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The OBBT Grow Show!


Grow like nobody is watching
The mycorrhizal fungi Rhizopogon luteolus Fr. and Nordh, Boletus elegans Schum. ex. Fr. and Suillus tuteus L. ex Fr., were investigated for cytokinin production in vitro. Culture filtrates in which the fungi had been growing for at least 2 weeks showed cytokinin activity when purified and bioassayed using soybean callus tissues. The cytokinin activity in the culture filtrate increased with longer periods of incubation.

Granted, I don't understand much of the conversation at this stage :) But is this useful? Could you simply introduce certain myco to provide a natural source of cytos?
oohhhh the pressure.

Haha, no pressure buddy! Applying pressure doesn't always work out!

I just think you've got a good, long introduction and a strong handle on the processes at work. Instead of diving straight in you've digested the concept and gone blazing off in your own quest for knowledge to further it's potential. No pressure whatsoever mate, just looking forward to the days ahead :joint:

IAA and Ethylene can encourage females in early plants. Once sexed as females, shut off this IAA source as much as possible to promote bud growth.

Abscisic acid naturally inhibits IAA during budding.

Excellent info, right on target. Actually though the way im gonna use ethylene is on seeds, not young plants.

Yes, I know, I know, I ranted not long ago in this very forum about treating seeds with substances before/during sprouting.

But I'm looking specifically at the Banana Method. Seems natural enough, although in principal I'm thinking this could be similar in its effects to my currently-dissatisfying sexual suppression. Gotta look into it more. I'm hoping its more along the lines of the findings with estrogen treatments where its a chromosome thing early on and the plant is capable of passing this material down.

Perhaps using the whole coconut in the mix. It sounds like the meat is chock full of hormones. The milk from it anyway. Maybe I'll buy some shredded and make a tea. See if I can kill something.

Dude! If you somehow had something mean enough to shred a whole coconutthat could be like the ultimate additive! If you could mix it with the soil and amendments and stuff immediately after shredding you could get a crazy-sick carbohydrate-loaded beneficial microbe incubation!!

Haha, let the flow of ideas continue, I think there are a ton of things worthwile that have yet to be tried! :joint:


Active member
Granted, I don't understand much of the conversation at this stage :) But is this useful? Could you simply introduce certain myco to provide a natural source of cytos?
I just read in between the big words, but that's what I get out of it I'm on a search for a natural source. I don't know much about microbes so I throw it out there hoping somebody else knows. Other sources are cover crops of hairy vetch, perhaps impractical, as well as coconut milk and malt extract.
I find the last two links on my ck thread as being easy to understand.


Active member
All of the organic kelp products are high in cytokinin. Organic. I'm keeping on with the kelp extract per the original LadyL plan.

Frankly I'm keepin on with the Bonide for this round, too. LadyL has great history with this material and aside from the Kenetin being artificial, it does the job.

I say this 'cause I'm scheduled to mix my compost Saturday. Starting seeds Monday. All I have time to change is a possible Ethylene gassing of seeds prior to incubation.

In case anyone thinks that's heresy to gas the seeds, Ethylene is a naturally occurring gas in fruiting plants. Warehouses of green apples are turned ripe overnight when the place is flooded with ethylene. And Bananas have plenty when ripening. I assume you put seeds in a ziplock or paper bag with a banana?

http://www.pnas.org/content/69/3/717.full.pdf Interesting. Many studies of cucumbers and ethylene.

Kanye WeED

Active member
ok try and bare with me on this one cause like i said i aint really no steve erkel, and that was rude of me to call u guys erkel, i prefer to think of u guys and gurls like Stephon Er'kel after the transformation chamber ( yea i know im a nick at night freak)

any way im gonna try to quote some of the stuff u left in my "shrine" lady l i have ?s about so here goes first off..."This guy is no scientist, no Steve Urkle for sure. Come on, he started off that post with "Hey y'all" I rest my case."

lmfao, ha ha


im kinda getting more of what u r saying now, at first i was like water and dirt, what the fuck is she talking about, then u said something about adding the lava rock first!!

that is kinda starting to make since, cause the lava rock will float right? Then u have to add enough of it to kinda stabilioze the dirt and coir from falling through the cracks? Am i on the right track, i mean im on training wheels here guys come on

secondly i have 5 gallon bubble buckets with built in indicators, and water release valves that were made for my first hydro attempt that was a sucess, ill leave a pic at the end of this post if i still have some

3rd when u harvest from a obbt grow method u have to throw away all the medium in use right it cant be reused correct?

and how do u change the water?

do u have to drain it out of the bottom like how i did in the hydro grow?

or does the water on the bottom only need to be feilled as it evaporates and u water from the top, and the water that u nute with is the only water that is ur plants main source of food and nutes?

is that correct

if u are organic wont some of the water that u water the plants with get into the water that ur soil is living on top of and interfer with it some how or am i thinking to far into it??

hope these aint stupid questions and they are actually anserable.

lol thanks guys and gals!!!
if u are organic wont some of the water that u water the plants with get into the water that ur soil is living on top of and interfer with it some how or am i thinking to far into it??

Hey buddy, good questions! The only one I don't really get is the one I quoted there. The water down in the rest is supposed to be the same as the water that gets on the soil. You hand-water the pots/tubs and it collects in the res down below, and starts to come out of the overflow when you've added enough.

The bubbler down at the bottom pushes air up into the medium which also carries water from the res at the bottom to the medium on top. As long as the air stone stays submerged the medium above will stay uniformly moist.

I think I might see where you are confused though. The res is not just water by itself. The lava rocks do not float on the water and prop up the soil. The rock completely fills the lower res. Because the rock is so low density water just fills in all the cracks and you can fit a lot down there even though its full of rock! The roots later on penetrate down into this rock layer, gabbing onto the porous surface of the rock.

And actually, post-harvest, you can re-use the medium in an OBBT! Cut the plants off at the base and immediately the microbes go to work breaking down the now dead/dying root ball. Within a week you can run your hand through the medium and there are no roots to be found! All the old left-over starches and nutrients get gobbled up and are ready to be passed on to the next batch of plants!!

Your old hydro containers sound like they might work really well, post us some pictures and we'll tell you!

All water, nute teas and just normal water, get added in the top with a normal watering can or whatever. Shit, I just use a bucket. We are not trying to seperate the rock layer from the soil layer in terms of what liquid gets in where. The rock just props up the soil and makes sure its never submerged. Its OK if the soil gets moist with the liquid from below, but if it is actualy wet, as in, underwater, you have a problem. Thats why, if you look on the diagram I drew you, you'll see that the top of the rock layer is a little bit higher than the bottom of the overflow drain. The water can naver quite get high enough to submerge the soil.

You can use a dump valve in the bottom of your tub, I do. This lets you flush/starve/feed during flower to get a bigger harvest. Simpler rigs don't need this valve but if you want bigger, more hydro-style buds (without the hydro hassle) then you should use a dump valve. Starve cycles last longer but are less frequent with OBBTs, usually just 3 will get you to the end.

Other than flush/starve you never need to 'change' the water. The plants just drink it up and you add more when it starts to get low.

I think that covers your questions. You seem to mostly have the main idea now. Just remember the bath is totally filled with rock/hydroton/whatever. Water in the res is supposed to slowly which upwards into the medium as the plants use it up. This is driven by the bubbler. I guess it is a rather complicated little dance, but honestly it is very simple to set-up and run. :joint:
Real quick here: the talk of coco and banana. Take a look at the Coco Cat and Banana Mana (?) products, I wonder if they might be extractions as your referring too.

Folks claim that the Coco Cat improves smell, etc. but I have not played with it in a long time. My friend uses it, and otherwise we use the same nutes and there is not much difference. However- it might be handy for your purposes, and furthering your investigations at the very least.
Owww yeah- another coconut trick. Have you ever heard of making raw coconut yogurt? Take young coconut meat and puree it, and add some coco water. Add a Rejuvalac (lacto bacilis acidophulos) or some other probiotic formula. Let sit a day or two. Boom coconut yogurt.

Now then- what of the same for plants by adding the lacto bacilis culture the plants like, then diluting it in more as an additive? Or brewing it in compost tea?


Active member
Coco Cat. Thank you.Not that I'm buying, but it is the first evidence I've seen of actual use of coconut other than a medium. Lots of science supporting it yet no mention of practical use. Nobody growing home tomatoes with it. Now I have a new angle to explore. Cultured coco. I wonder how it would work with the rice wash?

Etheline, I'll have to explore. Bananas have been a constant in my garden for years. Placed in a bowl of fruit the fruit will ripen. Tells me they are powerful in a natural state. Perhaps they effect the seed by bringing it to a fully ripe state. Perhaps too ripe? Old seed produce poor plants. I add them to tea where they break down quickly.
Malt extract is another to look at.
If nothing else coco, bananas, and malt... Might take care of the munchies. You just can't go wrong.


Active member
I just pulled an early bloomer. I've been picking on it a couple of weeks and found a seed. Looked at it today and sure enough it was turning. A suppressed male perhaps?
I've been a voodoo gardener forever. Not a lot of weed, but when I have, I always seemed to get a large female ratio. Friends have expressed the same magic. Didn't know what was triggering it. Thought it might have to do with potassium. Now I'm thinking it was the potassium working with the natural ck's. These may be missing from the OBBT and other hydro systems calling for the use of tomato spray, making it look effective.


Active member
Well, I'm scheduled to start my buckets this weekend and start seeds on Monday. Plant next weekend. But now I'm looking at the Ethylene treatment (Banana Method) and that takes two weeks. Not sure if I should delay the process while I "do da 'nana" or not.

Any opinions?

UPDATE: I started 2 seeds of two strains in a bag with a ripening tomato. Maybe 4-5 days will do something.

Kanye WeED

Active member
Hey buddy, good questions! The only one I don't really get is the one I quoted there. The water down in the rest is supposed to be the same as the water that gets on the soil. You hand-water the pots/tubs and it collects in the res down below, and starts to come out of the overflow when you've added enough.

The bubbler down at the bottom pushes air up into the medium which also carries water from the res at the bottom to the medium on top. As long as the air stone stays submerged the medium above will stay uniformly moist.

I think I might see where you are confused though. The res is not just water by itself. The lava rocks do not float on the water and prop up the soil. The rock completely fills the lower res. Because the rock is so low density water just fills in all the cracks and you can fit a lot down there even though its full of rock! The roots later on penetrate down into this rock layer, gabbing onto the porous surface of the rock.

And actually, post-harvest, you can re-use the medium in an OBBT! Cut the plants off at the base and immediately the microbes go to work breaking down the now dead/dying root ball. Within a week you can run your hand through the medium and there are no roots to be found! All the old left-over starches and nutrients get gobbled up and are ready to be passed on to the next batch of plants!!

Your old hydro containers sound like they might work really well, post us some pictures and we'll tell you!

All water, nute teas and just normal water, get added in the top with a normal watering can or whatever. Shit, I just use a bucket. We are not trying to seperate the rock layer from the soil layer in terms of what liquid gets in where. The rock just props up the soil and makes sure its never submerged. Its OK if the soil gets moist with the liquid from below, but if it is actualy wet, as in, underwater, you have a problem. Thats why, if you look on the diagram I drew you, you'll see that the top of the rock layer is a little bit higher than the bottom of the overflow drain. The water can naver quite get high enough to submerge the soil.

You can use a dump valve in the bottom of your tub, I do. This lets you flush/starve/feed during flower to get a bigger harvest. Simpler rigs don't need this valve but if you want bigger, more hydro-style buds (without the hydro hassle) then you should use a dump valve. Starve cycles last longer but are less frequent with OBBTs, usually just 3 will get you to the end.

Other than flush/starve you never need to 'change' the water. The plants just drink it up and you add more when it starts to get low.

I think that covers your questions. You seem to mostly have the main idea now. Just remember the bath is totally filled with rock/hydroton/whatever. Water in the res is supposed to slowly which upwards into the medium as the plants use it up. This is driven by the bubbler. I guess it is a rather complicated little dance, but honestly it is very simple to set-up and run. :joint:

ok its really coming together now, and i think it is gonna be possible for me to do, and im actually excited now

i understand how it works.

so basically what im thinking is im gonna go gahter up all the materials that i already have(i just so happen to have lava rock needs rinsed tho) and let u guys know and see where to go from there.

than after that im going to set up my bucket and im thinking im gonna have to take a clone from the clone machine and dig a whole in my medium like i would for a flower pot plant, and just put the clone in correct< ohh my god this sounds soooo fucking cool.

im thinking im already gonna have just reg tap water that i have let sit out for a few days with no lid on to build up microbes like u stated use that to fill up the space between the rocks but only to a ceertain point never enough to touch the soil, ohh and of course my bubbler will be running and under the rocks, hmmmmmmm bubbler, i hope that fucker dont ever stop working id never know, and thatd be bad for the microbes correct, like if the pump became not strong enough or weaker and weaker during thegrow how would i know casue it happens in a bubble bucket ya know!!!

thats gotta be a good question

i think thats it and all the questions i got, i wont really be able to see what all i got to this weekend, but ill get at u guys and gals as soon as i do

here is a pic of the bucket i made

i have 2 of them

i think the rest of my grow is gonna be in coco coir unless i just like the obbt so much that i wanna build like 8 more buckets

so far the 2 plants that i put in the unrinsed coco coir are ok, i put some 10-45-10 nutes on them andd put them on 12/12 and they seem ok they maybe even growing a lil, cant really tell

what u guys think about that!!

thanks to all


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Kanye WeED

Active member

I would advise you to read up on LadyL threads- she very well lays it out with great pics. Surfer has some great pics too, and there are a couple other people who post up in her thread with their variations. None of these are really large, and you can easily run just one tub and do well if your in a tight space.

You will not need to plumb anything other then the tub, and you add water by hand. The start of DrunkenMessiah's very very long thread has the basics of how this thing works, and all the principles you need to understand.

Read up, get a strong solid feel for how this thing really works (cause while we all love to help, you gots to get it all straight in your head for yourself before you can do it)- then come with the ?'s. You should pretty much be able to follow other's build diagrams and have a working model.


Damn my dear, now that I have read it all over my heart goes out to you. I admire your unflinching ability to push that edge for all she's got; and being willing to go all in. You gots balls baby!

It would have been great if you could have tested just one plant for safety sake; though I understand it really was not an option as your trying to suppress males. Sometimes the dice come up snake eyes, and sometimes they don't. Your risk has helped us all learn a bit more, and I hope your two remaining babes rip rock it out of the house.

Thanks for sharing the info. I have never tried to tamper with nature in quite this way, so its all education on this end. I am curious to see what it looks like when its all dialed.

hey thanks man and yea she definetly has a nac for detail man, im on my way and it would seem that u r coming along with me!!!

thanks man!!


Today I chopped the front half off each plant. They were showing trichomes about 15% clear, 70% cloudy, and 15% amber.

Spent a good part of the day trimming.

My box barely contains the 1kw, so the bud sites that are front row center get blasted with max. lumen.

The pics below show before and after 1st stage harvest.

Dabney Blueberry

These are some of the Bombers that came off that plant.

Here's a side by side of sister Super Silver Haze's.
Left one's trimmed, right one's original

This is what came off the plant on the above left.

Couple a stalks o' White Russian

This has been an awesome day, to cut some of these buds and feel the mass is quite gratifying. I improved my growing in many ways from the 1st run, but without a doubt OBBT were the biggest factor.

For the people who are starting up new OBBT's, I'll post up my take on OBBT design,

as soon as I get the next 4 plants stage 1 harvest cleaned up.

OBBT ROCKS....OBBT is the SHIT!!!!



New member
After watching some grow diaries with these OBBT's, i decided i would give them a stab. I

have replicated the design largely has shown, pretty much down to every nick and crack,

thx a shit ton! i will be using 5 tubs under two 150w hps for veg, and during flower I'll be

adding a 400w hps.

ill post my diary soon.


Active member
You know, if
one person, just one person does it they may think he's really sick and
they won't take him. And if two people, two people do it, in harmony,
they may think they're both faggots and they won't take either of them.
And three people do it, three, can you imagine, three people walking in
singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and walking out. They may think it's an
organization. And can you, can you imagine fifty people a day,I said
fifty people a day walking in singin a bar of Alice's Restaurant and
walking out. And friends they may thinks it's a movement.
An OBBT movement?


New member
Here is the grow diary ive started. as you can see the tubs resemble ladys

pretty closely, although in my water table in the tubs i used fox farm Big

chunky perlite, with around 10% being lava rocks. and i have been letting

my microbes go to town in the tubs for a little under a month, before i was

able to break ground, i dont not know if this will have any negative or

positive effects but the thin white film on top (mix of the fungi's and

microbes) still seems apparent and to be thriving. ill be showing pics every

two weeks if ya"ll want to keep an eye on it. this is my first "real" grow

other than something lacking quality ventilation, supreme nuts and a

powerful light source, all that junk.


Pulling wattage from the brush.

-The Government is lying to you.


Active member
Sweet! The Bucket brigade grows!

Looking for opinions:

Regarding the 1" cap of Perlite, anyone think this could be replaced with a circle of landscape fabric? It would be neat and tidy. More room for medium.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
High folks! :wave:

Some awesome ideas being kicked around in this thread :D

Shredding a whole coconut and using as medium additive! Sweet, that would be so cool. I used to buy drinking coconuts and let em rot down in my compost heap. They are much easier to rip apart and possibly shred?

Sorry to see your grow issues LadyL. Hope you can work out what has gone wrong and educate us further!

Heres my Dream Goddess just before i chopped er down. Let the box dry right up and watched the leaves turn yellow and shrivel. Bit worried about budrot so i have chopped. Got a nice yield of solid nugs. Nothing amazing gram per watts but a good start...

I have just built an almost exact replica of my first biobox and got my hands on some myco fungi sachets... Grow on!!!