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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Big Pharma's greatest expense is marketing, and within that, their greatest expense is wining and dining doctors.
Well, lessee here, @Gray Wolf -- Your source of Big Pharma's "greatest expense is wining and dining doctors"is who?

Lemme stuff my source in you: I have never even heard of ANY doctor being "wined and dined" by ANY corporation.

Feel free to contact MY source: Dr. Scott Snedeker. He regularly -- for DECADES -- spent 14 days at a time 24 hours per day actually on site in the hospital. He'd take catnaps in a cot in his small office. This was/is a required regimen for their employees, the doctors.

Eat hospital food every day and night for two weeks.

NO-FUCKING-BODY, Gray Wolf, wines and dines doctors. The conglomerates use them like they bloody own them. And they have burned them all out.

Whoever told you that ignorant lie is either just passing on something convenient that some other ignorant asshole made up, or he made it up himself out of whole cloth.

So please refrain from passing on an ignorant lie again.


Well-known member
Well I watched when he testified to congress and he never said that the US did not fund gain of function research. What he did say was that he did not KNOWINGLY fund gain of function research. There is a subtle difference there. What actually happened was the money that ended up being used for gain of function research actually came from a non profit organization called EcoHealth Alliance who did recieve a grant approved by Fauci for the amount of 3.7 million. They then took that money and gave the Wuhan lab approximately $600K which apparently did end up going to gain of function research but this wasn't discovered until well after the point in time when Fauci and Rand Paul were arguing over whether or not the US funded gain of function research. So the truth is both Rand Paul and Fauci were right. At the time when he said the US did not fund gain of function research Fauci did not know that it had. Mainly because he wasn't involved in it or directly responsible for funding it. So his statement was truthful when he made it. As for Rand Paul he was going on accusations at the time that were yet to be proven. He end up being correct because it later on became proven but at the time he was operating purely on suspicion that was yet to be proven.

The real question should be did EcoHealth Alliance know at the time what they were funding? Since they were the ones who funneled some of the money they recieved from Fauci to the Wuhan lab. Unfortunately so many people were and still are desperate to turn Fauci into some sort of evil villian that they are willing to ignore the facts of the matter so they can pin the blame on Fauci. As for your other claims it wasn't social distancing that destroyed the economy, that didn't start to happen until the orders from the US government came that everyone with the exception of "Essential Workers" should shelter in place at home until the spread of the pandemic could be brought under control. The order to practice social distancing was actually an effort to try to keep businesses open in order to not hurt the economy, by simply asking peeople to keep 6 feet apart from one another when out in public. The advise to practice social distancing came well before the order to stay at home.

As for the mask mandate that was based on what was the best known practices at the time. If you were paying attention at the time the mask mandate went thru several stages of evolution. At first it was believed that any sort of mask or face coverings, even home made ones made from cloth were sufficient Then they came to realize that cloth masks were not enough and that you really need N-95 masks or better. Another being problem with the mask mandates was due to a fundemental misunderstanding of what the masks were meant to do. Many people wrongly thought that the masks were meant to protect people from getting the virus but that was incorrect. The real intent of the masks were to keep the people who already had the virus from spreading to other and with proper mask use and social distancing it was proven many times over that doing both was effective.
The ‘6 foot’ edict was admitted(by Francis Collins )to be arbitrarily chosen. I read a study that showed airborne virus could be detected at 27 ft(if I recall correctly, may have been +/-a few feet). They knew that would mean not even ‘essential workers’ would be able to continue supplying the population with food, water, alcohol, cannabis, tobacco or medical care for that matter. Masks DO NOT block aerosolized particles the size of the corona virus. Fauci is on video pre-plandemic saying that masks were useless. There are videos that you can easily find showing how effective they are are blocking vapor if you doubt that. And 99% of people wearing the vaunted N95 masks did so improperly and few could find, afford or bother to wear them correctly. And there are numerous examples of govt officials flaunting the mask mandate when they thought they were not being watched(Newsome at the French Laundry, Fucki at a Nationals game, Obama’s birthday party, etc).

As far as Fucki’s claim that they didn’t know EcoHealth was doing GOF research goes, I call BS. As detailed in the below article, a proposal from EH was declined by DARPA in 2018. It proposed inserting a furin cleavage site which is exactly the feature that lead most non-captured scientists to believe the C19 virus was engineered.

I am betting neither of us will convince the other of our views so I will leave it there but remember that the plandemic was the largest transfer of wealth upward in history and greed wins out over morals unfortunately.


Well-known member
Well I watched when he testified to congress and he never said that the US did not fund gain of function research. What he did say was that he did not KNOWINGLY fund gain of function research. There is a subtle difference there. What actually happened was the money that ended up being used for gain of function research actually came from a non profit organization called EcoHealth Alliance who did recieve a grant approved by Fauci for the amount of 3.7 million. They then took that money and gave the Wuhan lab approximately $600K which apparently did end up going to gain of function research but this wasn't discovered until well after the point in time when Fauci and Rand Paul were arguing over whether or not the US funded gain of function research. So the truth is both Rand Paul and Fauci were right. At the time when he said the US did not fund gain of function research Fauci did not know that it had. Mainly because he wasn't involved in it or directly responsible for funding it. So his statement was truthful when he made it. As for Rand Paul he was going on accusations at the time that were yet to be proven. He end up being correct because it later on became proven but at the time he was operating purely on suspicion that was yet to be proven.

The real question should be did EcoHealth Alliance know at the time what they were funding? Since they were the ones who funneled some of the money they recieved from Fauci to the Wuhan lab. Unfortunately so many people were and still are desperate to turn Fauci into some sort of evil villian that they are willing to ignore the facts of the matter so they can pin the blame on Fauci. As for your other claims it wasn't social distancing that destroyed the economy, that didn't start to happen until the orders from the US government came that everyone with the exception of "Essential Workers" should shelter in place at home until the spread of the pandemic could be brought under control. The order to practice social distancing was actually an effort to try to keep businesses open in order to not hurt the economy, by simply asking peeople to keep 6 feet apart from one another when out in public. The advise to practice social distancing came well before the order to stay at home.

As for the mask mandate that was based on what was the best known practices at the time. If you were paying attention at the time the mask mandate went thru several stages of evolution. At first it was believed that any sort of mask or face coverings, even home made ones made from cloth were sufficient Then they came to realize that cloth masks were not enough and that you really need N-95 masks or better. Another being problem with the mask mandates was due to a fundemental misunderstanding of what the masks were meant to do. Many people wrongly thought that the masks were meant to protect people from getting the virus but that was incorrect. The real intent of the masks were to keep the people who already had the virus from spreading to other and with proper mask use and social distancing it was proven many times over that doing both was effective.

Well, what I REALLY want to know is where in the hell did that gain in function bat that bit somebody come from? Did a tech bring it home under his lab-coat to make bat stew with, and then grew vampire fangs afterwards? Or, was it brought home to breed in a cage in captivity with another similarly oriented bat, to sell in the Wuhan Market? :mad:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Well, lessee here, @Gray Wolf -- Your source of Big Pharma's "greatest expense is wining and dining doctors"is who?

Lemme stuff my source in you: I have never even heard of ANY doctor being "wined and dined" by ANY corporation.

Feel free to contact MY source: Dr. Scott Snedeker. He regularly -- for DECADES -- spent 14 days at a time 24 hours per day actually on site in the hospital. He'd take catnaps in a cot in his small office. This was/is a required regimen for their employees, the doctors.

Eat hospital food every day and night for two weeks.

NO-FUCKING-BODY, Gray Wolf, wines and dines doctors. The conglomerates use them like they bloody own them. And they have burned them all out.

Whoever told you that ignorant lie is either just passing on something convenient that some other ignorant asshole made up, or he made it up himself out of whole cloth.

So please refrain from passing on an ignorant lie again.
Do I understand that you are saying there is no marketing plan directed at the doctors to use the various meds?

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Yes, I’m hoping my next doc is a bit better anyway. This doc looked at me and typed all my info age weight height into a computer and put my symptoms in to find out how to treat me…I could have done that from home. Treated me like an old person too. I didn’t like that at all. Not to mention he is a cannabis hater and now anything wrong with me is because I smoke the weed… he retired last month 😁
O raffs! My last compulsory visit to the VA horsepisstol to prove I was still alive was a fargin joke:

The lady FMG (effemmgee, AKA: Foreign Medical Grad) doctor did not have a very good command of her (possibly third) language -- English.

That meant the following: I should not speak except to confirm my "last four", and answer "yes" or "no" to the questions she read off her computer screen list.

Since it meant nothing, I helped her with communication until we got the screen filled out.

She took my weight, and BP. That. Was. It. No blood draw. I could have had the Black Syph and she would not have known.


Well-known member
Premium user
Well, lessee here, @Gray Wolf -- Your source of Big Pharma's "greatest expense is wining and dining doctors"is who?

Lemme stuff my source in you: I have never even heard of ANY doctor being "wined and dined" by ANY corporation.

Feel free to contact MY source: Dr. Scott Snedeker. He regularly -- for DECADES -- spent 14 days at a time 24 hours per day actually on site in the hospital. He'd take catnaps in a cot in his small office. This was/is a required regimen for their employees, the doctors.

Eat hospital food every day and night for two weeks.

NO-FUCKING-BODY, Gray Wolf, wines and dines doctors. The conglomerates use them like they bloody own them. And they have burned them all out.

Whoever told you that ignorant lie is either just passing on something convenient that some other ignorant asshole made up, or he made it up himself out of whole cloth.

So please refrain from passing on an ignorant lie again.
From my experience from living with a NP Stony Brook for 10years they sure as shit did.
They would take the Dr,s and staff out to a restaurant for a presentation.
Tell the staff to order a dinner for whoever was at home.
I ate like a king many times


Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Did someone say wine? I went deep into my cellar last night. A zero year birthday y'know? :greenstars:


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Along with Extra Virgin Olive Oil a while back, I have been adding Natto to my diet. I am fortunate to have a source for Organic Firm Tofu, which we eat three times a week for our dinner meal. In many parts of the world, especially where soy is not organic, fermented soy such as miso, tempeh, or natto is considered safer. Natto, a fermented heart healthy food, is typically made from soybeans. Other sources can be also used to make it (see linked article). By adding the bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the fermenting process is started and then speeds up, resulting in the enzyme Nattokinase. The enzyme Nattokinase, which comes from Natto, has amazing health benefits including those that are specific to heart health. The starter bacteria from Natto may be recreated much like making yogurt on your kitchen shelf. After a batch or two is made it can be stored in the refrigerator to add to a new batch of Soybearns to start the process again. I was thinking Gypsy that this could be something you could "sneak" when you are up alone in the early AM. It is a traditional Japanese food, typically eaten at breakfast with miso soup, fish, and (brown) rice. :chin: :chin:

Natto!! O Dear Gawd!

I wuz in Hokkaido at an electronics plant there, and we took a break for lunch. There were pre-prepared plates, and you just picked up yours.

On the plate, among other edible things, was this pile of ultra-slimy cough-up snot with brownish globules of goat dung in it. It stank like the Fleet ditch. It stank like a urinal at baseball stadium on a hot day.

I asked what it was: "Natto."

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Good morning old farts! Another sunny day. 🌞 My girls are growing like “weeds”. 🤣

Ghost Train Haze #1 growing in a wire cage. That is the only way I can keep the animals from eating them or digging them up. View attachment 19005444 View attachment 19005445
You call that a cage? How about an inverted square bottle-basket with a cinder block on top? <-- Didn't work.


Well-known member
From my experience from living with a NP Stony Brook for 10years they sure as shit did.
They would take the Dr,s and staff out to a restaurant for a presentation.
Tell the staff to order a dinner for whoever was at home.
I ate like a king many times
Yes then they stock up the docs with free samples of their goods like the kid at the school yard saying try it you will like it. Sure we like the freebies but then get hooked into the expensive drugs with no generics for years sometimes never.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
From my experience from living with a NP Stony Brook for 10years they sure as shit did.
They would take the Dr,s and staff out to a restaurant for a presentation.
Tell the staff to order a dinner for whoever was at home.
I ate like a king many times
Who is the most influential person selecting our meds?

Not counting of course your own self educating them after you've seen something interesting on TV directing you to, "ask your doctor about a new med?"

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