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The Mos Cutty Project: Space Queen: A Quest for Truth and Preservation


Mos Cutty

Greetings All,
Thought I’d fire up a journal to document this story of 5 beans that I acquired from a friend who owned a local collective that was recently been forced to shutdown. For the purpose of this story we will call him “Fred.” I have known Fred for a few years and have always enjoyed our chats on genetics and found him to be a knowledgeable source. When Fred opened his Dispensary, we continued to meet and talk shop and sample meds, mostly my stuff not the stuff in his shop. One meeting Fred informed me of a skittish old timer who came in with a bean collection Fred called amazing, tons of original Dutch, Canadian, Heavens Stairway, Landrace, etc. He told me the old timer had traveled extensively to Holland, Canada, and Asia to collect genetics and has been passionately hording, selecting and breeding for over 20 years.
So of course I asked to see the collection. A few months went by, the next meeting he pulls out this collection of at least 100 original packs and F2’s and crosses made by the donor with detailed notes on the selection process. This is one of those times you want to freak out and say you’ll buy it all! But I contained myself knowing this guy likes $$$ and would want a hefty fee. I asked him about price and he said $20-$40 per bean. At that point I asked about germination test, how the beans were stored, photos, med samples, to figure out if this stuff was legit. He told me he would get back to me and would hold the beans until he was sure. Another month goes by and we meet, he informs me germ test are working out but no pictures. So I decided to cut a deal on a few original packs. Fred wanted F2’s to sell at his shop and I wanted source material for future breeding. The deal was made that he’d sell me 5 of the 10 Space Queen beans along with 5 Black Domina. I asked for the 5 with the packaging but of course Fred being a businessman kept them to ensure I’d be back. I would test them out and we’d cut a deal for the rest of the original collection and some of the F2’s of other strains done by the source. Being that Fred loved genetics I was not worried about him selling the collection. He wanted to make money but he also wanted them preserved.
The most noticeable trait of the beans is they are white with beige strips, most would not believe they would crack. This was my first clue that these in fact might be legit. I had heard the legend of Space Queen beans looking premature.
I dropped all 5 beans and tried to relax, work forced me out of town so my wife was left watching them in the bath. Two days later I returned home to 4 of 5 tails showing. I tried every trick in the book on the 5th seed but it did not go.

Of the 4 remaining seeds, 1 was very strong with lots of vigor, 2 were struggling and one was pretty weak. I wanted to notify Fred they were struggling but up, In that next moment I get a call from a mutual friend telling me Fred’s shop had been shutdown and his phone lines were disconnected.

I freaked and think to myself,” Why the fuck didn’t you buy all you could from that collection?” At the time it was the 20-40 dollar a bean price tag!
Currently I still have not heard from Fred and don’t know what happened to the bean collection when he was shut down. My hopes are that Fred will return safely with the rest of the collection intact. For now I will focus on my end of the deal and create more beans if I find a pair.

Mos Cutty

After weeks of love and care I now have 4 healthy plants that are beginning to show sex. They all smell amazing and carry a pungent almost rancid Lemon, Berry, tart Pine odor. I have also noticed the stems are sticky and resinous in the veg stage.
My plan is simple, hope for at least one Male and a few ladies; clones will be taken of all pheno’s this week when the plants are up potted. Upon sexing and cloning I’ll flip these girls at a respectable height and do a small seed run with all plants.
Being that I have experienced many plants with Space Queen in the mix, expressed traits in flowering will be the true determiner of legitimacy. Upon finishing, I will consult with senior farmers in my community on a smoke report to access the finished product.

Space Queen #1


Space Queen #2



Mos Cutty

Space Queen #3



Space Queen #4 (Possible Male:jump:)



Thanks for looking.


Smile Vs Cry
SPACE QUEEN ??? every one need a space queen into the jar ,,,Soon as i can i want grow this strain bro, your baby look ready for ya grow up healthy and green ..if you dont mind i grab a chair for this such an a excellent thread!!
kudos to you grower!!!


Genetics' hunter
This surely will be an interesting grow, i'm tagged buddy... i'm just growing right now a Space Queen selection, and i expect great things out of those beans :)
I'm sorry for Fred and for his collection, i hope they come back soon :)

Mos Cutty

SPACE QUEEN ??? every one need a space queen into the jar ,,,Soon as i can i want grow this strain bro, your baby look ready for ya grow up healthy and green ..if you dont mind i grab a chair for this such an a excellent thread!!
kudos to you grower!!!
Thanks for checking in Killerweed, yes I'm pretty stoked about these!:tiphat:

This surely will be an interesting grow, i'm tagged buddy... i'm just growing right now a Space Queen selection, and i expect great things out of those beans :)
I'm sorry for Fred and for his collection, i hope they come back soon :)
Thanks Jare, I hope Fred is okay too. When he pops up hopefully I will have some Vic's Space Queen beans to share with him. We will see how this goes so far so good.

The Revolution

Active member
Wish you luck Mos, in find the best space queen plants, and continuing this old variety. Hope your friend fred is fine, and he will realize the importance of preservation, and allow all of the seeds to be preserved in the name of the genepool and not money. Keep us updated, and good luck to ya!

Mos Cutty

Wish you luck Mos, in find the best space queen plants, and continuing this old variety. Hope your friend fred is fine, and he will realize the importance of preservation, and allow all of the seeds to be preserved in the name of the genepool and not money. Keep us updated, and good luck to ya!

Rev, good to see you around brother, you know we practices free sharing with our mates in other parts of the world. But that hasn't rubbed off on everyone yet.

Speaking of preservation, I hope you will find time to work on those landrace beans I shared with you. I know that type of work takes quite a bit of time and effort so I'm not worried. I'm sure some awesome work will flow from your efforts.:thank you:

Mos Cutty

Cindy-Rom... Trying to find yourself an epic pheno I see... Subscribed :)

Big O, thanks for stopping in Sir, glad to see you around.:thank you:

holy expensive beans batman......good luck, i will be checking in!...i love s.q.

I know right, but what can you do when you got them staring at you and the guy won't budge.:)

I just harvested some space queen. I should post up some pics.

Hi Huge, for sure bro post away would love to see your pics.:artist:

You got those looking pretty sexy my friend.....

You know I will be watching..
Ha ha, what up brother?

Grow Log Update Feb. 10, 2012
All 4 Plants have been up potted to 2 gallon
Plant #4 has shown sex and is Male!:dance013:
Plant #3 has not fully shown but appears to be female.
I'll have pic updates this weekend.
Looks like game on mates!

Mos Cutty

Space Queen is a good strain! Good luck with this one, looking forward to watching how this turns out!
Thanks DWS glad you dropped in bro!

yer that SQ does the bizzness, desent yeild for a top draw smoke..good luck

Yes indeed SQ is legit, thanks for stopping in.

Plant #1 is confirmed female
Plant #2 unsexed
Plant #3 unsexed
Plant #4 is confirmed Male
2 Clones have been taken of all plants except #3, I will get a second once available.



Genetics' hunter
Finger crossed for the 2 plants unsexed :)

Anyway, the leaves conformation remember a lot some of the SQs i got, i hope this is a good sign for the future of my ladies :)


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
im here. this looks great. i am growing a querkle so we have the space queen thing in common!

ill be watching. good luck!

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