - the sorta pain that has you crying for your dead Mother -

Jeez! - what's the worst pain you ever had?
I had testicle surgery for a hernia many years ago, that was my most pain,my left nut grew onto my intestine because I didn't get it fixed soon enough, the surgeon said he had to pull it out onto my stomach and cut it off and then stuff it back in and do the hernia repair. I was on the couch for weeks and just any movement would hurt,it still hurts today sometimes.