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The Original O'l Farts Club.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Ya need to buy that lady a nice Shiney convertible having to put up with ya
Mrs Pute is easy to please.....just take her out to dinner an I am good to go.


Unca Walt

Well-known member
Walt there is such a thing as a Snipe and people do hunt them.
Oh, I know that. I have hunted woodcock, snipe, quail, grouse, turkey... just about any upland game birdies.

But the classic "Snipe hunt" trick played on new kids is to have them out there in the woods at sundown with a big bag or sumpin' to catch the snipes that will be herded toward them.

Only nobody else had left the campfire, and the new kids are all out in the woods with bags, waiting... waiting to wise up an come back in to roars of good-natured laughter.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
I took Linda to be my own because she was 11 years younger than me and had a great income. Little did I know that the roles would be reversed and she was the one that needed to care and not me. I guess it’s my turn now to have somebody keep an eye on me. This pond I’ve been wading in his getting a little deep and I don’t know that I want to try to cross it by myself. I want you guys to know that I appreciate your support and friendship.
@Boo -- It is good you have somebody to check on you and your beasties. If I can do anything from a long distance, name it and you have it, bro.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Speaking in a generalization I would have to agree with you.

Although for me to take a life, I would have to be trying to save a life.
It disturbs me that I do not seem to have that level of goodness.

In the case of the desert road blockage, where thousands of cars were stuck in the blazing heat (with several people who were put into bad health shape because of it)...

I am perfectly capable of walking up to the protesters, and pointing out they are putting many, many totally innocent people's lives in deadly danger, and that they have made their point and now must move out of the way to prevent possible deaths.

And telling them, as I showed my .44 Magnum, that I was not asking, but politely but TOTALLY informing them they were to stop blocking the road. I would pick one (loudest, probably), and tell him/her they will have their head blown apart in five seconds if there is not a positive response.

I will add I am in my 80's and have zero fear for my personal consequences, but they will never see the sundown this day if they do not move before I pull the trigger.

Oh, I may give them a "warning shot" that goes past their nose at about a foot distant. But that is all. I will call that warning shot before I give it, so they can get an idea of what I WILL do.

IMO, they will move. If they did not, I would blow one away. And repeat my demand to the next in line.

Some of us have been in the real world. We see it differently. We know that if you just peel back the "civilized" skin an amazingly little bit, our jungle world becomes very visible and clear. To anyone. The dark jungle is there, believe it.
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Well-known member
Oh, I know that. I have hunted woodcock, snipe, quail, grouse, turkey... just about any upland game birdies.

But the classic "Snipe hunt" trick played on new kids is to have them out there in the woods at sundown with a big bag or sumpin' to catch the snipes that will be herded toward them.

Only nobody else had left the campfire, and the new kids are all out in the woods with bags, waiting... waiting to wise up an come back in to roars of good-natured laughter.
Oh ya I knew that.
We took a buddy dove hunting for the first time he thought part of the hunt was crawling thru sand burrs on a hot Sept day with black gnats crawling in his eyes and ears.
Ya it was funny at the time, oh well.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Oh, I know that. I have hunted woodcock, snipe, quail, grouse, turkey... just about any upland game birdies.

But the classic "Snipe hunt" trick played on new kids is to have them out there in the woods at sundown with a big bag or sumpin' to catch the snipes that will be herded toward them.

Only nobody else had left the campfire, and the new kids are all out in the woods with bags, waiting... waiting to wise up an come back in to roars of good-natured laughter.
Ha ha. Been years since we tricked a greenhorn into a snipe Hunt.


Well-known member
Premium user
It disturbs me that I do not seem to have that level of goodness.

In the case of the desert road blockage, where thousands of cars were stuck in the blazing heat (with several people who were put into bad health shape because of it)...

I am perfectly capable of walking up to the protesters, and pointing out they are putting many, many totally innocent people's lives in deadly danger, and that they have made their point and now must move out of the way to prevent possible deaths.

And telling them, as I showed my .44 Magnum, that I was not asking, but politely but TOTALLY informing them they were to stop blocking the road. I would pick one (loudest, probably), and tell him/her they will have their head blown apart in five seconds if there is not a positive response.

I will add I am in my 80's and have zero fear for my personal consequences, but they will never see the sundown this day if they do not move before I pull the trigger.

Oh, I may give them a "warning shot" that goes past their nose at about a foot distant. But that is all. I will call that warning shot before I give it, so they can get an idea of what I WILL do.

IMO, they will move. If they did not, I would blow one away. And repeat my demand to the next in line.

Some of us have been in the real world. We see it differently. We know that if you just peel back the "civilized" skin an amazingly little bit, our jungle world becomes very visible and clear. To anyone. The dark jungle is there, believe it.
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few": Spock.


Well-known member
It disturbs me that I do not seem to have that level of goodness.

In the case of the desert road blockage, where thousands of cars were stuck in the blazing heat (with several people who were put into bad health shape because of it)...

I am perfectly capable of walking up to the protesters, and pointing out they are putting many, many totally innocent people's lives in deadly danger, and that they have made their point and now must move out of the way to prevent possible deaths.

And telling them, as I showed my .44 Magnum, that I was not asking, but politely but TOTALLY informing them they were to stop blocking the road. I would pick one (loudest, probably), and tell him/her they will have their head blown apart in five seconds if there is not a positive response.

I will add I am in my 80's and have zero fear for my personal consequences, but they will never see the sundown this day if they do not move before I pull the trigger.

Oh, I may give them a "warning shot" that goes past their nose at about a foot distant. But that is all. I will call that warning shot before I give it, so they can get an idea of what I WILL do.

IMO, they will move. If they did not, I would blow one away. And repeat my demand to the next in line.

Some of us have been in the real world. We see it differently. We know that if you just peel back the "civilized" skin an amazingly little bit, our jungle world becomes very visible and clear. To anyone. The dark jungle is there, believe it.
I am far from being naive regarding the uncivilized nature of our worlds affairs and what might go on in a more local environment. When I was to testify in court against a counterfeiter and received bomb threats, I understood the danger I was in. When my cousin was blown out of his house into the neighbors attic I understood what it meant to cross someone. Those events were not the same.

When my wife lived in Houston Texas and was robbed at gun point and she and her daughter were tied and put in a closet I understand their fear.

I see all the injustice in this world and how people are manipulated. How a provocateur can incite violence but I am not going to put my life in prison when I have people who love me and need me. All because some asshole can't get a grip on their lives. However, come into my life and bring your hell with you, I will fight back and bring the demon out of me.

I don't like being referred to as left or right politically speaking, I act and think according to my own beliefs, I would not vote for any of that lot. Unca Walt, I know you didn't suggest I was politically motivated..