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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


That's the beauty of Hempys, you can make it as easy or difficult as you want. Somebody coming from a hydro background is usually amazed at the simplicty and somebody from a soil background, is usually amazed at the effectiveness.

My personal formula for a watering/feeding regimen is 8ml of FNB, 5ml of cal-mag and pH'ed to about 5.8-6.0. I started out measuring pH every time I mixed up a solution. Then I figured out that my tap water is pretty consistent. My pH pen just doesn't get used anymore!

After transplanting, I water about a cup or two (1/2 liter or so) every day for 2 or 3 days. Then about a quart/liter each day until the roots hit the res (about a week). After that, the plant takes off and I feed about two quarts/liters every three or four days until harvest/flush. Full strength start to finish!

There is more than one way to skin a cat and this is just one way, but, when I went looking for easy, simple, and uncomplicated, I found it in abundance!

Also, I believe the fourth number refers to the Mg ratio.


I'm also watering about 500mL per day right now because I have just transplanted into hempy.

My question is your measuring. I am using FNB as well and was calculating full strength at 8mL/gallon but only using 500mL-1000mL per watering I was wondering how you measured. Do you do 2.5 per 1000mL or do you measure your nutes a different way?



I was on the way over to the plant help section, but since I am growing in Hempy Bucket I thought I would start here and go there if needed.

My plant looks pretty good. I just transplanted in to the HB 3 days ago. The problem is the lower leaves are really crispy and dry but the top few nodes are soft and dark green. The crispy portion is just a lighter green.

Are these plants lacking nutrients, water, or what? The temp ranges from 70-80 degrees and humidity hovers around 30-35%.

Any help would be nice. In the meantime I'll be reading to see if I can find anything out.


in the thick of it
@sideshow-I don't think your temps or rh is the problem. Are these factors typical? Do you know what the factors are when the lights are out?


I'm also watering about 500mL per day right now because I have just transplanted into hempy.

My question is your measuring. I am using FNB as well and was calculating full strength at 8mL/gallon but only using 500mL-1000mL per watering I was wondering how you measured. Do you do 2.5 per 1000mL or do you measure your nutes a different way?


I use 1 gal. plastic milk jugs. Typically, I run four plants at a time and one jug will feed all four plants...until the roots hit the res. Then it's one jug per two plants at a time. A half gallon (2L) or even a one quart (1L) jug might work better if you're growing one or two plants at a time or if you want to mix them separately. But, at 2.5ml/L I think the ratio comes out to about 9.5ml/gal. Depending on how your particular plants respond, 2.1/L may be a better ratio.

By the way, I'm growing my plants in 12L (about 2.85gal) black plastic office trash cans. To a minor extent, the volume of the bucket will also figure into how much solution you apply, how often, and at what phase of growth.


@sideshow-I don't think your temps or rh is the problem. Are these factors typical? Do you know what the factors are when the lights are out?

I PHd today and I am in the right area after adding nutes to the water. The temps are good. When the lights are off it is at the low end. Never lower than 65. usually closer to 68.


Greetings... Made it most of the way through the 185 page Hempy thread on RollItUp and have started tackling this 101 page thread, LOL.

I transplanted my entire crop to 100% perlite Hempy from soil-less mix about 2 weeks ago.

BTW, my impression is that 100% perlite might grow a bit faster than the original Hempy spec of 3-4 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite. But 100% perlite might need to be watered a bit more often.

I'm working on my first indoor grow in 14 years. I did two indoor grows about 14 years ago and each crop was a disappointing 200 grams or so from a 400 watt HID using MH for veg and 360w HPS conversion for flower over about 20 square feet. I also did an outdoor grow this summer and got a disappointing 240 grams or so from 3 plants, each about 9-10 square feet in area and LST tied down and mostly horizontal.

My single hashplant clone and 15 NL seedlings seem to be doing fine, but my bigger transplants (revegged from outdoors) have been having some trouble. I killed a willow and a Sensi Star around 3-7 days after transplant. The Sensi Star had a bad sulfur/hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg smell in the root area and I presume this is root rot. I also have this bad smell on my hashplant which is still alive so far.

I'm not sure what to do about root rot, so I flushed the hashplant with plain PH'ed to 6 tap water with the chlorine left in and will see.

I'm guessing transplant shock may play a role in these deaths, but they weren't fast deaths immediately after transplant, except perhaps for the willow in 3 days or so.

My containers are transparent, so yes I am seeing algae issues, but my understanding is algae should not be a problem other than mostly visual. I'm thinking that I may have placed too much of the root mass in the resevoir section of the Hempy's. I guess this section should only have a few roots going into it ?

Also, the transplants resulted in some sections of root being surrounded by mostly air and not perlite. I tried pushing the perlite down but that might have caused some root damage also.

Any thoughts about my issues are appreciated... Thanks !


Hello everyone still trying to catch up but you are running , i need your advice , how and when do you feed seedlings in party cup hempys ?
Do you feed just water until the first real set of leafes or do you give them light solution from day 1 ?


in the thick of it
FWIW-I bring seedlings in with quarter strength and increase the strength a little more each week while using the GH 3 part. We've had issue with the plants not taking the full strength in the past, and it may be strain relevant. Some may take the full strength better than another.
Let me also add that the plant will tell you when she wants her food. She'll show you when she's had too much of something or not enough of something else...as gardeners, we have to keep an eye on what the plant is trying to tell us. This learned knowledge is far better to be experienced then to be read about.


Yeah , thanks for the help Hempy says in first page to feed full strenght according to label but i cannot feed those babys full strenght , no way.
I will start feeding slightly and strenght along the way.

Yes i know to read my girls and try to give them what they want.
I love them and i am always try to understand their reaction to every change i make ,these are babys in hempys and i amfraid that i will not have the chance to read them those babys gona die before anyone read them , i am afraid cause i never run hempys again that's it i think in a week or two i will calm.


Yeah , thanks for the help Hempy says in first page to feed full strenght according to label but i cannot feed those babys full strenght , no way.
I will start feeding slightly and strenght along the way.

Yes i know to read my girls and try to give them what they want.
I love them and i am always try to understand their reaction to every change i make ,these are babys in hempys and i amfraid that i will not have the chance to read them those babys gona die before anyone read them , i am afraid cause i never run hempys again that's it i think in a week or two i will calm.

Hey Bonavendura,

On my current strain grow I started the seedlings in straight perlite in 16 ounce party cups. I started 2 strains ak47 and super lemon haze. Both strains liked different strengths, in fact it was also pheno dependent. Do not worry they will not die before you can read them. i started with 1 ml of micro and 2 ml of bloom per gallon. this burned the SHL but not the ak. The burns were not life threatening . I think I feed/watered every 36-48 hrs but it was not a hempy bucket. I would just keep an eye on the color of the plant if if does not look green give it a little food if the tips get burnt give it plain water for the next couple of feedings. Just do everything very gradual the goal right now is just to get a few nodes under their belt.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Yeah , thanks for the help Hempy says in first page to feed full strenght according to label but i cannot feed those babys full strenght , no way.
I will start feeding slightly and strenght along the way.
my take on the feeding is that some people are missunderstanding this ..... it says to feed full strength " for thier stage of growth " not full strength nutes from the begining . if its seedlings & clones give them like 1/4 strength nutes, vegitation needs a little more nutes & step up the nutes as the plants need them . like on the FNB the back of the bottle gives recomondations for each stage of growth & its working good for me ( am having a calmag deficiancy with mine not sure why cuz i'm using tap but i will figure it out ) but other than that my plants are growing great .

clone stage ....my sour diesle

my orange kush

2 weeks veg ... SD on the right OK's on the left

these were taken at 4 weeks .. just bfore the flip


i'm at 2 weeks flowering now @ will get pics tonight for ya , but you can see just following the nute strenghths on the bottle according to the stages of growth they're doing great .


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
here are my girls at 7 weeks from clone .....2 weeks tommorrow in flowering ....
one of my OK

the other one ....

@ my SD

a full canopy shot

shitty pics & camera ... but you get the idea .
a little defoliation , some LSTing & supercropping on the SD in the net & following the nute sched on the bottle in 4to 1 peril/verm hempys & i'm lovin life !!!!!

on a side note ... was getting algie on my first week in the bigger buckets but with 10ml oh H2o2 with my nutes ... haven't had it sence .
thanks for the pics dan.

its always interesting to see how others do their version of the hempy thang.

i appreciate you taking the time to post.


in the thick of it
I've reused vermiculite many times with no problems. The medium is mixed at ~20% to perlite and I dont see a problem with sludge. Do you think the RW will retain too much moisture?


Anyone ever considered using rockwool cubes and perlite? I hate the way vermiculite sludges up, and its not a renewable resource. I'm going to try it unless someone can think of a reason not to. Any experiences?

It's been a while since I've tried rockwool, but had so many problems with it, I doubt I'll ever try again. Can't stand rockwool. If you don't like vermiculite, try straight perlite or perlite/coco mix. I would really recommend staying away from rockwool. If you already have some laying around - give it a try, but I wouldn't spend money on it.
highlight... last grow i used a 50/50 mix of rockwool pellets and clay in the first container.

then at transplant time, i put that container into a larger one filled with 100% perlite. it worked out fine.

when i watered i just poured the solution thru the smaller container containing the rockwool.

the idea was to try and make the initial rootball have access to more moisture, as the perlite dries out faster.

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