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The Maximo Picture Thread! (Macro*Close-up*Grow)



Hey bro's and bumpy bro's, I recently (6 mths ago) got some Blue Dream and SSD cuts from a good friend in Denver who has great contacts there, I was getting tired of the White Star so they were a god-send from him, and with the promise of getting more cuts of different types in the future Max is feeling better about his grow. But now the BD has been allowed to become my primary crop and the SSxWW is becoming a distant memory. I didn't like the SSD, cute plant but very leggy with puffy buds, but this Blue Dream is very much on the indica side so a much more compact and bushy plant that has very little stretch once flowering has been started and rock hard buds when done. the plants in flower (15) in the pics are only 5 days into flower, the veggie plants (15) will go into the flower rm on the 7th of jan and the 30 cuts will be transplanted in a week or so, ill add some pics in 2-3 weeks ok.

Peace Y'all


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looking good Maximo, as always eh? nice looking bubble too, yum.

always nice to have a change of strain, as long as the potency is up there. what was wrong with the ssd, what is ssd anyway super sour diesel?

anyway keep it up man, hope to see an update now and then :)

peace out


Hey Gaius my friend, good to talk to after so long, and thanks for the kind words. Yep, my SSD is super sour diesel, I liked the buds themselves, but over-all the plant was a low yielder, it also has a low gland count so the hash prospects didn't look good for the SSD, it also didn't have any stink which is what I thought sour diesel was named for? (maybe its not SSD?) on the other hand the Blue Dream stinks like old-school skunk#1 from the 80's, its super frosty and yields probably 2x more than the SSD I have now so the BD wins, I also had a SDxHK cross which wouldn't clone for me so it had to go also.

See you around mon

@Dustin, Thanks mon, there 2 gallon buckets from home depot, not to big and not to small for most gardens, I also have lids for all the pots but during the winter the pots don't dry-out like they do in the summer when the temps are higher so thew lids are off right now.



Hey Gaius my friend, good to talk to after so long, and thanks for the kind words. Yep, my SSD is super sour diesel, I liked the buds themselves, but over-all the plant was a low yielder, it also has a low gland count so the hash prospects didn't look good for the SSD, it also didn't have any stink which is what I thought sour diesel was named for? (maybe its not SSD?) on the other hand the Blue Dream stinks like old-school skunk#1 from the 80's, its super frosty and yields probably 2x more than the SSD I have now so the BD wins, I also had a SDxHK cross which wouldn't clone for me so it had to go also.

See you around mon

@Dustin, Thanks mon, there 2 gallon buckets from home depot, not to big and not to small for most gardens, I also have lids for all the pots but during the winter the pots don't dry-out like they do in the summer when the temps are higher so thew lids are off right now.


thats the thing, with all the hype behind some names it can be hard to be sure with clone strains about the real genetic origins. although you'd think a super sour diesel would be better then a normal sour diesel, lol. but if the plant isn't reeking it's not a good representation of SD. both times i grew rez's SDv3 and SD ibl the plants stank. having fun with the offspring from the SDibls at the moment.

been months since i made bubble, need to get it done. the top44 trim i have is just not making very special bubble so i haven't been too motivated to get it done :joint:


Active member
@Dustin, Thanks mon, there 2 gallon buckets from home depot, not to big and not to small for most gardens, I also have lids for all the pots but during the winter the pots don't dry-out like they do in the summer when the temps are higher so thew lids are off right now.


Very nice man. I use 2 gallon buckets alot, but havent seen many others use them.


Active member
Do you double pot them or doubled up for water run off? Those are huge for 2 gallons, and everyone tells me that 2 gallons would rootbound a huge plant?


@Gaius: I just got done reading your outdoor and SD threads and you have been busy huh, I loved the purple outdoor, very nice, you got me wanting to do outdoor this year myself?, mold sucks. and the SD you have going looks like some good future bubble, and the top44 is a plant I wanted to get along time ago, I think I got the White Widow instead and that turned out well for me, so do you like the top44?.

@Dustin: Theres nothing wrong with root-bounding a plant I think as a way to keep plant size under control, They get watered every 48hrs with allot of drain off and an enzyme every other watering during flower and I get great yields, I've been growing indoors for 22 years now, I've tried allot of different ways to grow and used allot of wacky products since I started and what I know about growing pot contradicts what others have to say about growing at times, so I generally just keep my mouth shut and if someone has a question for me Ill give them my best answer as to why and how I do things.

Good luck with the keeper thing.


Member yeahyeah!
ooooooooh shit!!!!! :D
amazing job man, your plants looking killers!!!!! :yes:
...and great shots!!!!!!
congrats bro!!!!! :good:


Active member
Thanks for the response man. I have never had any problems with growing in two gallons either, and they sometimes get pretty big. And haha yeah, the keeper thing. I just dont like wasting things, killing clones, losing strains. Even if they arent the best strains. Recently, all the seeds I've popped have all been amazing plants, and I find it difficult to judge them when they all differ a little, but all have amazingly unique properties.


@Rasta: Thanks

@Dustin: You'll get used to chucking clones and seedlings if you ever go big, I always grow out more than I need and trash the left-overs, good or bad but most are good. I've got 30 BD cuts in veggie and at least 10 will be trashed :( but I just don't have room for them.


the top 44 was a very interesting strain, basically it was selected for speed of flowering (7weeks)and potency. taste wise it was a medium good skunk taste. not what you'd call head stash weed. and worse still it came with pm and mites lol. anyway i decided to make some top44 x SourDiesel/CaseyJones. those are the seeds i made recently and the first female i am flowering of that batch of seeds is looking incredibly nice and seems to have retained the speed of flowering, very large calyxes swelling up and good resin coverage.

i lost the sd x cj seed batch i made earlier alas, luckily trichomefarmer kept some i passed to him and gave them back to me after i lost my bag. but he only had like 50 seeds or so and i grew some of them out without making mothers a couple of times, those are really reliable seeds, every female has been worthy. will have to try make another batch of those sdxcj using a male from the last few seeds i have of them.

am hoping to use my bros camera today or tomorrow to make some nice portraits of my 4 flowering SDxCJ and 1 Top44xSD/CJ ladies. it has a super macro function, lol.

take care :wave:

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Still running the old SD genetics eh, Gaius?

I stopped a long time ago, but I do regret it.

Nice to see you around Maximo, always a pleasure!


@perfektus, thanks.

@Gaius, the Top44 sounds good other than the mites, and you lost your seeds huh?, good thing TF had them to give back to you, I thought I had lost my whole seed bank when I moved 3 years ago, but I just found it several months ago to my surprise, good to get it back but I don't know if Ill grow any of my old stuff again.

@RC, back at ya.


A few pics I took this morning, as usual (I yawn) things look good, I have to come up with something new with the grow, I'm so bored growing these days!.


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yeah lost about 500 sd x cj seeds, only 15 left. i much prefer the top44 x SD/CJ then the original top44. the plain top44 going around here is just a commerce cross, the new cross is much more interesting from the test bud i smoked.

nice to find your old seed collection, i'm sure you have some nice stuff in there even if its old stuff. some of the old stuff can't be beat, the original ww imo is one.

nice looking set up, seems like its a new place eh?


@Gaius. Well I'm glad to hear you saved your cross, does it have a street name yet like "Deisel Jones" or "Caseys Sour CoCo Weed"? anything like that yet?

I do have some old WW seed stock I was thinking of crossing with the Blue Dream? but more likely to work would be my Chrystal crossed with the BD, it looks allot more like the BD than the WW does, I'm not that studied in the art of breeding so I've not had great success at it, I'm more content to let others do my breeding, and I just bitch about there hard work lol, actually, I can't say I've ever got bad seed stock online though and have been quite satisfied with all of the seed varieties I have ordered, so kudo's to all the breeders :jump:



Maximo, i hope to one day master the art like you and that I become bored of managing a close to perfect grow room!!

Cheers. What a grower!


Thanks Mo,

I don't see growing as an art like I do my glass working, growing seems pretty straight forward to me, I've always wanted to write a book about growing but it would only be 10 pages long lol.