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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


ninja-you flush with the micro? I've never heard of that, what does it do for the plants?

yup, generally a weaker head solution, so generally around 2-3ml.

what does it do per se? no idea lol. I just figure a weak solution would make more sense then straight water, so it still supplies the micro nutrients for that day or two they are being flushed.

notice more on younger plants, after a good flush, they tend to "lighten" a bit, using the micro, they stay nice and dark green.
good stuff on flushing folks...thanks!

i've flushed with and without ph'ing the water. heard it shocks the plants inner chemistry if not ph'ed to what level they enjoy, so i always use ph down now when flushing.

have ran of ph down and flushed anyway with no probs at all though.

i have read that an acidic solution or light strength solution flushes the plants out better.

supposedly this is because rapidly changing the pos/neg electrical charges/chemistry affects the ph around the roots and can move the roots out of their comfort zone, causing the plants to release hormones that send stress signals to the plant.

have also noticed a lighter green color after flushing, so i have been experimenting with plugging the drain hole up with a cork and filling the whole bucket up. then i let it sit for 30 mins or so. Then unplug it and drain...


Active member
If you fill a hempy pot past its drain hole and its blocked somehow then the perlite will start to float and a cavity will be created in the bottom.

Also, when you flush with water and notice light green growing tips its because the plant does not have the minimum required PPM's.

Simply tip out some water and test it to check.


holy smokes!!! well...um...gee..im guna ry the light nute and ph it and see. plain ro on one and light nute w/ph on another....ill keep ya'll posted as to the dif! @ dub....i was hpin you would pipe in...nice ta see ya man! thanx to all for your input and the new info!!
xare: foating pertlite issue never caused a problem for me... as soon as it drains, the perlite just resettles.

the reason i tried the 'plugging the hempy hole - fill with ph'ed, unnuted water - wait 30 minutes - drain' idea was so i could speed up the flushing process.

i can then add my normal nute mix back more quickly and minimize the amount of time the plants spent in a nuteless state.

not really sure it matters much... merely an interesting little tidbit of likely useless info...


Active member
Yeah you really have to fill the bucket a lot more than a little above the hole for that to happen to me. I've done it on my smaller buckets but only after filling more than half-way.


I hold El Roacho's
I have to start rethinking my room because after xmas I'm getting a larger tent but because it's to much for me to water more often going with 30 plants I am thinking of growing with an organic soil mix as my hempy style of growing is soon a thing of the past.

As I get older and have more duties around the property with the animals I think I might just grow using a good soil mix like bog's or rez's mixes to me I wouldn't have to water/feed as much.

after the room is double Insulated for sound and my flowering tent is double the size a 30 plant hempy grow will be to much trying to fidget around in the tent but all in all hempy style is an amazing way to grow and I'm shocked their isn't more people growing hempy style.


Hi hempy Heads, Im going to give hempy's a go, just got 24x 2Gal buckets for 44 cents each, bargain! anyway just want to know how much you water a rooted clone after introducing it into the hempy bucket? do you fill to the hole as per usual or do you just give it a small amount each day until you feel the roots have struck the bottom?


Active member
I fill it up like I normally would and then give each plant some water every few days till the roots reach the bottom, usually just over a week.


in the thick of it
@ two dogs-I give a little every day until the roots hit the bottom. That's a heck of a deal on buckets. Good for you!
If you have an agricultural store nearby, you can get bulk amounts of perlite much cheaper then a grow store or a big box store.


cheers "Hempy Bucket Heads" ;). Yeh dubwise, the last thing in Australia thats under $1, lol should have taken a pic, and they were all black! Typical, they were imported from NZ. the next cheapest bucket was $3.80 and no different size or quality. Thought I got time shifted back to 77 or something, definately the cheapest purchase Ive ever had with growing pot. ;)
quick fellow Aussies, head down to bunnings and invest in the 44 cent hempy bucket NOW, before they go back up to their normal retail price of 77 cents. ;)


New member
I've read through this whole thread over the last couple of days. Since mine is a small personal medical grow this makes more sense to me than the flood and drain and stinkbudies systems I have been using. I've had good success with both but the bottom line is dealing with gallons of nutrients, pumps, and timers is a PITA and was only fun the first crop or two.

I am using GH nutrients. They have two charts. One is "Drain To Waste" and one is "Recirculating Program." I assume with hempy buckets one would use the drain to waste chart but I wanted to check before starting today.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
tyler durban
Heres a few pictures of my Kali-Dream and Hashberry, both 40 days into
flowering in 5 gallon Hempy buckets (70/30 perlite/verm.). Been feeding them
with GH 3 part nutes, a cal-mag supplement and sweet leaf.

why the calmag if you don't mind me asking ?


Active member
I am using GH nutrients. They have two charts. One is "Drain To Waste" and one is "Recirculating Program." I assume with hempy buckets one would use the drain to waste chart but I wanted to check before starting today.

I just the recipe on the back of the bottles which ever one that is. Bottom line is that just about anything works but hempy plants for some reason can take a higher strength than other styles in my experience.


anyone ever run hempy's in a stadium style setup? any reason why you couldnt?

I couldn't find anyone doing this myself. I am building a stadium room as we speak, and getting ready to do 20 hempy's in 3 gal buckets under 3k, 2 1000w hps, and 1 1000mh in the middle.

I'll probably do a grow thread on mine, as there seems to be very little representation for any hempy stadiums..

You should do the same..I think hempy's would perform well in that environment..

We'll see..


I couldn't find anyone doing this myself. I am building a stadium room as we speak, and getting ready to do 20 hempy's in 3 gal buckets under 3k, 2 1000w hps, and 1 1000mh in the middle.

I'll probably do a grow thread on mine, as there seems to be very little representation for any hempy stadiums..

You should do the same..I think hempy's would perform well in that environment..

We'll see..

Maybe a stadium grow in the not to far future but I am gonna run hempys for the first time to fill some voids in my MPB room. I do big hydro trees but see some areas that I can run a bunch of 5gal hempys. Not sure if thats two big of a container but the plants are gonna get 5 weeks of veg, two of which is in a vertical room.

Whats your bucket mix like and how often are you feeding? Are you feeding nute all the time like mr.hempy advises of to you do some flushes every couple feeds?


Maybe a stadium grow in the not to far future but I am gonna run hempys for the first time to fill some voids in my MPB room. I do big hydro trees but see some areas that I can run a bunch of 5gal hempys. Not sure if thats two big of a container but the plants are gonna get 5 weeks of veg, two of which is in a vertical room.

Whats your bucket mix like and how often are you feeding? Are you feeding nute all the time like mr.hempy advises of to you do some flushes every couple feeds?

For me height is an issue, so I can't risk going into 5 gallon, but I do 3 gal buckets. I use 4 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite. Redspagetti has a thread in the vert thread in 5 gallon hempy, where he used straight perlite with great success.

I feed lucas formula every watering, unless my plants tell me different. Every once in a while I will give them 'plain' water, with just ph'd cal/mag.
Last group in weeks 5-7 I've gave them 5ml/gal of floranova bloom and 2.5ml/gal of liquid koolbloom with great results.

I feed plain water to clones until they hit the rez, then I water every other, or every third day till finish.

Growing with hempy is so easy it's stupid.

I'm setting up my stadium grow this coming week, and will be starting a journal in the vert. thread for it once the girls get rolling.


in the thick of it
I've kind of got a stadium going on right now..as we're getting new gear online, we are adding smaller containers to the area closest to the vertical light. Right now, we've got six, five gallon containers around the perimeter and probably four, two gallon on the inner circle. I love the new vertical setup.

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