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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


in the thick of it
I would say yes.
As long as the resvoir and the root contact was achieved. Seems to me like if you didn't veg them too long, you would be fine with something like that.


Just want to chime in and say that I've been using this method with my bonsai mothers for a few months now. It's fantastic and perfectly low maintenance. Most of the mothers were started from new cuttings, but one of them I transplanted directly from dirt (just to see if it worked.) I trimmed the roots way back, and just dropped it into the perlite/verm mix, and it basically picked up right where it left off.
I have one mom in a beer cup hempy. 1/4" hole about 1" from the bottom. That plant is about 12" tall now and wants water every 2 days


in the thick of it
How bug is the beer cup? I'd love to use a smart pot as my home for mom, but space is an issue. Not a real big issue, but if I want to keep four or five mothers, it will be.
I have one mom in a beer cup hempy. 1/4" hole about 1" from the bottom. That plant is about 12" tall now and wants water every 2 days

You are going to find that she will get more stressed as time goes on ... mostly because she will constantly need water and won't be getting that wet/dry thing that cannabis loves.

I have a mini mom as well ... time to replace her quite soon, she is growing way too large for her home there.




in the thick of it
:jump: My new gear came in today :woohoo:
GHS trainwreck, GN PPP and some freebies! They'll get started tomorrow.

I do have a question for all you good people....How hard it is it to start the seeds in soil, then transplant to perlite/vermiculite after they're ready? Any thoughts....?
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:jump: My new gear came in today :woohoo:
GHS trainwreck, GN PPP and some freebies! They'll get started tomorrow.

I do have a question for all you good people....How hard it is it to start the seeds in soil, then transplant to perlite/vermiculite after they're ready? Any thoughts....?

whats up dubwise! glad to hear you have some new toys :D sounds like you will be having a good time over there!

So, I've taken seeds / clones in soil and put them in hempy and it shocks the hell out of them. They essentially sit there for a week or two struggling to go on. It is possible, it is just a slow and painstaking process.

IMHO, go with rapid rooters if you can. They make seeds ridiculously easy... and it's the same idea as "soil" but then you can go straight into hempys, no worries at all.

Goodluck bro, let me know how it goes.



New member
:jump: My new gear came in today :woohoo:
GHS trainwreck, GN PPP and some freebies! They'll get started tomorrow.

I do have a question for all you good people....How hard it is it to start the seeds in soil, then transplant to perlite/vermiculite after they're ready? Any thoughts....?

I have started many seeds in 16oz solo cup "mini hempy buckets". Simply drill a pencil sized hole 1" up from the bottom of the cup, fill the cup with 80% perlite, 20% vermiculite, plant the seed 1/4" under the top of the soil-less mix (without pressing down or packing the medium too tightly), then I water until water starts coming out of the bottom. Water daily, slowly and just until you see runoff from the hole. I water around the outside of the cup, watering where the seed is may wash the seed down into the light mix.

I do not presoak in any way, I don't use paper towels or any other pre-germination techniques - just plant the seed in the mix and water around the outside daily. I find that using paper towels or glasses of water to germinate seeds can cause shock, damage the taproot, or get mold or rot issues - all of which can cause shock either stunting growth or killing the seedling. I get a 95-100% success rate with quality seed stock. Never takes longer than 7 days to see sprouts, and most batches I start seeing seedlings emerge in no more than 48-72 hours. No heat pads (unless germinating in a cold room, under 75F), no lights until several seeds have sprouted. No having to buy jiffy pellets, rockwool cubes, root riot cubes, etc. Also there is no need to transplant until you move up to your final container, and one less transplant means less chance for transplant shock slowing growth.

Keep your temps at 80F or so (you may want to use a heatpad to keep temps up if you're germinating in a colder room).

Seems the design of the hempy cup (having the water res below the seed) creates an ideal humid atmosphere for germination, lots of humidity around the seed, but drains well so as to not create seed rot (which can happen if you get a rockwool cube, jiffy pellet, etc too wet).

tito libowitz

New member
got some hempys goin' now under the 1000w

2 pre 98 bubba kush . biggest but struggling a lil
5 blue dream.. kinda whispy but showing potential
4 snowdawgs... looking mighty healthy and ready to take off

bubbas are kinda struggling with something i can't figure out, stunted light green clawing of leaves, leaves feel kinda brittle


in the thick of it
@SG-thanks for the kind words man...I've been dreading this stage for some time now...I've been taking cuttings from mama for a long time and have had great success with the rapid rooters for my cuts, but was very uncertain about starting seeds in that manner.
@reality-I will try this out. Thank you!

I've got about 50 seeds and I think I'm going to try a few sewn directly in my mini hempy buckets and a few in the rapid rooters and see what comes up. Thanks guys...I really do appreciate it.

@tito-what are the conditions of your room? For me, when we had whispy looking things, we had too much heat and not enough humidity. Pictures help out a whole lot.


love machine
ICMag Donor
Hello hempy growers

Just some update of my buckets before the chop
this is what hempy do for me, it could've been a lot better but near the end we had a little issue with the gardener ( hes still learning )





love machine
ICMag Donor
thanks guys, i believe that i can pump out some monster colas with hempy, just give me some more time lol

hempy is staying in my book, one of the easiest, cheapest way to grow weed :D

tito libowitz

New member
yes hempys kick ass

i just got them as clones about 2 weeks ago and they are filling in nicely now... my temps are pretty good, they only get up to 80 at the hottest point of the day in socal

bubba seemed to be suffering a ph issue that they seem to overcome, runoff is back around 6 ph