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The Original O'l Farts Club.


If I was a drinking man I would be SO daydrunk right now.

Suppose to rain but doesn't really seem like it.
Wish herself would come home and console me.


Well-known member
Been beautiful last 3 days here. 70 plus but it's in for a change.
Rain next day and a half then drop back down to 40' s for a high chance of snow in there somewheres.
Docks in

Cut on some more dead ass trees today.
Still got more to whack on.

Finished laying cloth and got the mulch down.

Porch back in order from winter.
Screens and floor vacd
Window cleaner to the glass items


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Ok, so this round of mater I am gonna do something different. Been using ProMix with tomato nutes. Only problem is that It will between 5 to 7 weeks before I can transplant outside here. The fan leaves start to turn white by then. I have some kind of deficiency.

So I will mix 50/50 with promix and Ocean Forest and see what happens.
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