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Barnett can fight in japan all he wants, they dont mind athletes who do steroids in order to perform better. but n the US, yah, he better figure out that cycle or else i doubt he is gonna ever get licensed again

Josh is one of the best HW's in the world, i think that's why they still let him fight after being caught juicing.


Active member
i agree that the problem is more widespread than we realize. and im not sure that im "angry" or "just dont like the guy"....its the fact that hes gotten popped more than any other fighter in the sport and we still let him compete.

once we find out whos cheating, why still let them fight!

you wouldn't have many of the top fighters if this was the case. Without name dropping or going into to much detail trust me there are camps, Elite camps that have plastic surgeons giving prescriptions for deca,winstrol, hgh like its candy.


JUNIOR DOS SANTOS vs. Brock LESNAR officially confirmed for June!

anybody wanna call this one?

i got JDS by brutal TKO


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Really looking forward to the Nick Diaz fight too, get ready for 1000 punches thrown in the first round :D

Why are Strikeforce so bad at matchmaking though? hah Evangelista Santos gets a title shot? That's pretty sad... What about Paul Daley? Or even Jay Hieron had they not been stupid enough to let him slip away to Bellator. Strikeforce has alot of potential but it seems like they're just constantly making laughable and horrible decisions.

Jacare -vs- Robbie Lawler for the middleweight title the same night is one of the few things they've seem to get right lately as far as matchmaking for a title. I'm sick of seeing them put in people to fight for the title after coming off of a loss when there are clearly better options for them. They really really need to get a new matchmaker in house.


JUNIOR DOS SANTOS vs. Brock LESNAR officially confirmed for June!

anybody wanna call this one?

i got JDS by brutal TKO

Definitely got to go with Dos Santos in this one as well by (T)KO. It's true we havn't seen the guy off his back much at all and that's exactly where Lesnar is going to try and put him but he's got great hips and I can't help but think he'll be able to pop back up from the bottom just like Cain did against Lesnar. Word is that before Cain got injured the main thing his camp were focusing on for Dos Santos was how to keep him down if that was the route they decided to take because they recognize that the guy will be incredibly hard to hold down. He's slick, he's fast, and he's strong where it really matters when it comes to getting up from the bottom.

Lesnar will get takedowns I'm sure but he won't be able to keep it down long enough. That leaves alot of time on the feet and it should be clear now after the Carwin and Cain fights that Brock does not like to get hit and can not take a punch. As soon as he gets hit - he's turtling up and backing down quickly. It's not something he can work on either - it's his natural instincts. And Dos Santos' boxing is surgical. They guy can really put on a clinic. I just can't imagine him not hitting Lesnar with some big shots and combinations and when he does it's going to be the beginning of the end.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I think Dos Santos probley has a great ground game. He's trained with Antonio Rogerio "Minotoro" Nogueira, Anderson Silva, and Demian Maia.

But Lessnar is a fucking freak and for some reason I think he will win with the same ole same ole that got him there wrestle him to the ground and drop some bombs.

Yup Strikeforce drops the ball all the time. For example the heavyweight tourney is not for the belt. And I think someone like Arlovski should be in a reserve fight and give one of the new heavyweights a chance in the tourney. Shane Del Rasario or Lavar Johnson deserve a spot in that tourney there undefeated in SF yet how many did Arlovski lose now?


Dunham -vs- Guillard and Hominick -vs- Roop should be good this weekend - and even better is that they're free! But where's Brown -vs- Yahya? Not even included as one of the free Facebook fights? Didn't MTB beat Urijah twice and only lose to 3 of the top 6 guys in the division over the last couple years? Both himself and Yahya have experienced some setbacks but only against great competition while beating worthy opponents along the way. No shame in that.

Unless Guillard really puts something together standing I just don't see him winning. Dunham is a legit upcoming talent in the division and has 5 decisive wins in the UFC over decent talent. (All three of the split decisions, including the loss to Sherk, he should have won. 3 shining examples of bad judging). Whereas Melvin has had very mixed results over lesser talent in his UFC career including two lucky decisions against Gleison Tibau and Jeremy Stephens. I think Guillard is getting more credit than is due based on the fact that he's been working with Greg Jackson and co. for awhile now but I just can't buy into the guy yet. As much as I'd love to see Melvin finally put it together and make a run, I can't see it beginning with a win over Dunham when they guy has already beaten better.

Hominick should be getting that title shot after winning on Saturday too I figure.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Someone must have been listening to you Nate because they added the Brown vs Yahya and also Freire vs Lowe to the facebook stream.

I love Guillard's speed to me he makes things exciting to watch. Dunham got robbed by the Sherk decision hope that fuels him to make sure the judges don't get to make yet another mistake.

Any of you guys ever been to a UFC event? I'm planning on going to one real soon but want to know if the high price floor seats are worth it or should I save some money and get a seat somewhere of the floor?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I heard Jeet-kune-do is the original mma. What do y'all think?

Mixed Martial Art's is more than just one style. Jeet-Kune-do is just one style of fighting. MMA Let's any style compete. Wrestling, Boxing, Judo, Jui Jitsu, karate ect are all just styles.

In MMA you need more than just one style to be competative now days. If all you where good at was Jeet-Kune-do a wrestler or some one who practices Jui Jitsu would take you to the ground and you would either be pounded on the ground or choked out or end up with a broken leg or arm.

Though I'm not too familiar with Jeet-Kune -do but my understanding is it is mostly for striking.


Someone must have been listening to you Nate because they added the Brown vs Yahya and also Freire vs Lowe to the facebook stream.

Who said complaining never gets you anywhere? hahah

Naw, that's great news though! As weird as it might sound it's the fight I most want to see on the card so I was hoping there was someway it would become available.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
What happened to Browns ground game? I think he's going to get the axe.

Cody Mckenzie actually looked better than I thought he would. But still the outcome is what we all expected.

I wasn't a big fan of the Facebook thing mine kept freezing and booting me out.

Was impressed with Meathead, Hominick,Guilard, and Wiman.

Great fights but where were all the troops that place was pretty empty. Ohh that's right all our troops are overseas getting brain injuries. Yeah I'm kind of bitter got lots of freinds in the armed forces that seem to have a never ending cycle of getting deployed somewhere.


I have no idea what happened to the dude. He's plummetting for sure. I hope they tell him to take a long break to get his head straight then let him back in for atleast one more fight. He did the UFC a huge favour taking this fight on short notice after fighting only 3 weeks ago and historically they treat those guys a little better when they lose. And not to mention, featherweight is a division short on recognizable names and he's one of the few so he might get one more for that reason. It wouldn't surprise me to see him go though..

Co-MVP (along with Yahya for me) has got to be Guillard! What a performance - definitely not even close to how I imagined this fight going down. The dude caught a huge break getting thrown into the main event against a relevant cat at the last minute from an undercard bout and he ran with it. Not many people catch a break like he did so it was nice to see him take hold. His stock just took a huge jump and I look forward to his next fight.

Hominick mauled Roop but I still don't think he's anywhere near Aldo's level.


Active member
I heard Jeet-kune-do is the original mma. What do y'all think?

not even comparable (apples:eek:ranges),these types of aguments are all over youetube i think they go no where, and just buy the tao of jeet kun do and see, he didnt want people copying him and opening JKD schools everywhere because its about expressing youself,not doing what he does.
so in essence its a philosiphy,not a style or a sport. :ying:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
anyone see titan 16 last night?

Yes sir it was me my bong and HDnet fights. Was some good fights last night. Sylvia got takin out quick.

Strikeforce tonight should be good. I'll take Diaz and Lawler.

And now Strikeforce is going to show there prelims on HDnet (not tonights though) and the HD execs say there open to UFC broadcasting there prelims too. Watching the last few prelims on the computer was lame. And prelims on ION where not in HD which sucked too. And I bet HDnet will want to broadcast all prelims not just 2​