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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


Sorry, I missed this...to answer in short yes. The thing is, you can't allow your mix to hold too much water. In the propogator with the dome on, humidity will be retained, and if too much is retained and/or you don't clean out the excess water, algae will form. Now, from my understanding (at this may be a bit off) the green algae won't really harm your plants too bad. It's the environment which is created which can allow for the growth of mold and bacteria. I've germed mj, tomato, pepper, ovacado, lettuce and watermelon this way and had nearly 100% germination rate.
On a side note, I've placed cuttings in mini hempy cups and in rapid rooters side by side and had better success with overall plant health in the mini cups. The key is to create the best environment possible and trial and error are the best methods.
Thanks for taking the time to reply bro, very much appreciated, Im looking at a perpetual sog approx 60-90 plants in 500ml pots/bottles hempy style under a 600hps so for starters will need plenty of cuttings with a good success rate, if any more can be added to the above to help me on my way then this would be greatly appreciated.
thanks again +k


Delta9, you said something like you would bet that bottom of my plants are not doing well, it's jus the opposite the bottom is doin great and middle and top are doin almost nothing. What's up? Hempy, do you have any ideas or advice for me? Thanks if you have time for someone as simple as me.


Delta9, you said something like you would bet that bottom of my plants are not doing well, it's jus the opposite the bottom is doin great and middle and top are doin almost nothing. What's up? Hempy, do you have any ideas or advice for me? Thanks if you have time for someone as simple as me.

deviant1 hi mate first off your not simple your as importent in this community as sam skunk man or shanti for that matter and that you need to rember that no one in this community is better or of less value than the next person well some are just a waste of space but lets stay positive.

If you would like to take this to pm feel free glad to help if i can or here its up to you need to know what strains medium nutrients room size how far away lite more detail in short then lets see if we can work out whats rong ok.

hiya akabud i like to use RW or Coco starters for cloneing dont use a dome did one time and threw it i had most fail all i do is keep it simple even in the cloneing basicly take cuts dip into clonex and then place into RW or CoCo starters water with tap water and thats it remove all large leaf i get 100%.

Sorry had other stuff on and to be honest also lack of intrest of late but if any one needs my help im only a pm away and if you cant pm low post count post and il help wen i can or others will im sure to.


someone find something technically wrong with my statements.

deviant1 ask why his ph was higher than his input solution. i gave him my honest opinion of why based on my experience with reading the ph and tds in the bucket after watering.

i've been growing using passive for 7 years, using all kinds of medium and nutrients. i did not say it doesn't work. old beat up trucks work too, but they are not high performance sports cars.

i personally have grown a lot of pot using various passive techniques and still strongly recommend the internal reservoir method for new people or for anyone who likes it.

deviant1 ask a question, i tried to answer it for him. what should i have said? should i have told him it was ok to run at 6.7? or should i have told him to just shut up and use it as instructed? don't ask questions? the why of things is important and should be understood.

hey, solarz, it's cool man! this is a free and open forum and all ideas should be entertained. if you have an alternative answer as to why the ph in the root zone is always significantly higher after watering in an irb i would really like to hear it. i'm always trying to learn.

at least we got hempy to put up some photos!

later on, d9

I understand where you are coming from, and my better answer would be to K.I.S.S. honestly...that's about all i can say. I'm not a technical grower like that...i don't really give a shit about all that tds, ppm, ph, etc. Its just more shit to worry about. But honestly, if he is getting different ph levels...it has more to do with the roots system, rather than what he is putting in the there,. Think DWC...when the roots are drinking, the ppms change from what was originally given to the plant. Hempy buckets are no different,

FWIW, to the dude with the major ph swings...flush the shit out of the bucket, and start over using the correct ph...see how that works.



Thanks hempy for not jus shruggin me off, I would like to pm but am still too new at this to know how to do that, so you will have to show me how. Yes please let's figure this out. Btw, I jus found a source for r/o water really happy now I think this should help my problem out atleast a little anyway.


New batch of hempies!

8 - 50/50 Perlite / Coco
4 - 75/25
4 - Soil hempies

They will all be getting Mandala Hashberry as soon as my seeds arrive. The hempies are so e-z. :joint::joint:


deviant1 hi mate first off your not simple your as importent in this community as sam skunk man or shanti for that matter and that you need to rember that no one in this community is better or of less value than the next person well some are just a waste of space but lets stay positive.

If you would like to take this to pm feel free glad to help if i can or here its up to you need to know what strains medium nutrients room size how far away lite more detail in short then lets see if we can work out whats rong ok.

hiya akabud i like to use RW or Coco starters for cloneing dont use a dome did one time and threw it i had most fail all i do is keep it simple even in the cloneing basicly take cuts dip into clonex and then place into RW or CoCo starters water with tap water and thats it remove all large leaf i get 100%.

Sorry had other stuff on and to be honest also lack of intrest of late but if any one needs my help im only a pm away and if you cant pm low post count post and il help wen i can or others will im sure to.

thanks for the info buddy, muchly appreciated


in the thick of it
Why does one have to use hydro nutrients? Can one use vermiculite only if perlite can?

vermicultie & perlite don't hold nutrients nor do they have nutrients within them as soil would. You use hydroponic nutrients to feed and water with. Some people use a "hempy" style of growing with a bucket & soilless mix and a drain hole. Hope this helps.


in the thick of it
Fan question

Fan question

I've got three different fans in my rooms (2-veg,1-flr) I recently added a large oscillating fan to my flowering room and I think that the plants are looking stronger. I would like to know if any of you run oscillating fans in your hempy bucket setup and at how high of a speed.
I've read that you should start the fans at a slow rate of speed then gradually work up the rate.


New member
Hi America,
Yes you do flush the hempy buckets prior to harvest, sounds like you're headed in the right direction.


I've got three different fans in my rooms (2-veg,1-flr) I recently added a large oscillating fan to my flowering room and I think that the plants are looking stronger. I would like to know if any of you run oscillating fans in your hempy bucket setup and at how high of a speed.
I've read that you should start the fans at a slow rate of speed then gradually work up the rate.

Dubwise, I have two reg. Fans on high and then I also have a tower oscillating fan in the corner facing all my hempies. I usually will have very strong stem and branches in about three weeks this way. Then I will leave them running all day and all night till end of grow.I hope this helps you out some


in the thick of it
Yeah it does, thanks. I'm happy with the oscillating fan (found it for $15) and it's a 20" fan...I wanted a tower for space efficiency but could not pass the price up.

America- yes you still need to flush...unless you're running organics. I believe their may be a fine line between when to begin flush and beginning the flush too soon.
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I'm a long time soil grower. I love the results, and I think that soil produces excellent plants... but I'm just looking to simplify at this point. The thing I hate about soil is that when you run into a problem, it can take a long time to fix it and see results. In the mean time, your plant is stressed out and dying, and doesn't grow an inch. For years I had a method that I used that worked every time. Then I introduced some new genetics, and they hated my method. So I need something that has the advantages of hydro (quick response to adjustments), but simple enough that I don't have to worry about equipment failures. I'm fairly lucky at the moment in terms of supplies. I used to grow mushrooms, and I've got a TON of leftover vermiculite, perlite and coco coir.

My question for you guys though is do any of you reuse any of your growing medium? How do you clean and prepare it after you're done growing in it? Ever have problems with salt buildups? I expect that the roots are going to grab on to a good portion of the medium and just not let go... but you should still be able to recover at least half of it.

And for those of you using coir, what ratios are you using? I've seen plenty of people in this thread mention that they use it, but not really too many mentions of HOW.



I'm a long time soil grower. I love the results, and I think that soil produces excellent plants... but I'm just looking to simplify at this point. The thing I hate about soil is that when you run into a problem, it can take a long time to fix it and see results. In the mean time, your plant is stressed out and dying, and doesn't grow an inch. For years I had a method that I used that worked every time. Then I introduced some new genetics, and they hated my method. So I need something that has the advantages of hydro (quick response to adjustments), but simple enough that I don't have to worry about equipment failures. I'm fairly lucky at the moment in terms of supplies. I used to grow mushrooms, and I've got a TON of leftover vermiculite, perlite and coco coir.

My question for you guys though is do any of you reuse any of your growing medium? How do you clean and prepare it after you're done growing in it? Ever have problems with salt buildups? I expect that the roots are going to grab on to a good portion of the medium and just not let go... but you should still be able to recover at least half of it.

And for those of you using coir, what ratios are you using? I've seen plenty of people in this thread mention that they use it, but not really too many mentions of HOW.


I use 50/50 and 75/25 perlite/coco, both with great success. The less you want to water, the more coco you should have in it.

As far as cleaning the medium just shake as much away form the roots as possible and just flush all you can salvage with clean water for 15-20 mins over a screen or something like that then its usable again.

I just buy new perlite and coco, but thats just me. If I was going to salvage the medium I'd go 100% perlite and water everyday.


I'll probably just end up buying new medium every time. It just seems like such a waste to me though... because at least when I was growing in dirt I could toss the used soil in my garden outside.


in the thick of it
flatcurve- I reuse my perlite/vermiculite mix every time so far and have had really good results. The flushing washes out the salt buildup. I will shake off the rootball and dump the mix back in to a larger bin I have of mix. Stir it up and let it all dry before using it again. I hate wasting things and I've had to buy perlite/vermiculite two times since I started with this method over a year ago. The 2nd time I purchased was only to add more plants to the run. If you wanted to buy new stuff each time, you can add your old mix to your outdoor garden just as you would your old soil as it will add to the aeration of your soil.