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The Maximo Picture Thread! (Macro*Close-up*Grow)



wassup max,
finally had some spare time to knock up an extraction tube and put it to the test :yes: . 250mm length of 22mm copper , 2 x 22 mm compression stop ends (which i drilled out , the pics explain).
placed a couple of layers off coffee filter paper inside the outlet before fitting and packing .
i used absolute bottom of the barrel material and the results were surprising :D
all the best mate


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Man I've seen some bud, but damn!! those colas are freaks. That ss x ww is nuts. I'd like to learn more about your home made multi flow system. I'm impressed man, hats off to you!!


Active member
WOW i'm sorry i hadn't noticed this UNBELIEVABLE thread until now :yoinks:.....

Thank you so much for joining our funky flock Maximo.....you are truly a dedicated professional and i salute you :bow:bow:bow:.....

That's what i love about this hobby.....just when you think you've seen it all, along comes someone and blows your mind!!!!

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Thanks lucid and black.

Stepin thats sweet, the compression fittings are a good ideal :yes: oil looks good to :) yeah the stuff I don't even want to use for bubble makes pretty decent oil, hows it taste? I will say that its hard to judge the oils taste unless its vaped somehow, thats why I love my Kut-Pipe before I got it I hardly made oil, now its all I want to make, and bang for the buck (euro) its the best.

Did you see this tutorial I did for making HO?

Hi guineapig,

Thanks, yeah I'm the quiet guy in the background, no smack talk just action, I'm gearing up to start my glass working/blowing career this spring, that should be good for some laughs.

See y'all around


Freebie Bubbler, yep FREE!!!! took this at 4:20am snowing outside.


Breaking in bubbler



Look to the left side to see my reflection


Jelly Hash


Fun with glass today



first pic is a work of art max , the hash and oil i d walk barefoot through that snow for a puf off :yummy: ! :D top drawer , cheers for sharing . don t know how i missed your glass tutorial , need to be giving that a try :yes: , thanks for the link and comps mate. purging definately made a difference , included in the trash i used was some real bad chem weed . i could still smell it in the air and oil ! untill i got the wee butane torch out! the oil turned from cloudy to transparent , and seemed to lose the bad smell from the chem weed . taste was hashy , Afghan/Pakistani type dark hash with that ripe weed undertone . i smoke mostly j's max . anywhere one might be able to purchoos a Kut-Pipe?


hey Maximo,

awesome shot of the bubbler in the night time snow, a free bubbler no less, :D does it hit better when the glass is free? just kidding, great pics as ever :yes:

have fun with your new hobby, glass is fascinating to work with. i can't wait to see some of your work.


Steppin, its great to see others across the pond? doing the oil thingy, as far as getting a kut-vape thats something you would have to ask him about but it took me about 2 years to get one after asking, other types of available vapes will work if you can get the plates really hot, but Kut swears the taste of the oil off of the titanium pad is the only way to go, glass and other types of metal plates make the oil taste funny? I have yet to explore that area yet so I can't really say what other vapes could do to help.

Thanks exploziv, you need to go to http://www.glasspipes.org great stuff there.

Hey gaius m8ty,

Lol mucho better haha, it has that sweet taste of freedom bro ;) I'm looking forward to the glass work, probably won't actually get started for several months, but I'm starting to build my studio this week in a spare room, ill probably end up as a tacky glass guy making glow in the dark pipes roflol.



:D AM would fit right in to the British Army max :wink: . yeah , i m over the pond in the glens . first read about butane extraction in a canna mag over here Red Eye Express . they had a dude called Captain Butane , who donned super hero pj's !:D complete with mask for pics in the article. you can d/load past issues here .......... http://www.theredeyeexpress.co.uk/redeyemain.html issue 13 has Captain Butain article .
is that the Kut-Pipe pictured above max ? never heard off it till you mentioned it and had no idea who or what made it, :pointlaug till now .
thanks again and all the best mate


AM?, Captain Butane lol, I might just have to pay the few euro's to see it, to bad its not free :(

Sorry for thinking you knew about the Kut-Pipes, and yes thats a Kut pipe in the pic and my avatar, Hashmasta-Kut and his sister make the pipes for vaping oil and it will work ok with bubble also, you might want to join "Toke City" http://www.tokecity.com and start posting around, its ssl secure unlike ICMag, and the hash shots, cannabis shots and the Kut-Pipe on the front page are mine :D and they have the best pot website glass forums hands down, check it out bro ;)


AM = Action Man :D, that s who your heavy tokin figure reminds me off max lol . thanks for the info on the Kut-Pipe , i v just viewed over on Tokecity before now , register next time i m over , cheers bro :yes:
redeye make an issue free download each time they release a new one in print , not sure if #13 has been free already though ? #11 is the free download at the moment, give you an idea what the mags like, lost my print copy of #13, the usual , give a loan off it to somebody and never see it again . the pdf is copyrighted or i d print and scan it .


honey oil addict
Maximo said:
but Kut swears the taste of the oil off of the titanium pad is the only way to go, glass and other types of metal plates make the oil taste funny?

other metals are useable. maybe some add taste but stainless doesnt. ti is just most elite, is all... and SS is variable in purity. i got some pure titanium. its supposed to give off the least metallic ions, if any.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek

Maximo, I know you're out there, since you're posting. Take some more pics, post them. I can't get enough.


Thanks guys,

I'm not really posting here much since its not a secure site, don't ask me why but I just "feel" better with SSL security, but I do spend most of my time on TC these days. heres a link to my present grow and you all can find all of my recent bubble and oil pics in the oil and hashish thread (sticky) on TC.

And I'm a 8 month glass torcher now and loving it, making your own glass to smoke out of is just as much fun as growing the kind and making different types of hashish from it :)

My OG Kush and F13 grow

Peace bro's


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