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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Cabana’s bitch
I've been in my little rural farming community since 1986, it's gotten bigger but nothing like the big cities...directly to my west there is 29,000 unimproved hunting grounds...as it was 100 years ago...
ive spent a lot of time in the mountains! and i like the different climate
but why does everything always have to be uphill?
because it's always down hill on the way back... ;)


In my empire of dirt
No, we walk the lake all year long
one great thing about where i live is the walks
just walking around my neighborhood is fun**
but there are walks on the beach or in the canyons
so many cool places to walk, especially if you like walking outdoors
a fun coastal walk:

nothing too up hill*, but there are the slot canyon parts
/i remember when this was where kids went to get high

*hey man, i come from sea level


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
And although we want to live our lives in peace and harmony to have the last chapter - quietly - to grow old gracefully - graciously - and gratefully -

🙏 - I do wonder about what sort of world we will be leaving to younger generations - and if they will be able to grow old too - in such a way - I hope ❤️ so -
If we can get some people in leadership that are much closer to their age rather then closer to ours, they might stand a chance.
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Well-known member
Fk the turkeys. Zig has a marrow bone…


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I would like to think our children will experience a life of opportunity and peace.
Somehow there is this dystopian science fiction reality that scares me and seems possible as well.
Another thing that might help secure a good future for them is to stop using AI for deep fakes and fantasy porn and instead put all that computational power towards solving real world problems.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
seriously, are you that butt hurt I posted what I felt at the moment and not where it is supposed to be...sure, I now see how it was wrong but didn't we overact there a bit sunshine...if you want an apology for where I posted it, you got it...if you're looking for my apology for the content of my post, you'll die waiting...I didn't think my post was worthy of making your butt so sore...
FWIW I don't think it was just your post that bothered him but rather the entire collection of posts on politics. Some people are so turned off by what discussing politics in a group of otherwise friendly people can do to that group, that they wish for a place where they can go where nobody discusses the topic. At least that's how I'm choosing to interpret his post.
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