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The monsters of the rdwc


Well-known member
Ya its kind of giving me a stiffy getting this done and all. I hope the room is pretty stable. It was at 80f and 65rh and it was hot and humid out today so Im hoping that I can keep it no higher than 83 if not Im gonna have to go get the ice box for the hoods with a big ass chiller and if I do that I mise well get the c02. Im hoping it all works out and if so I will be adding c02 next run anyways.

[url=http://g.imagehost.org/view/0748/frostitute_ebb_grow_003] [/URL]
Hey mashup I cant figure out how to put the big picture in here instead of the thunbnail can you help me out.



Can you resize the photo before uploading it to imagehost? That's the problem, they wont let you hotlink anything over a certain file size. When it is a small enough file it'll be the bottom link in the list to choose from titled Hot Link.

Ice Boxes, chillers and Co2... oh my! I think you're starting to get the virus homie. :D

EDIT: Random drops. :2cents:


Well-known member
I got the VIRUS. I can get the boxes for 30% off so if my temps aint in check then fuck it Im gonna get em, then I mise well get the c02. Ya I have that fuck it virus.




Well-known member
Kinda, if there was a bowl in nutties hand it would look just like me right now, high as hell.


Well-known member
I dont know may be the nova but I like to keep my ph down around 5.5 and let it drift they seem to take off when ever I bring it back down. May be the aquashield that keeps them roots nice and happy. So its 1 of 2 things nova or the shield or both thats all I give em nothing else. You should see the ebb buckets. Hows them frosties coming did they make there move yet?


Maybe the PH needs to be lower on the Nova. Been ridin' at 6.2ish and still not blowin' up in the lil' tent.

I'm running with bacteria and fungi to help break down and uptake nutrient on the nova though, should be pretty sweet when they show roots.

If that doesn't work then I'll follow your recipe and see if it gets things poppin' with the Frosty.


I just started using the nova,but im using SM 90 with it.I have a new 6 bucket RDWC,but I wont fire it up until I harvest whats in my tent in about 3-4 weeks.Im planning on just using the floranova bloom,and SM 90,and running my Ph down to 5,and letting it drift up to 6 before adjusting to start.If I can find the optimum PH for this mix,I will try to keep it there.Im using 5 gallon buckets,and a 25 gallon controler.Im going to mix the changout nutes in a barrel,and pump it into the controler.Your shit is blowing up dude!


Well-known member
Yo mash them frosties like the lower ph bring it down to 5.5 the ones in the ebb got a tiny yellow from the ph being above 6 I brang it down and bam they got greener and took off again.
Yo loc I would use the nova grow in veg it gets em bushier and there is no perfect setting for the ph you want it to drift 5.5 - 6.2 thats what I do in veg I try to keep it around 6.0 in bloom works for me.
same system-same nutes-terrible results...

same system-same nutes-terrible results...

All I have to say to you guys is watch the fuck out..... No seriously I'm a rookie at growing, and I just went through my first grow with the same set up and nutes, and I totally fucked it up. I didn't have the buckets above the con bucket. First fuck up. Then when I did a res change being a rookie I didn't run just the reg water through a cycle to see what my ppm's were befor adding the nutes. So when I added my nutes to the res, and it went through a cycle, my ppm's jumped like from 1000 to 1600. OUCH... Well I think I know what I did wrong and the next run should be sweet I'm just hoping no one else makes the mistakes I did. If there is any advise you guys can throw at me it would be appreciated.... By the way man my set up is just like yours, I run a drip system for veg and the ebb and flow for bloom. My thing is I only fed the girls in veg one time a day for three minutes. I started from seedling and my medium was rockwhool. If you could tell why you feed fifteen minutes every hour I would appreciate it.. I'm definetly going to be following this grow and picking up as much information as possible....TY:canabis::canabis:

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