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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread

thanks for your concern sir, but this is like my 6th grow with clear containers now... they are not a detriment. i can understand how years of old wives tales would have you think that, but no, i have had no issues with the clearness of my containers. if im not mistaken there aren't even any photo receptive cells in the roots.

You don't sound like you are very open to suggestions. People here are giving you lots of good advice and instead of thinking about them or trying them out, you are just rejecting them.

Yes, you are right, there are no photo receptive cells in your roots.

That being said, algae on your roots WILL stunt the growth of your roots. It does not directly attack the roots but it will stunt their growth and "strangle" the roots, making them more susceptible to root rot, fungus gnats, etc. Additionally, the algae will actually feed off your nutes and water, causing deficiencies in your plants. But hey, don't worry about it, you've grown 6 whole times in clear pots. Must be a scientific fact. You may THINK there is no detriment, but if your rootzone is not 100% healthy and clean, your plant will not grow to it's full potential.

When I look at this picture, I already question your methods:
Those two pots on the left, you claim there is all perlite at the bottom? From this angle it looks like the bottom 4 inches are all water. It definitely doesn't look like bright, white, clean perlite. Can you get another pic of those?

Also, this pic:

This is showing me either sever pH problems or really bad genetics. If you have growth this strain out before (aka - a clone) and it didn't come out like that, then its not genetics. All those little single leaves are no signs of good health. Usually when the pH gets throw off and they get super stressed / are not taking up all the nutes they need, they get like that.

Have you checked your run off pH ? That may be a place to start with all your problems ...


thanks for your concern sir, but this is like my 6th grow with clear containers now... they are not a detriment. i can understand how years of old wives tales would have you think that, but no, i have had no issues with the clearness of my containers. if im not mistaken there aren't even any photo receptive cells in the roots.

Wow....with all your growing experience I can understand your attitude towards the advice you have been givin by so many here. Your pics show problems....but you don't want to try and solve things from my point of view.

Have you ever heard of Sherlock Holmes? It's the power of deduction dude. Deduce all the problems one at a time if you have to....but that's what needs to be done in order to solve the Mystery.

Have fun your way instead though....how's that workin out so far?


Active member
i appreciate you guys taking time to chalk up my sick plants to inexperience but like i keep telling you stop reading what you see on the internet and taking it for gospel, i am giving you real world data not theories. lol i just realized how ironic my last sentence is.

that last picture you have of the plant in soil, it is a clone from the plant on the right in the picture above as well as the ones on the left in the hempy, all the same plant all the same clones. i said it earlier but maybe you didn't see but i had been flowering that plant it was at about 10 weeks when i had to leave town. all my plants dies except these 3 clones, 2 hempy, 1 soil. the hempy were in veg, this one was seeded up and in flower. it was all dried out when i came home and i nursed it back from almost being dried all the way out to what you see now. everything is a product of what i just said. so please. save your omg look at the plants though comments to yourself as i have explained the reason the plant looks like that and you don't have to continue talking shit about it as if im trying to pass it off at the cannabis cup.

next point. yes that plant has all perlite in it, i dunno why you think the bottom layers are all water, perlite doesn't float. how would that even work?

doesn't really show the whole pot but yeah the perlite is all the way down.

algae does not feed on roots, where the fuck are you getting this shit? algae is the most basic plant, it uses sunlight and nutrients to make oxygen. the end, its not a parasite, it doesnt attack anything, the most it could be doing is using some of the nutes im feeding my plants. and considering that the algae in my pots is a thin film on the inside of my bottle and some green tint on the perlite closest to the outer wall of the bottle, i doubt it is choking the roots of anything either. how can it be stunting the roots anyway? what is the exact mechanism of root stunting that is going on? maybe you can detail it for all of us?

deficiencies? really? you think a thin layer of green plant matter is somehow using up more nutrients than a whole 2 foot tall goddamn plant?
secretgarden said:
You don't sound like you are very open to suggestions. People here are giving you lots of good advice and instead of thinking about them or trying them out, you are just rejecting them.
no im quite receptive to suggestions and ideas; if someone suggested you look both ways before crossing the street... every single time you wanted to cross a street, what would happen?

you guys are making suggestions i have already heard and disproved. one does not continue doing the same shit over and over that is not working and then expecting a different outcome on the next attempt. this is called being insane, i am not insane so i will dismiss whatever nonsense you all think is going to help me if i have already proven it to be false or an over exaggeration.

as in the case of algae robbing my container plants of nutrients and choking the roots to death in some sort of atomic choke hold of doom.

maybe if i was doing a recirculating hydro outside in clear containers filled with bark and other organic shit with a giant res that was very cylindrical and tall so as algae would grow all along this really long tube and eventually clog it like if you had a straw full of chocolate syrup.
maybe then the algae would be a problem for my roots as it would clog up my lines and ruin my grow by "choking the roots" of getting the water they need.

aside from that algae will not kill shit.


Active member
this thread is now about bunnies


don't make me get the snail facts guy in here
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half cat half man half baked
Those two pots on the left, you claim there is all perlite at the bottom? From this angle it looks like the bottom 4 inches are all water. It definitely doesn't look like bright, white, clean perlite. Can you get another pic of those?

Looks like water to me and way too much of it. Even if it is just water "sitting" in the perlite it is too much, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a straight layer of water.

Wow....with all your growing experience I can understand your attitude towards the advice you have been givin by so many here. Your pics show problems....but you don't want to try and solve things from my point of view.

Have fun your way instead though....how's that workin out so far?

stihgnobevoli, you really haven't deserved to be given help, but someone like Lowman here is giving you great advice anyway. People will generally treat you like how you treat other people. Lowman isn't insulting you, he is offering advice in the language you've demonstrated you can understand or at least speak.

save your omg look at the plants though comments to yourself as i have explained the reason the plant looks like that and you don't have to continue talking shit about it as if im trying to pass it off at the cannabis cup.

He wasn't talking shit.

next point. yes that plant has all perlite in it, i dunno why you think the bottom layers are all water, perlite doesn't float.

Perlite does float. Go ahead and try to disprove that fact for us.

how can it be stunting the roots anyway? what is the exact mechanism of root stunting that is going on? maybe you can detail it for all of us?

What is the exact mechanism of why root stunting isn't going on? Maybe you can detail that for all of us... Do see the irony in what you've said now?

I agree with you that clear containers aren't a recipe for disaster, but they for sure do not help anything. I'm not going to claim I know the exact details of how light can be harmful, but perhaps light itself breeds harmful bacteria and/or the algae does. Allowing light in would also increase the temperature which harmful bacteria like, but maybe not to a significant effect. That being said, I've had no real issues growing in soil-less medium in clear containers myself.

you guys are making suggestions i have already heard and disproved. one does not continue doing the same shit over and over that is not working and then expecting a different outcome on the next attempt.

Yet you continue to ignore the advice (shit) offered to you... Maybe you should just stop responding and hope someone comes along who sees your problem, but will they bother to even type a response after how you've acted? I've asked for more info about how you grow, but you probably wouldn't to a share a simple and stupid mistake. I don't know why because simple and stupid mistakes are easy fixes.


Active member
it looks like water you say? you want me to disprove that ROCKS float in water?

and rather than me disprove how algae do not stunt rot growth, how about you instead prove to me that algae stunts root growth, cuz i can pull up like a million pictures on google right know showing algae and plants growing together in plain water and the plant being not only alive but thriving. if i was at the end of my grow i would gladly cut apart that container and place it on a table for you, it will retain its shape because it's full of roots.

but i neither have the time right now now am i ready to cut my plants up, i gotta go, ill show you some perlite not floating in a glass of water when i come back home.


in the thick of it
I'm pretty sure perlite does float.....perhaps not a bunch of it in a glass of water, but I'm pretty sure a few pieces in said glass of water will float.
Back on topic-in your previous grows....what was different? If all things are the same (which apparently are not) could there be some issue with the medium you are using? I reuse my medium over & over & over and the only times I've had problems is when it had not been cleaned out thoroughly enough. I also had a plant that looked similar to the last shot you posted which was a clone of a clone of a clone & so on. Perhaps the wells run dry.


Active member
the only difference between any of my other grows and this one are that this is hempy, and the rest were soil or dwc.

i know a few pieces of perlite can float on water, i also know that if i fill a glass with perlite and add water... the shit is not going to float by any stretch of the imagination, so i dunno where those guys (too lazy to go looking up names) get the idea that i have an inch of water in the bottom of the container and my perlite floating on top of all of that, with the plant and its roots no less.

lets just all get off the water in the container plz. by design there will always be 2 inches or more of water in hempy. stop trying to single out water being a culprit, it is not, this system is designed to be wet at all times, even you (all) with your containers taped up or whatever to block the light, inside that container still sits an inch or 2 or more of water so if my issue is water you should have it too. clearly that is not it, lets move on.

i already studied all the evidence i could gather and i think its because the roots nearest the top dry out fast, unless anyone else has a better theory im going to assume that is most likely the culprit and figure out how i will keep the top moist without having to babysit my plants 24/7. if not that maybe i need to flush my pots out because an accumulation of salts in the bottom are throwing the pH off as the pots get closer to dry.

if you don't know why that might happen... when you dissolve things in water they are measured in ppm, parts per million, or particles per million, depending on which old ass book you read. as the water dries up the ppm per volume of water goes up till you have an oversaturation of liquid and it becomes toxic.

1 tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of water is fairly bad for you, but 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 tablespoon of water is way worse. get me?


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
stihgno, I was reading here & i'll find it & post it but a member whos name escapes me right now did alot of experimenting of mediums in hempys & he found that a pretty good portion of the time that all perilte hempys ... meaning perilite from top to bottom of any bucket had a perched water table in the perilite mix right where the runoff hole was . that perched water table made it hard for roots to grow into the rez part of the bucket . he even showed a pic of the roots circling around the bucket at the same hieght as the runoff hole & only a few roots in the rez . maybe this is where your problems are coming from .
i will try to find that thread so we can get a better understanding of this type problem . not sure if this is the problem your having but its something to consider .
good luck man i'm sure you'll get it figured out .
love the hempys myself but never used just perilite ... my mix was 70/30 vermic & perilite & now i'm doing coco hempys .

lemme see if i can find that thread ....might even be this one
i appreciate you guys taking time to chalk up my sick plants to inexperience but like i keep telling you stop reading what you see on the internet and taking it for gospel, i am giving you real world data not theories. lol i just realized how ironic my last sentence is.

You have certainly not provided any real world data. You have given us your observations and opinions on what you think is going wrong.

that last picture you have of the plant in soil, it is a clone from the plant on the right in the picture above as well as the ones on the left in the hempy, all the same plant all the same clones. i said it earlier but maybe you didn't see but i had been flowering that plant it was at about 10 weeks when i had to leave town. all my plants dies except these 3 clones, 2 hempy, 1 soil. the hempy were in veg, this one was seeded up and in flower. it was all dried out when i came home and i nursed it back from almost being dried all the way out to what you see now. everything is a product of what i just said. so please. save your omg look at the plants though comments to yourself as i have explained the reason the plant looks like that and you don't have to continue talking shit about it as if im trying to pass it off at the cannabis cup.

I am not sure how you think you can come in here, flash some photos of a dead plant, ask what is wrong and then when people comment on them, say "keep them to yourself". Are you this hypocritical all the time?

You mention "seeded up". Are you doing breeding? If it was 10 weeks in flower, you left for a month and came back and nursed it back? Is this a big Sativa you are growing ? We are talking 16 weeks flower at that point.

next point. yes that plant has all perlite in it, i dunno why you think the bottom layers are all water, perlite doesn't float. how would that even work?

doesn't really show the whole pot but yeah the perlite is all the way down.

It was just a question. It appeared to be water. It was actually just algae. Nice.

algae does not feed on roots, where the fuck are you getting this shit? algae is the most basic plant, it uses sunlight and nutrients to make oxygen. the end, its not a parasite, it doesnt attack anything, the most it could be doing is using some of the nutes im feeding my plants. and considering that the algae in my pots is a thin film on the inside of my bottle and some green tint on the perlite closest to the outer wall of the bottle, i doubt it is choking the roots of anything either. how can it be stunting the roots anyway? what is the exact mechanism of root stunting that is going on? maybe you can detail it for all of us?

deficiencies? really? you think a thin layer of green plant matter is somehow using up more nutrients than a whole 2 foot tall goddamn plant?

I specifically said algae does NOT FEED ON THE ROOTS. Please learn to read before you speak.

That being said, algae on your roots WILL stunt the growth of your roots. It does not directly attack the roots but it will stunt their growth and "strangle" the roots, making them more susceptible to root rot, fungus gnats, etc.

I am going to spell this out for you, but I would think you probably won't even read it. If you do read it, I am sure you will claim it is false based on your "real life data". :laughing:

Algae feeds on water, nutrients (specifically phosphates and nitrates) and sunlight. Anything in my root zone that is taking up water and nutrients from my roots I consider detrimental. The root zone should be white, not green. I don't give a shit if it's taking up 1% of my nutrients, that is still going to throw of the controlled environment we tend to strive for.

no im quite receptive to suggestions and ideas; if someone suggested you look both ways before crossing the street... every single time you wanted to cross a street, what would happen?

you guys are making suggestions i have already heard and disproved. one does not continue doing the same shit over and over that is not working and then expecting a different outcome on the next attempt. this is called being insane, i am not insane so i will dismiss whatever nonsense you all think is going to help me if i have already proven it to be false or an over exaggeration.

What is the point of giving you suggestions if you don't listen? You clearly haven't tried things over and over again because your plants are still hurt. You probably haven't actually tried anything ONCE, you have only made assumptions. I am just basing this on that fact that you are so arrogant in your ways.

as in the case of algae robbing my container plants of nutrients and choking the roots to death in some sort of atomic choke hold of doom.

maybe if i was doing a recirculating hydro outside in clear containers filled with bark and other organic shit with a giant res that was very cylindrical and tall so as algae would grow all along this really long tube and eventually clog it like if you had a straw full of chocolate syrup.
maybe then the algae would be a problem for my roots as it would clog up my lines and ruin my grow by "choking the roots" of getting the water they need.

aside from that algae will not kill shit.

Again, you need to read.

it looks like water you say? you want me to disprove that ROCKS float in water?

This statement alone worries me. Perlite, as well as other porous volcanic materials, definitely do float.

and rather than me disprove how algae do not stunt rot growth, how about you instead prove to me that algae stunts root growth, cuz i can pull up like a million pictures on google right know showing algae and plants growing together in plain water and the plant being not only alive but thriving. if i was at the end of my grow i would gladly cut apart that container and place it on a table for you, it will retain its shape because it's full of roots.

but i neither have the time right now now am i ready to cut my plants up, i gotta go, ill show you some perlite not floating in a glass of water when i come back home.

I don't have to prove anything about algae. Your plants are all the proof I need. :wave:

the only difference between any of my other grows and this one are that this is hempy, and the rest were soil or dwc.

i know a few pieces of perlite can float on water, i also know that if i fill a glass with perlite and add water... the shit is not going to float by any stretch of the imagination, so i dunno where those guys (too lazy to go looking up names) get the idea that i have an inch of water in the bottom of the container and my perlite floating on top of all of that, with the plant and its roots no less.

You really need to do some actual experiments. Take a bunch of DRY perlite. Put it in the bathtub. Fill the bathtub up. The perlite floats. Sure, a few pieces will because submerged, but for the most part, when you have a significant amount of water compared to perlite, it floats.

In fact, take your container, fill it about half way with just perlite, then fill it will water. I bet all the perlite eventually floats out the top (keep adding water).

lets just all get off the water in the container plz. by design there will always be 2 inches or more of water in hempy. stop trying to single out water being a culprit, it is not, this system is designed to be wet at all times, even you (all) with your containers taped up or whatever to block the light, inside that container still sits an inch or 2 or more of water so if my issue is water you should have it too. clearly that is not it, lets move on.

i already studied all the evidence i could gather and i think its because the roots nearest the top dry out fast, unless anyone else has a better theory im going to assume that is most likely the culprit and figure out how i will keep the top moist without having to babysit my plants 24/7. if not that maybe i need to flush my pots out because an accumulation of salts in the bottom are throwing the pH off as the pots get closer to dry.

if you don't know why that might happen... when you dissolve things in water they are measured in ppm, parts per million, or particles per million, depending on which old ass book you read. as the water dries up the ppm per volume of water goes up till you have an oversaturation of liquid and it becomes toxic.

1 tablespoon of salt in 1 cup of water is fairly bad for you, but 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 tablespoon of water is way worse. get me?

Most people understand the ppm stuff, not sure why you are explaining it again.

I find it entertaining that you are now discussing flushing and checking the run off pH ... much like I suggested to do at the end of my original post.

If you are doing hempy correctly, there shouldn't be a HUGE root mass at the top, it should be mostly down in the res. But, if you think that is the culprit, add some vermiculite to your mix. That is why a lot of us "hempy-ers" use a perlite/vermiculite mix - it is very helpful in maintaining moisture levels in the medium.

Honestly, I almost always avoid tiffs on this site, but your lack of knowledge and dangerous arrogance can not go unchecked. Please try to take people's suggestions with an open mind, instead of instantly shooting their ideas down.

We are all here because we love this amazing plant.


Active member
does anyone ever place any airstones in the bottom of their hempy buckets? is this redundant??
The answer to your questions are yes, ...yes there have been noobs who have thought to add airstones and yes it is redundant and un-necessary.

...of course if you'd read the thread from the beginning you'd already know that. ...one of the greatest features of hempy-style growing is it's simplicity.

I'd also suggest you search for the thread '*The K.I.S.S. Method*', a discussion on a simple feeding regimen that works extremely well with coco hempy's.

Peace, SOG


Active member
sorry secretgarden aparently i missed the part where you said it doesn't directly attack the roots, and im too high to back and reread the last 2 pages, sorry i don't think i was talking to you anyway.

im done arguing in this thread, it would seem most of you are insistent on downtalking rather than actually providing advice. ill just handle it on my own and report back my findings based on what i already know from having read this whole thread prior to even starting hempy and what i have learned implementing it. good day sirs.


in the thick of it
Wow. Man, I hope you do get your room in order and everything does well for you. Thanks to all of the folks who contributed in an attempt to make things easier for the overall group. SG grows some beautiful things and should be respected. It really seems like you were being rather short & rude to most folks who were trying to help out.
On to other things..........I've got an oddball question....if I were to veg two plants, both cuts from original, one in a 2g bucket and the other in a 5g bucket, both vegged under same watts and for the same amount of time. As with bloom too. Will the yield be the same? The reason I'm asking this is because I have what appears to be this situation going on. I have 4 girls in 2g and 4 in 5g and the 5g's are way bigger. How could this possibly be?


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
If everything else is the same..lights,nutes.. all that, then my guess would be more root space. Interesting comparison though, even if you weren't planning for it lol.

Graham Purwatt

i would imagine the roots would also grow at the same rate so unless you added enough veg time for them to make use of the extra rootspace i'd say yes,about the same size makes sense to me


On to other things..........I've got an oddball question....if I were to veg two plants, both cuts from original, one in a 2g bucket and the other in a 5g bucket, both vegged under same watts and for the same amount of time. As with bloom too. Will the yield be the same? The reason I'm asking this is because I have what appears to be this situation going on. I have 4 girls in 2g and 4 in 5g and the 5g's are way bigger. How could this possibly be?

Are we talkin about coco here? I have switched from 2G coco buckets recently...cause I grow bigger plants now to keep within my numbers. The 2G hempys just didn't keep up with the 3.5 gallons in the end. Not to mention the 2G dried out faster.

If you keep your plants fairly small, then I think 2G is fine with coco.

Remember what you learned in school. If you could see under ground where a plant grows.....the root structure looks just like the plant above. If you use a 5G and a 2g.....the roots will be longer(taller on top above ground) in order to reach the hempy rez.
Wow. Man, I hope you do get your room in order and everything does well for you. Thanks to all of the folks who contributed in an attempt to make things easier for the overall group. SG grows some beautiful things and should be respected. It really seems like you were being rather short & rude to most folks who were trying to help out.
On to other things..........I've got an oddball question....if I were to veg two plants, both cuts from original, one in a 2g bucket and the other in a 5g bucket, both vegged under same watts and for the same amount of time. As with bloom too. Will the yield be the same? The reason I'm asking this is because I have what appears to be this situation going on. I have 4 girls in 2g and 4 in 5g and the 5g's are way bigger. How could this possibly be?

That is interesting, and what Graham said makes sense ...

My only thought would be that how ever long you vegged them, the 2g "maxed out" (for lack of a better term) the root space and the 5g kept going ... That would make the most sense. More roots = Larger plant.

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