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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
And ladies too perhaps ;)

This post reminded me that for years I suffered this on my right side.
I would get this incredible pain in the center of my butt cheek that
would then extend down the center of my thigh to the back of my
knee. It then twisted around to the outside of my calf and shot down
to my ankle.
It was excruciating and nearly incapacitated me until
miraculously... it would subside. This went on often enough for a
few years that I finally complained to my doc.

I went though a battery of xrays. I was told that my L4- L5 was
very slightly compromised (? don't recall the term) but I had
no damage etc. I do not recall now but I think it was PT
and some exercises to relieve the pain. Laying flat and
pulling my knee to my chest perhaps. Dunno... since there
was no damage to my back, I just dealt with it.

I have not suffered this now for a couple of years.
The only thing I've done differently is to change my diet.
The most obvious result is the loss of body fat of course.
The non scale results are... well... among many is that
I just realized that I no longer suffer that abominable
pain in me arse :D Gonna call that a victory :)
My wife worked with a lady who had the sciatic nerve problem we are talking about.
She told my wife, "if they can't fix this, they should just cut my F--k--G leg off.
She was in that much agony.
Mine tortured me at bedtime and all through the night. I thought I might lose my mind.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
13 mater plants now in full sun. First time they have seen the real thing. I am watching them to make sure they don't fade from the bright sun. Getting ready to start trimming TK x LB.


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I also incorporate crawling.
Original Strength on YT has some great vids on
different crawling styles and explain the benefits of each.

Some times we just have to go back to the basics :)

I actually began w/ baby crawling then advanced.
I also did 'baby rolling' in the beginning to reset my balance.
I was soooo very out of shape and felt I should begin at... well...
the beginning :)

Now, at nearly 67 years old... I can stand on one leg w/ out
falling over and do 'the crane' (?) like on the movie
Karate Kid LOL
The Chinese/ American boy next door is now 11 and he gets
a big kick out of seeing me in the back yard doing this haha.

Well - people say that we do go thru a 2nd childhood - in old age - so maybe it's good to learn to crawl again properly? -

So many of us oldsters are imobile - once sitting on the floor - many cant even stand up again without help - so practicing standing up - from the floor - without assistance - or climbing up a chair or wall - to stand again - is a good exercise too methinks -

Try standing from a cross-legged sitting position - now that's not easy at all - but I could easily do that in my 20's/30's - and as I got older - it got harder to do -


Well-known member
I am not sure if you use Edge, Chrome, Firefox, etc. Personally, I avoid Edge (and Chrome) like the plague. They are all gleaning information from you to sell, "anonymized" or what-have-you. I don't trust any of em really. Must resist and fight the Borg!! The EU just sued Google for taking and using information that they gleaned from Chrome, when they said they couldn't and wouldn't do it! I actually never use Edge, though Microsoft has made a way that you cannot delete it like other browsers. Convenient, eh? I've never downloaded Chrome. Personally, I think that Firefox might be safest, but what do I know. If by favorites you mean your bookmarks, yes, they are transferable from device to device, if you sign in with your address. Like anything that can be a good thing, or a bad thing. GL figuring it out!
Edge is my browser and set up by Microsoft. Yes, I was referring to bookmarks, on the computer it is listed as favorites. I believe your right that it automatically happens without my doing. In the long run I am glad it happened but it leaves this impression that, "there watching me" like they are watching everyone.


Well-known member
Welp, in between posting, I've managed to let the guys in downstairs
to refinish the hard wood floors + go down and pester them with questions
and to watch the process haha

Gals are all watered and happy :)
Dishes are done...yay (my daily nemesis!).
The pup has been doing her impatient walkies paradiddles.
So, we're off to get our steps in.

I will also stop by one of the grand old houses
in the neighborhood that they are refurbishing.
It is a glorious old place and they are restoring it back to original, YAY.

Cheers all. Have a groovy day!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Bwahaha! I don't remember this limp when I was a child.
You probably didn't have it then -
- see if you can crawl around like you did as a child though - putting less stress/weight on your gammy leg - than you would do standing/walking - might be a way to help strengthen it somewhat - without putting your full weight upon it - if that's not too painful - 😉


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Well - people say that we do go thru a 2nd childhood - in old age - so maybe it's good to learn to crawl again properly? -

So many of us oldsters are imobile - once sitting on the floor - many cant even stand up again without help - so practicing standing up - from the floor - without assistance - or climbing up a chair or wall - to stand again - is a good exercise too methinks -

Try standing from a cross-legged sitting position - now that's not easy at all - but I could easily do that in my 20's/30's - and as I got older - it got harder to do -

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I don’t have room for a chair, I have to sit on the floor.

you may find this a good deal for you. It really helps your back when watering your plants in the back. It comes with a 10 ft hose which you can put in a 5 gallon bucket with your water and nutrients. ive been using one for several years now. It’s rechargeable but a charge lasts a whole grow for me. Has a nice flow too. View attachment 19003455
I was inspired by your note above... I keep 60 gallons of gasoline in containers in the "little house" out back. I rotate the 5-gal cans, filling the car as needed.***

This is standard hurricane/other problem protection, just like firewood for my fireplace, food storage and perpetual water supply, etc.

But my method of getting the gas from the cans into the car's tank has been by grunting the damn' things up (and they almost always leak from the "tight as I can get them" can nozzles) and shakily holding the drippy red POS gas can until it is empty.

So I just bought this, based on previous owners' reviews:

It is a port-rechargeable pump with a 13' hose that will transfer at a rate of 120 gal/hour. $130.

Owners reviews for the type that the adorable Subbie showed up as they are fine for water, but not really for gas because the hose is the cheapest possible and they split. If you spray water from a crack***, no big deal; a band-aid will fix it. Not so with gas.

*** The major customer review complaint: 12% of owners had faulty hoses. EEK EEK.

But I am SO looking forward to filling the car without blowing out a nut lifting and holding a heavy and idiotically-designed, drippy gas can over the car for five minutes.


Well-known member
Ok, here's something everyone can use.


I've been doing this almost daily. It's also on NPR on the TV - search for it.

Miranda Esmond White was a professional ballerina in her 20's. She's now 72!

She sells her program, but she's posted plenty of free videos you won't need to buy them.

This regimen has changed my physicality!

Full Body Stretching Workout | 30-min. | with Miranda Esmonde White, Healthy Aging Expert​

try it for a couple of weeks and see if you aren't more flexible!


Well-known member
I realized last night that I've not smoked my herb for an entire week.
No real 'reason' other than I don't smoke during the day anymore and
I've been so busy/ physically active that by the end of the day when I
slow down to relax, I'm so pooped out... I'm gonna pass out so... why waste it... maybe?

I do however still consume cannabis daily, I ingest it these days.

Not the same buzz at all... it's rather an over all 'sense of well being
feeling' rather than a head high.
Maybe I'm simply feeding my endocannabinoid system
enough that I do not 'need' the smoking as much. I've been
feeding my head yet not in the same way as smoking?

Dunno, just kinda guessing here based on what little info I've
gathered though the years.
Bonus perhaps (?)... I do use a lot less of my flowers these days :)
Ever since I started to think of cannabis as medicinal there is that difference you refer to. Except for when after a month of the same cookie, I make the next batch from a different strain, then I feel more of high rather than that "sense of well being' and a physical calmness. That only lasts for a short duration then it is back to that overall sense of calmness. Sometimes on a weekend I will use 1/4 of gr sativa cookie during the afternoon.
I don't use cannabis randomly like I use to more like a prescription drug. I need considerably less as well.
It's all to my favor.