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Good Morning folks

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Do I understand that you are saying there is no marketing plan directed at the doctors to use the various meds?
Absolutely not. In fact, it is the reverse. The marketing plan is to give the doctors freebies. These freebie meds are for the doctor's patients.

It is entirely possible you have gotten a "starter pack" or its equivalent from a doctor you had at one time or another. I know I have, and innocently, thought it was nice.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
good morning

say , I am dealing with some family medical issues and I will be missing in action for awhile , I will try and pop in once in awhile

thank you all , you know who you are , for all the good vibes and positive energy

i will be around

Tom Joad style

Unca Walt

Well-known member
After finally getting out of the hospital recently - which was a real slow process for me to go thru - waiting for all the clearances - to get outa there - the final one being a two and a half hour wait for the ward pharmacist to gather all the 8 different medicines the doctors there wanted me to take home with me - after being told to vacate my hospital bed - and wait in some little waiting room with my son - who had come to pick me up speedily - once I'd told him I was to be released - so while we waited and waited - it kinda dawned on me - that from that time on pharmaceutical medicines - were going to be important in my life - and take up alot of time acquiring them - and taking them - since before that almost month long on/off hospital stay - I'd only been ever taking one pharma medicine regularly - for only 18 months of my life -

Now - just recently I've had to order medication replenishments - because most of the various pills they gave me at the hospital have been taken already - and I'm running out of many of them real soon - so I had to book an appointment with the pharmacist at the local doctors clinic I am registered at - which could only be done by calling them at 8am - for the chance of getting a 'by phone only' appointment - and once I'd called and waited quite a while - managed to score a phone appointment 4 days later -

4 days later I get a call from said pharmacist - and she works thru all the names of my meds and the quantities required - (usually one months worth) - and tells me that I can soon pick them up at a retail pharmacy close by where I live - EXCEPT FOR EDOXABAN - because its a blood thinner - and for that I would have to get it from Kingston Hospital - so should call them and work out how to get that medicine from that source - oh what a PALAVA - so one of the things I have to do today - is chase down some blood thinning drugs - lol
Get one of these, stat:


Well-known member
Absolutely not. In fact, it is the reverse. The marketing plan is to give the doctors freebies. These freebie meds are for the doctor's patients.

It is entirely possible you have gotten a "starter pack" or its equivalent from a doctor you had at one time or another. I know I have, and innocently, thought it was nice.
But they do offer more to docs and their staff. I’ve seen them bring gifts at the office for the girls up front and know that they had “lunch and learn” with the tab picked up by the pushers of their goods. When you are selling a product, it pays to kiss a little ass…

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Absolutely not. In fact, it is the reverse. The marketing plan is to give the doctors freebies. These freebie meds are for the doctor's patients.

It is entirely possible you have gotten a "starter pack" or its equivalent from a doctor you had at one time or another. I know I have, and innocently, thought it was nice.
I'm willing to concede that your Dr Scooter has never been swayed or influenced in any way by sales reps when he selected one brand over another generic drug, because I know you wouldn't shuck me nary a none just because I'm not bright.

I also concede you haven't been influenced yourself by sales reps before you recommend medication for brothers and sisters on this forum.

I'm not a doctor and only know what I've read or heard from family members working for doctors. As the doctor is the most influential person determining what meds you use, it is also who I would personally move to influence if I was a sales rep.

Perhaps my judgement is skewed by being the engineering manager who selected equipment for multi-million-dollar projects and being regularly romanced by equipment suppliers, as well as declining kindly offers.

I also watched a cohort walked to the door with his personal items in a box, after getting caught accepting gratuities, as well as hookers on field trips, etc. Ha! The same one who used to laugh at me and call me a Boy Scout.


Chateaux France is the name of the five star restaurant in St. Pete that the pharmaceutical sales reps wine and dine doctors at the big practices.
My wife served hundreds of dinners to them.
Thousands spent on a single meal there with the average bottle of wine being several hundred bucks.
The pharmaceutical companies were most definitely wining and dining the medical admins and doctors.
My understanding is it depends on the market where you live so the denser the population the more likey you will see that.
Doesn't happen here at all.

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