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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey Gypsy. I got a question for you because you have been there. Do you think most cannabis plants from south east asia are very geneticaly similar? Or do you think there are large differences in plants from each country? I mean, it is wind pollinated. How much difference can there be over a few hundred miles. 🌈
It depends if the plants have been selectively bred or not - most of the seeds I ever got were from breeders that had been working with plants from large selections - they would grow out hundreds or thousands of local plants and select what they thought were the better ones to produce the next generation - and further generations - most wild landrace plants from the SEAsian area are kinda similar - but occasionally you can find among them some really outstanding plants - and those are the ones you'd want to breed - to make seeds -


Cabana’s bitch
It seems like every night when I go to bed I get up at 1 o’clock to have a snack. Then at 3 o’clock the boys get frisky and want to go outside. I don’t know that I’ve had a solid night sleep since Ivan came into my life. I wouldn’t change the thing, but it sure would be nice to sleep a full night solid… I am not sure that I’m gonna be able to handle another puppy, raising them from a puppy to a young adult is a lot of work. Luckily, German Shepherds are extremely intelligent and they learn pretty quickly.

Joe, are you playing pup tent in there?


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
It depends if the plants have been selectively bred or not - most of the seeds I ever got were from breeders that had been working with plants from large selections - they would grow out hundreds or thousands of local plants and select what they thought were the better ones to produce the next generation - and further generations - most wild landrace plants from the SEAsian area are kinda similar - but occasionally you can find among them some really outstanding plants - and those are the ones you'd want to breed - to make seeds -

just curious as what your definition of an “outstanding plant” is , I have an idea but then again I may be way off..😵‍💫🤓😵‍💫


Active member
Hello partyboobs! Wonderful photos. 😍 A picture is worth a thousand words and you said a mouthfull. 🤣 I can see that you are indeed a very beautiful young woman. To the older fellows who may not be interested in that sort of thing I say “it was TOTALLY worth it and I regret nothing!” 😂 Hey Gypsy, sorry about your dog.😔 My little yorky is 13 and has to take an insuline shot twice each day. Thats why I am awake at 2 am. He is my best friend and I would move the world for him. 😁Everyone needs a best friend.

Thanks haha - anyways I made a different thread (haven't really posted anything) for the future so bug me there and I can keep that kind of thing away from people who don't want to see it!

Happy Friday all!

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
This view hasn't changed much since Ronnie Raygun, except for the trees growing up, so Imma be ar-rite. :cool:


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
just curious as what your definition of an “outstanding plant” is , I have an idea but then again I may be way off..😵‍💫🤓😵‍💫
It really depends on what the breeder or grower is looking for - usually it's yield and potency - could be cold or heat resistance - could be pest or mould resistance - could be the ability to grow well in very arid or humid conditions - could be terpenes - taste/smell - colour - height - flowering times to finish earlier or later - or some combination of any of the above - it depends also if its grown outside in a certain climate - or inside in a dialed in environment -

For myself - where I am at - it's much easier for me to grow auto/fems these last few years - because I only have a tiny balcony to grow on - and can't have any plant that grows too big - 3ft tall is about as tall as is safe for me - in London England - I can get away with just growing 3 or 4 plants every year - considering the small space I have these days - and the latitude I live in - auto/fems are easy peasey -

- I'm gonna grow some Zamaldelica auto/fems this year - but won't start germing them - till May -

An outstanding plant to me - is one that I can grow to finish in the space that I have - that produces the most flowers - and gets me high - so it's about yield and potency mostly -
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Well-known member
It really depends on what the breeder or grower is looking for - usually it's yield and potency - could be cold or heat resistance - could be pest or mould resistance - could be the ability to grow well in very arid or humid conditions - could be terpenes - taste/smell - colour - height - flowering times to finish earlier or later - or some combination of any of the above - it depends also if its grown outside in a certain climate - or inside in a dialed in environment -

For myself - where I am at - it's much easier for me to grow auto/fems these last few years - because I only have a tiny balcony to grow on - and can't have any plant that grows too big - 3ft tall is about as tall as is safe for me - in London England - I can get away with just growing 3 or 4 plants every year - considering the small space I have these days - and the latitude I live in - auto/fems are easy peasey -

- I'm gonna grow some Zamaldelica auto/fems this year - but won't start germing them - till May -

An outstanding plant to me - is one that I can grow to finish in the space that I have - that produces the most flowers - and gets me high - so it's about yield and potency mostly -
What was the best native pot that you have smoked and which country was it in? 🥸


Well-known member
we all get lonely
I felt bad for hitting it but I was on a work trip back then I sold tools and pneumatic equipment, was traveling and had work clothes for a couple days hanging on one of those bars across my backseat. Insurance paid for windshield, detail, tow cleaning ticket and rental. Got the rest of the week off as I remember. Was a long time ago, before SubGirl even.

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