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3rd-Eye Jedi

Media Ignore Study Finding Ocean Warming 15 Times Faster Than In Past 10,000 Years
TV Media Neglect To Cover Evidence Explaining The "Pause" They Amplified

A new study found that over the last 60 years the intermediate depths of the Pacific Ocean have warmed 15 times faster than in the past 10,000 years, providing more evidence that the "slowdown" in atmospheric temperature warming over the last 15 years may simply be due to the oceans storing more heat. However, this study was neglected by the same TV outlets who hyped the "slowdown" or "pause," sometimes without including this crucial context.

The study, published in Science on November 1, shows the enormous potential for oceans to act a "storehouse for heat and energy," providing support for the notion that a recent speed bump in atmospheric temperature rise in the past 15 years can be explained by excess heat from global warming being absorbed by the oceans. Study coauthor and Columbia University climate scientist Braddock Linsley explained, "We're experimenting by putting all this heat in the ocean without quite knowing how it's going to come back out and affect climate."


Pacific Ocean Heat Content During the Past 10,000 Years

Rate of ocean warming - Brad Linsley via Washington Post


Study: Pacific ocean now warming 15 times faster than in past 10,000 years

The recent findings were not covered by top U.S. TV outlets,* even though many of those same outlets recently focused on the "slowdown." A Media Matters study found that forty-one percent of media coverage of the the United Nations' International Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) major report mentioned the "slowdown." A CBS segment on the report, for example, focused on the speed bump, calling it an "inconvenient truth" that "the global atmosphere hasn't been warming lately," and turning to a "skepti[c]" without a climate science background to cast doubt on climate change.

Focus on the warming "pause" has received criticism as it's misleading to use a short-term time period to draw conclusions. The IPCC explained, "natural variability and short term factors" causes uncertainty, and the short time period is "very sensitive to the beginning and end dates and do not in general reflect long-term climate trends." For example, many use the start date of 1998, but this year had an abnormally strong El Nino, temporarily amplifying atmospheric temperatures. As Drew Shindell, a climate scientist at NASA told Mother Jones, "If you shift just 2 years earlier, so use 1996-2010 instead of 1998-2012, the trend is 0.14 C per decade, so slightly greater than the long-term trend."

This chart from Skeptical Science illustrates the phenomenon:


Does the global warming 'pause' mean what you think it means?

Skeptical Science

The recent ocean heat study reportedly "suggests that the recent pause in global warming may just reflect random variations in heat going between atmosphere and ocean, with little long-term importance." Or as physics professor Richard Muller put it, "The current pause is consistent with numerous prior pauses. When walking up stairs in a tall building, it is a mistake to interpret a landing as the end of the climb."

*based on a TV Eyes search for "Pacific Ocean" from October 31, 2013 - November 4, 2013 for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC.


Active member
Ditto for CO2. Oceans are CO2 sink, absorbing massive amounts, and we don't know when or how much will be released. It could be a sudden & catastrophic event when it happens, and it WILL happen.
People who deny that the masses of humans and cattle on the planet are affecting our climate/environment are short sighted idiots, or work for corporations who are profiting from the destruction. The extra CO2 in the oceans also effects marine life, causing algae blooms and the destruction of the coral reefs. But the deniers are in denial.....

Slip Kid

There are a few things about the initial story posted by the OP that seem peculiar. I respect the guy who made the trip in the sailboat, that takes some balls. Although most Australians I've met on the trail had a bigger set than myself. Anyway if the factory boat was catching so many fish, he must have been using the wrong bait. There were obviously fish in the vicinity, maybe they don't like sardines anymore, I don't know as I've never made the trip.The Atlantic is teeming with fish in comparison to what this guy says about the Pacific. There is much less garbage floating around than in the 80's although nothing is perfect and I'm sure the bottom is lined with NYC's trash. I simply smell a deep bias. I know the ocean is rising, I walk by it everyday.

It seems the ladies from Iowa supporting the Audubon have no idea what crazy unscientific projects they are supporting and simply because a guy who went to school for too long is sticking stakes in the ground doesn't mean he's doing much. I once met a group of scientists who were attempting to estimate the worm population of the avg acre on a tidal flat. With great excitement the leader told me that a special event was occurring as we spoke. The lowest tide of the year was in slack and the worms would be underwater for months. Even by the chart, let alone the eye was the tide not even near the lowest of the year. An old lady from Iowa would have believed him in a minute.
Beware of the many fools in science and conservation. The ocean is rising. I can see that. However, the stretching of the truth on both sides is corrupt. I'm not sure men can stop what's happening in the world.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
There is much less garbage floating around than in the 80's although nothing is perfect and I'm sure the bottom is lined with NYC's trash. I simply smell a deep bias.

The trawler was working a reef. The author was out in deeper water.

The amount of plastics accumulating in the ocean is a serious environmental issue. Although there have long been reports of a junk filled "dead zone" in the middle of the Pacific, recognize that what this guy experienced in the second leg of his journey was debris from the 2011 Japanese tsunami, a one time event of unimaginable magnitude.

This debris field is on it's way to North America ...


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