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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread



Cool, I just didnt want to find out it was gonna kill my plants or something haha


Is the light getting to the sides/roots as well? If so, you need to transplant into new medium and get rid of the algae, or it will help strip the nutrients the plant needs. If it's just the top layer, not a problem. You could add some coco or something dark to keep the light off the perlite if it gets too bad.


Its not penetrating that far down, the container is a 41oz plastic trail mix container and i normally keep a black plastic bag around it. Thanks for all the input fellas!


@ week 5, almost no stretching

@ week 5, almost no stretching

I have only changed everything, cmh to hps, gh nutes to holland secret nutes, and finding correct PH finally, so could any or all of these things cause them to only stretch 6'' in 5 weeks of bloom? I usually have about 18-24" stretch, jus so you know what is normal for me. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks in advance.
deviant: seems like lighting with more blues reduces internode spacing, which leads to more compact plants and less stretching... so more blues early in the bloom cycle reduces the amount of stretching... but not as nearly as much as you are describing imo.

plus, you just switched to hps lighting and probably added more reds so this likely isn't the answer.

i'd guess you're running a different strain this time...


I have only changed everything, cmh to hps, gh nutes to holland secret nutes, and finding correct PH finally, so could any or all of these things cause them to only stretch 6'' in 5 weeks of bloom? I usually have about 18-24" stretch, jus so you know what is normal for me. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks in advance.

yea, is it a new strain? Did you let her get bigger this time before flower?


@dubwise- bloom only. Vegged till only 15", usually I go 18", I only have 4'6" of room
@bobman- no, exactly same(clones) strain
@marywann2- no they are clones

I did use some Bushmaster, during week 4, maybe it stunted them? What do ya think?


Ok thanks for all the help, but I found out what happened. I used the Bushmaster too soon, it said it was a stunting product, it stopped all vertical growth. It should state that on the bottle, that this will stop upward growth completely, not jus stunt it. There is very big difference between the two, cuz I would not have used it till week 7, instead of week 4! It says on the bottle to start using as early as the switch to bloom, I jus wish it had more detail on the bottle on just what exactly this will do, so I know better now. I won't make that mistake again, thanks Again to everyone who helped me out on this one.


in the thick of it
glad you got it figured out. I've never used bushmaster before, just out of curiosity, have you tried LST in lieu of bushmaster?



I am newb to hempy's too and i encounter algae too , much much more
than yours and i keep ignore it until she gives me some serious mold
or what ever BAD thinks.(check my log page 6 post 79)

The solution to my problem was remove enough from the top layer maybe 1 inch
spray with water+liquid oxygen , replace the perlite/vermiculite mix
i remove with a fresh clean mix.problem solved.do not let algae thrive for tooo long.

Hello Hempiers of icmag ,

after all that i take from this specific thread i am here to give
some pictures of the harvest and from the first final product from Hempy's.

Thank you all guys wish i can share with you !

Here is the rootball


Rootball again , you can see that i hold this think in the air


The rootball after i remove the perlite/vermiculite mix


And finaly some pics drying buds from 7 hempy's mostly under 400W
...... i will be back withdry weights in about 10-15 days .







Active member
Nice looking harvest, I've got a question regarding seedlings.

Have you guys propagated into hempys from seed? How did you do it?

At the moment I'm wondering what the safest and fastest way to get my seeds in the hempy. I've only experience in germinating in water then putting the seeds in RockWool cubes. I figured a bed of vermiculite for the seed cud be too wet, it might rot.



Thanks everyone for the positive vibes and ypur encouraging words.


i germinate my seeds (100% suchess) in pure perlite and
also i clone in pure perlite , i think that you will see
better results in a 50/50 perlite vermicilte mix and i will
use that mix from now on.





@ dubwise- I've tried lst once, before I used hempies. Also this was the first time I used bushmaster, I'm sure that if I use it correctly, it will work out great. I really do lime the bushmaster, jus be sure to wait till late bloom, or till stretch is almost over.


I cant handle reading the entire thread, but i got a couple of questions.

If a do a hempy bucket, with the hole about 3cm from the bottom, and fill upp with about 5-6cm of perlite, then add 2cm of soil and then 2cm of perlite and continue like that til the top.
Can i then use nutes for soil?


Active member

i germinate my seeds (100% suchess) in pure perlite and
also i clone in pure perlite , i think that you will see
better results in a 50/50 perlite vermicilte mix and i will
use that mix from now on.

Thanks, wondering about watering frequency for a 60/40 per/verm mix for seeds. Any ideas? :):tiphat:
(Drowned some beans in 100%verm eariler)