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CPC (Chronic Pain Club)

I love the logo, DR.

I am having a pain day so this thread caught my eye.

Popped over to the thread and see that I have a request pending still.

Maybe I'll hijack this thread on the days I just want to cry... and whine... and bitch and moan ...


After I beat back the morning inertia and get my yoga practice in, I can give a reasonable imitation of a functional human. I have become a yoga evangelist!
I agree with you 100% rives

for those with degenerative, or damaged, disks
causing impingement on the nerve branches
yoga is the key to preventing your muscles from
going into deep spasm, i.e. cramp

take great care in stretching
so as not to cause a rebound

be extremely sensitive to your body
know when you meet that initial point of resistance
and slowly work with spasming muscles
ever so gently stretching them
in a series of very small gains
over a prolonged period of time

and when you get to a point of balance
maintain, yoga is your friend

I never rotate, or "stretch" my neck
which is where my problem originates

that only magnifies the problems


DAMMIT! I WROTE A WHOLE POST,PRESSED THE WRONG KEY AND IT WENT AWAY,POOP! What I wanted to tell you guys is that I got permission to start a Pain Group,but cannot start it till 6-13. You must be here a member for a year before you can do it. So,untill then,maybe we can just post on this thread and get to know each others situations. Would you guys like an open group? DR found a cool logo,he can post it and you can see it. Open to all suggestions,lets emphasize GROUP,everybodys opinion is welcome. Each of us have ways of dealing with constant pain,we can share them. I would like to hear if any of you have gone for alternative treatments along with conventional meds, and if they helped at all. Let the complaining commence! PITY PARTY,anybody? I will bring the WHINE!! Lets see if we can help each other,it feels good to be able to BITCH about it! MW
Hello Everyone :)

Mary has asked me to try and find a cool looking medical logo so I just did a google search for free medical marijuana logo's and a few came up so here is the one Mary liked ( I did not take or use anyone's logo as it was a generic logo ) so I like it and Mary did as well so I hope you all do to.


  • Medical_Marijuana_Logo_Design_by_ko.jpg
    11.6 KB · Views: 15


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
SeniorBuzz - I too have had problems with the neck stretching/rotation/chiropractic adjustment. It usually had about a 98% chance of making my neck worse, not better (particularly including one sneaky little bastard of a chiropractor who, after being told not to adjust my neck, eased up behind me while casually talking and then reached out and wrenched the bejesus out of my neck). However, about a year ago I bought a Saunders cervical traction device. It is pneumatically operated with what looks like a small bicycle pump with a gauge, so it is gentle, easily repeatable and controllable. It has increased the range of motion in my neck rotation from about 20-25 degrees each way to nearly normal. I was very leery of trying it because I had used one of the counterweight style traction devices, and was miserable for weeks afterward. The link below shows it, but if you do enough research on the net, you can usually find a much better price. Also, physical therapy offices usually have a dedicated bench model of the same device so that you can do a trial of it before purchasing. Incredibly enough, worker's comp paid for it upon my doctor's recommendation.



New member
Hey guys. This thread caught my eye so I joined the site. I too have Chronic pain everyday. I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine). Sometimes you get depressed but one thing I try to remember is someone always has it worse and when I see someone that does it just makes me thank GOD that I can still walk and get around pretty good. I would love to join if you guys would have me.
Hello master I understand what you are going through one of my best friends little boy from birth had scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and he has had many surgeries to fix the problem and had steel rods Inserted into his back and every so many years they had to be changed and this little boy through the years has endured more surgeries then I can count on both hands and today he walks but he is still bent over with an arched back.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of us who suffer on a daily bases and I'm a great listener so please never hesitate to pm me but seeing your a new member you must have 50 post before you can start pm'ing other members ;)

emerald city

DAMMIT! I WROTE A WHOLE POST,PRESSED THE WRONG KEY AND IT WENT AWAY,POOP! What I wanted to tell you guys is that I got permission to start a Pain Group,but cannot start it till 6-13. You must be here a member for a year before you can do it. So,untill then,maybe we can just post on this thread and get to know each others situations. Would you guys like an open group? DR found a cool logo,he can post it and you can see it. Open to all suggestions,lets emphasize GROUP,everybodys opinion is welcome. Each of us have ways of dealing with constant pain,we can share them. I would like to hear if any of you have gone for alternative treatments along with conventional meds, and if they helped at all. Let the complaining commence! PITY PARTY,anybody? I will bring the WHINE!! Lets see if we can help each other,it feels good to be able to BITCH about it! MW
Very cool :dance013:.Thanks for making this happen...I look forward to participating with you all in the future.
SeniorBuzz - I too have had problems with the neck stretching/rotation/chiropractic adjustment. It usually had about a 98% chance of making my neck worse, not better (particularly including one sneaky little bastard of a chiropractor who, after being told not to adjust my neck, eased up behind me while casually talking and then reached out and wrenched the bejesus out of my neck). However, about a year ago I bought a Saunders cervical traction device. It is pneumatically operated with what looks like a small bicycle pump with a gauge, so it is gentle, easily repeatable and controllable. It has increased the range of motion in my neck rotation from about 20-25 degrees each way to nearly normal. I was very leery of trying it because I had used one of the counterweight style traction devices, and was miserable for weeks afterward. The link below shows it, but if you do enough research on the net, you can usually find a much better price. Also, physical therapy offices usually have a dedicated bench model of the same device so that you can do a trial of it before purchasing. Incredibly enough, worker's comp paid for it upon my doctor's recommendation.


don't know if this "old" neck of mine
could handle that device rives.

maybe I could regain that 3/4" I seem to have lost

maybe the next "unmanageable problem" will convince me to try it


New member
Hello master I understand what you are going through one of my best friends little boy from birth had scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and he has had many surgeries to fix the problem and had steel rods Inserted into his back and every so many years they had to be changed and this little boy through the years has endured more surgeries then I can count on both hands and today he walks but he is still bent over with an arched back.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of us who suffer on a daily bases and I'm a great listener so please never hesitate to pm me but seeing your a new member you must have 50 post before you can start pm'ing other members ;)

Im sorry to hear about the lil boy. My back isn't that bad, but it's enough to give me pain everyday. Tho some days are worse and some are better,but it is always there. I was actually spos to be born with Spina Bifida and the doctors and my G-ma tried to get my parents to have an abortion. But my dad said this is what GOD has giving me and we are not having an abortion.


Sharing experiences.................sometimes when I feel all crappy and hurty, I think of the kids that I see at the Drs office,or people that are much worse off than I am. Seems to bring me back to the right thinking. Don't get me wrong,I piss and moan about the pain.....remember,we are only humans. How many of you try to act "normal" around your family so they don't worry about you? Or fake that you feel okay. Do you ever answer the truth when somebody says "How are you?" hell no. Because if you did that,nobody would want to be around you. I saw my real friends when I got ill. The rest I was glad to see go. Ever notice if you are in a wheelchair how nobody walking past will look at you,or make eye contact? Like you don't even exist? Now I look straight at them,because I know how it felt when it was me in that chair.And I smile at them.


Mary-count me in too please.I agree with that statement you made about BIOFREEZE.Although a tad expensive.It works like a charm.It enabled me to overcome my 2nd ACL revision faster than normal.However I now face bi-lateral total knee replacement as well as Spinal fusion and possible right hip replacement.I've had 13 major orthopedic surgeries and have fibromyalgia x myofascil pain syndrome and Diabetes and IBS to round her out.Right now I am recovering from a major injury to my pinky via my lawnmower(almost lost my whole damn hand) and a major shoulder surgery of an acromyin process reduction and anterior and posterior capsular repair with 3 more bone anchors to mate the bone anchors in my left shoulder.With my cloths off I look like Frankenstien,feel like Quasimodo.Former grower soon to be growing my own MEDICINE for myself and my Mom and best friend who are one and the same who has lung/bone cancer.Arrest me for that.Kill me why your at it because w/o cannabis Im a dead man anyways.proof is I went from 410lbs when I started on Tramadol and then to Fentanyl patches,then to Avinza Morphine then to Oxycontins.In the process after much puking and not being hungry.I got down to 234lbs at 6ft 4 inches and very large build.I nearly died.The gave me Zofran and Marinol and nothing worked like cannabis.I could eliminate -Pain relief pills(Oxys) and Puking Pills (marinol) with Cannabis.One thing vs several?? Not choice there <Mr.Leo-how dare you play Doctor(DEA all should be arrested for practicing medicine without a license).I'll get off my soapbox now and pre-apologize.I want in....Please I promise to be good.I do not ever attack anyones posts as can be seen in my posts history.Peace and One Love Bigd
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emerald city

My injuries were caused by 13 major car accidents[rollover/head on etc] and 1 construction fall,all before i was 30 y/o...Walked away and never went to the hospital for anything....By the time im 35 i can feel a change in the weather in all my joints.At 37 i picked up a large rock while building a stone wall and felt my neck shift-and ive been in chronic pain 24/7/365 every day since then.[c4-7 nerve impingment]plus a shoping list of other stuff...Spent a few years adjusting life to my limitations and trying to find a good doctor .....I cant complain tho as I can get up and move,Ive got a Good wife ,family,dogs and created a cool business...I also realize how hard it is for a guy to want to talk openly about chronic pain and how it affects all parts of daily life...Ive lived it for over 10 years nows and am more then willing to listen....enjoy the weekend/remember our fallen hero's
E.C /out


&#9835;All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Quick note on BioFreeze: it's a topical analgesic. It works simply by creating chemical stimulation of the skin....which feels cool at first, then warm later. The conflicting sensations create what's called "PAIN GATING"....this is the same phenomenon that T.E.N.S. units (TRANSCUTANEOUS ELECTRICAL NEURAL STIMULATORS) take advantage of to modulate pain.
Essentially the brain cannot focus on too many conflicting stimuli effectively. Therefore the pain signals coming into the brain are diluted with the additional stimulus. Additionally the receptors in our skin that transmit data about cold and hot sensations are neurologically faster with regards to their transmission speeds, as opposed to pain.
In a nutshell: the sensations of both heat and cold move faster through our nervous systems than the sensation of pain does. There's a real physiological underlying reason this is.
Nonetheless, if you cannot find or get BIOFREEZE, things like "BEN-GAY", "TIGER BALM", "ICY HOT" and the like will do the same thing. Some people have preference, and that's fine....but there's certainly no magic in that one particular product. In fact there are an entire array of different products that perform the same and all create topical analgesia.

Hope that helps.

I do find that there are more assistive products if you understand the nature of your problem. For instance: here's four products that are homeopathic in nature (not going to get into a whole discussion about the validity or efficacy of homeopathy....you either understand it or don't...):


ALL can be found in oral form, as well as topical gels/creams. They aren't a topical analgesic...but in fact can be curative in nature.

Have found them to work wonders when applied correctly and utilized properly. ;)


Please share more about homeopathic treatments. Start with the 4 you named.:wave: MW
I just wanted to ask if you all liked our Med logo? After Mary gave me props for finding it I was hoping I would have got some feedback and props & didn't so now my feelings are hurt :cry:

........................NOT!! :sasmokin:

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