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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Years ago - when I was a new immigrant to the Philippines - I would laugh at the way many people would squat/sit at the roadside - or waiting for a Jeepney/bus - and think of how silly they all looked as I drove around in my fancy Hi-Lux Truck - they all looked so odd sat in that position - and could do anything from playing poker/card games - to reading books - to eating - some could even sleep in that position - and often you could see groups of local people all sat in the Asian Squat position - having debates and/or heated arguments as well - as if it was a perfectly natural and comfortable stance to sit and be relaxed in - where the hands were free to engage in whatever was wanted or needed -

Eight years ago - I had to return to the west (UK) - and live here again - bringing my wife/kids over to live with me from The Philippines - and after the plandemic - found myself with an old back injury that was getting worse - due to inactivity and because I had got alot heavier -

- a year of religiously adhering to a keto diet and intermittent fasting helped me lose 55lbs - and alot of pool exercises - swimming and stretching and weight training - got me back into good shape again -

One of the main stretches I used to lose alot of the pain around my back/hips and legs was The Asian Squat - practicing it nearly every day -

- at first it was very difficult to sit/Squat in that position - and I would often fall over - but eventually it became easier and easier - as that core area of my body became stretched out - and more comfortable too - so eventually I could sit/Squat in that position comfortably for up to half an hour or more - while being able to rock back and forwards - side to side - have conversations with others - and just like the native Philippino people I would laugh at years before - be able to play a card game - eat and argue too - in that odd looking position - that turned out to be a main stretch - and great pain reliever to me too -

- My advice is to go ahead and try to do this stretch - and hold in that position for as long as you can - upping the time you do it for daily - and after some months - it will become a position you feel naturally comfortable in - and might notice - like I did - that certain pains go away - and you can operate at a much lower elevation - tending to plants or fixing stuff - hands free - without pain -
Sadly with both knees replaced, the Asian Squat and Seiza are no longer possible.


Well-known member
If you fellas with a bad back you need to try ice. You really need to give it a spin. I eat breakfast sitting in my recliner with an ice pack on my back and heating pad on my belly for one hour every morning and it seems to make a big difference in my day… I have three more minutes before I bounce across the house and start getting chores done.
Morning my brother, glad to hear your moving, I'm moving slow but moving.
If your from the south it is.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I have a quart bottle of iodine.

It is strong and delicious. I think it would be a normal thing for you to do to drink the whole bottle.

SELL it if you must. TRADE it for Fentanyl. Or Opium.

Whatever you do, if I find you had so much as one fucking teaspoon of it, I will NEVER speak to you again.

Because you will have thrown your God-given SECOND CHANCE AT LIFE AWAY for a fucking cup of fucking java.

My permanent rank is Sergeant. Did you read me, recruit?
Sir! - Yes! - Sir! - lol

Now - the main reason for installing this pacemaker was to circumvent atrial fibrillation - stopping heart flutter - and so controlling the rhythm of the heart ❤️ right?

Can you ask your doctor son - if its still dangerous to drink caffeine laced coffee - with a pacemaker installed - or not so dangerous as it would be - without the pacemaker there - controlling heart rhythm + heart rate (bpm)

- what are the effects of caffeine on a heart with a pacemaker? - does it make the risk of heart attacks worse - or does the pacemaker lessen these risks?


Well-known member
I quote Julia Childs , “ More butter! “….

I wanted to comment further on using tallow and bacon grease.
I now make my bacon in the air fryer then strain the grease through
cheese cloth, into a wide mouth canning jar and into the fridge.
I found I didn't like those bits burning when I pan seared on high heat.
I no longer keep it on the counter as I found that just about this time
of year, the fly's swarm anything pork :(

With tallow, I purchase beef fat trimmings from my local butcher (99 cents a lb!)
cut them up and air fry them for a nice crunchy snack. I do not salt prior to frying
however as I don't want my tallow pre salted. I use it for my body also so...
+ I like to monitor my salt intake so, no salt.

I also strain w/ cheese cloth then pour approx. 1T per well into ice cube trays and freeze.
Once hardened I put the cubes into "asparagus" canning jars (24 oz. wide mouth talls)
and place in the door of the freezer for easy access.
Tallow hardens once cooled and I found it difficult to get out of the jar when refrigerated.
This method helps me to monitor my fat intake and is easy peasy to use.


Cabana’s bitch
Morning my brother, glad to hear your moving, I'm moving slow but moving.

If your from the south it is.
Good afternoon brother Giggy, it makes me smile to know that you’re moving around after all you’ve been through. As long as you supply store continue moving forward, you will get there eventually at least that’s what my body is telling me but my mind thinks I’m crazy… Yes, shedding season in Florida for dogs with thick hair and Ivan has got a thin coat, but Dutch’s hair is thick as could be… after lunch, I’m going to go feed the piggies, then comes the raking of the dogs before I give them a serious soaking in a bath… I use horse shampoo on the boys because it’s very mild and doesn’t irritate them


Well-known member
Years ago - when I was a new immigrant to the Philippines - I would laugh at the way many people would squat/sit at the roadside - or waiting for a Jeepney/bus - and think of how silly they all looked as I drove around in my fancy Hi-Lux Truck - they all looked so odd sat in that position - and could do anything from playing poker/card games - to reading books - to eating - some could even sleep in that position - and often you could see groups of local people all sat in the Asian Squat position - having debates and/or heated arguments as well - as if it was a perfectly natural and comfortable stance to sit and be relaxed in - where the hands were free to engage in whatever was wanted or needed -

Eight years ago - I had to return to the west (UK) - and live here again - bringing my wife/kids over to live with me from The Philippines - and after the plandemic - found myself with an old back injury that was getting worse - due to inactivity and because I had got alot heavier -

- a year of religiously adhering to a keto diet and intermittent fasting helped me lose 55lbs - and alot of pool exercises - swimming and stretching and weight training - got me back into good shape again -

One of the main stretches I used to lose alot of the pain around my back/hips and legs was The Asian Squat - practicing it nearly every day -

- at first it was very difficult to sit/Squat in that position - and I would often fall over - but eventually it became easier and easier - as that core area of my body became stretched out - and more comfortable too - so eventually I could sit/Squat in that position comfortably for up to half an hour or more - while being able to rock back and forwards - side to side - have conversations with others - and just like the native Philippino people I would laugh at years before - be able to play a card game - eat and argue too - in that odd looking position - that turned out to be a main stretch - and great pain reliever to me too -

- My advice is to go ahead and try to do this stretch - and hold in that position for as long as you can - upping the time you do it for daily - and after some months - it will become a position you feel naturally comfortable in - and might notice - like I did - that certain pains go away - and you can operate at a much lower elevation - tending to plants or fixing stuff - hands free - without pain -

I began practicing the Asian squat recently.
I used a chair back to hang on to at first as I was really wobbly lol.
I don't have knee problems and the squat kinda hurt my knees
but in a good way. I am able to now squat w/ out the aid of the chair
and find that when standing for long periods my knees do not tire out.

My neighbors are Chinese and grandpa is 82 now and squats to do the
gardening. I am still amazed at how fit and agile he is. Cool dood too :)


Well-known member
Ice does nothing for me, I’m jumping straight in the hot tub set at 40C if I feel a twinge.

my chiropractor has also told me most of my muscle tightness is all in my head. My brain tells the muscle it’s about to take a beating, so the muscle puts itself into protective mode and spasms up.

good excuse for weed and a hot tub soak though.
I have an inversion table I use from time to time.

It makes me longer for a short while. Haven't been to a chiro in years because of it.

45° angle for about 90 seconds and I'm a new man!

The key is to learn to relax for 90 seconds.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It's been hard enough for me not to be able to toke or smoke anything in well over a month now - due to the 3 surgeries plus one corrective surgery - I have had to go thru recently - and I have been cutting down on my coffee consumption too - from 2 jugs per day - to just one jug per day - and was looking to decreasing that to just 2 cups - then one cup per day in the not too distant future -

- ahhh - discipline - discipline - seems like old age - and if you get to live any older - is a battle between what you perceive as things that enhance your quality of life - and mere survival -
Ah yes the age old or perhaps old age delimma, is it worth doing the things one must do to prolong life, if in the process you eliminate most of the things you enjoy in life? For things like that I'm a big believer in the reward system meaning you keep it around so that you can treat yourself now and then as a reward for all the rest of the time that you diligently abstain. Now if it was just regular coffee that one could find in most any grocery store I'd say just go ahead and toss it. This however is your favorite and something a friend took the time and gave the consideration to send it to you as a treat. That's got to count for something, right? :biggrin:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I began practicing the Asian squat recently.
I used a chair back to hang on to at first as I was really wobbly lol.
I don't have knee problems and the squat kinda hurt my knees
but in a good way. I am able to now squat w/ out the aid of the chair
and find that when standing for long periods my knees do not tire out.

My neighbors are Chinese and grandpa is 82 now and squats to do the
gardening. I am still amazed at how fit and agile he is. Cool dood too :)
Yep - I noticed exactly the same thing with my knees complaining when first trying The Asian Squat - but soon realized that it wasn't a bad pain - it was because my knees were tight and unstretched - so eventually they loosened up - and stretched out - becoming much more comfortable in that position - gradually improving week after week - month after month - till I could shuffle/crab walk around - gaining much more mobility while down there squatting - strengthening and stretching the knees - hips - gluets - legs - and lower back too - its all connected - 😀

Your Chinese neighbour has probably been practicing The Asian Squat - since before he could walk - and now he can do the gardening in that position comfortably - naturally - so obviously it's a great stretch to practice - particularly for us western gardeners -


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I wanted to comment further on using tallow and bacon grease.
I now make my bacon in the air fryer then strain the grease through
cheese cloth, into a wide mouth canning jar and into the fridge.
I found I didn't like those bits burning when I pan seared on high heat.
I no longer keep it on the counter as I found that just about this time
of year, the fly's swarm anything pork :(

With tallow, I purchase beef fat trimmings from my local butcher (99 cents a lb!)
cut them up and air fry them for a nice crunchy snack. I do not salt prior to frying
however as I don't want my tallow pre salted. I use it for my body also so...
+ I like to monitor my salt intake so, no salt.

I also strain w/ cheese cloth then pour approx. 1T per well into ice cube trays and freeze.
Once hardened I put the cubes into "asparagus" canning jars (24 oz. wide mouth talls)
and place in the door of the freezer for easy access.
Tallow hardens once cooled and I found it difficult to get out of the jar when refrigerated.
This method helps me to monitor my fat intake and is easy peasy to use.

why no salt?

we use Redmonds Real Salt liberally on just about everything

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Ah yes the age old or perhaps old age delimma, is it worth doing the things one must do to prolong life, if in the process you eliminate most of the things you enjoy in life? For things like that I'm a big believer in the reward system meaning you keep it around so that you can treat yourself now and then as a reward for all the rest of the time that you diligently abstain. Now if it was just regular coffee that one could find in most any grocery store I'd say just go ahead and toss it. This however is your favorite and something a friend took the time and gave the consideration to send it to you as a treat. That's got to count for something, right? :biggrin:
Yes - that makes sense - I'd find it very hard to throw that coffee away - since my friend - at great expense posted it to me from thousands of miles away - and I love it too - so ya - best keep it around to occasionally reward myself with a cup or two - for not being a glutton - and drinking it all up ASAP! - lol


Well-known member
Yep - I noticed exactly the same thing with my knees complaining when first trying The Asian Squat - but soon realized that it wasn't a bad pain - it was because my knees were tight and unstretched - so eventually they loosened up - and stretched out - becoming much more comfortable in that position - gradually improving week after week - month after month - till I could shuffle/crab walk around - gaining much more mobility while down there squatting - strengthening and stretching the knees - hips - gluets - legs - and lower back too - its all connected - 😀

Your Chinese neighbour has probably been practicing The Asian Squat - since before he could walk - and now he can do the gardening in that position comfortably - naturally - so obviously it's a great stretch to practice - particularly for us western gardeners -

I also incorporate crawling.
Original Strength on YT has some great vids on
different crawling styles and explain the benefits of each.

Some times we just have to go back to the basics :)

I actually began w/ baby crawling then advanced.
I also did 'baby rolling' in the beginning to reset my balance.
I was soooo very out of shape and felt I should begin at... well...
the beginning :)

Now, at nearly 67 years old... I can stand on one leg w/ out
falling over and do 'the crane' (?) like on the movie
Karate Kid LOL
The Chinese/ American boy next door is now 11 and he gets
a big kick out of seeing me in the back yard doing this haha.

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