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The Marijuana Tax War Has Begun!

The Marijuana Tax War Has Begun!

  • Complete legalization for adults without restrictions

    Votes: 108 67.5%
  • Tax, regulate, control all aspects of cannabis

    Votes: 22 13.8%
  • Sell only thru authorized channels

    Votes: 11 6.9%
  • Allow Collectives to buy and sell

    Votes: 18 11.3%
  • Allow Anyone to grow, but not sell

    Votes: 37 23.1%
  • No Tax!

    Votes: 25 15.6%
  • Regulate County by County, City by City

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Same law for entire state

    Votes: 28 17.5%

  • Total voters


Active member
With several marijuana taxation/legalization initiatives approved for next year's ballot in California, the opposition to certain aspects of certain bills is heating up.

It seems that in an effort to protect their huge profits, big Cannabusinesses are prepared to spend millions pushing their version of Tax and Restrict via their own initiative. Their bill would put a $50 tax on every ounce of cannabis sold, and restrict others from growing or selling cannabis.

Recently Jack Herer was so angry about this turn of events, he had a heart attack after his fiery speech where he railed against the Cannabusinesses.

Richard Lee the owner of Oaksterdam and primary mover of the new cannabiz favorable initiative fired marijuana activist Dennis Peron, for his opposition to this bill.

Both Dennis Peron and Jack Herer are promoting that marijuana be completely legalized, tax-free, without restrictions. Their Re-Legalization movement is gaining followers and hopefully their measure will prevail.



Active member
hardly old news when the bills are collecting signatures and will be on the ballot next year.

fuck those fuckers. we need a campaign against that bill.


Active member
Well let's see. The copypasta above says:

Both Dennis Peron and Jack Herer are promoting that marijuana be completely legalized, tax-free, without restrictions. Their Re-Legalization movement is gaining followers and hopefully their measure will prevail

And Jack Herer's fucking dead. I'm still going with old news.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Seems outrageous that Richard Lee is going to spend one million dollars to get this legislation passed.

I hope it doesn't get passed. This proposal is just more organized crime.

Legalize Cannabis Completely ~ No Taxes on Medicine!


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Howdy HeD333,

This is very important, an issue confronting us smack in the face, and you think it's old news?

I beg to differ.

Are you on board with tax and regulate or complete free legalization?

What is your opinion other than this is 'old' news?



Active member
Yes, this is an ongoing issue, one that people are just becoming aware of. It will be confusing to most people to see more than one legalization initiative on the ballot. People must choose carefully or they will screw this up. It's bad enough that these initiatives might split the vote for legalization, resulting in nothing passing.

So we must educate ppl to know what they are voting for. Tax, Regulate and Control is NOT what we want, right? We want legalization so anyone can grow, we won't have to pay any tax on it, and can "trade" it if we choose. This is keeping with the spirit of Prop 215, which does not provide for such a restrictive regulatory framework or tax as is being promoted by the cannabizes.


Active member
Well let's see. The copypasta above says:

Both Dennis Peron and Jack Herer are promoting that marijuana be completely legalized, tax-free, without restrictions. Their Re-Legalization movement is gaining followers and hopefully their measure will prevail

And Jack Herer's fucking dead. I'm still going with old news.

Jack Herer isn't dead last I checked, so your take on the news leaves a lot to be desired.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
I'm not in Cali(yet) I have been following this though.
I See that cali has been out front in this movement.
I'm new to all this(Law's)stuff, but damn it should be our right to Grow/Consume
cannabis how/when we want as long has we're not harming anyone else.

So i'm i right ? That this LEE guy has made his money and wants to make sure his profits
don't fall cause everyone(or almost everyone) would just grow their own.
I mean who does he think he is the US Government!!!!

I Think we might have a better chance if we agree to pay some taxes.
But to only allow certain companies to do it.NO WAY


Look I'm all about paying taxes but seriously its needs to be all out legalized for adults like alcohol. There are plenty of people out there that brew their own beer at home and don't pay taxes because they drink that shit and don't sell it. Why can't I grow my own weed and smoke it? I haven't looked at all the props yet only THC 2010 or whatever its called so I don't know what any of the others say. Whichever one gets on the ballot(hopefully the best one) vote for that shit! I know I will be. :joint:


Listen to me jerky
All I know for sure is things are gonna get ugly. Still try to understand all the politics. I just want to be able to grow some myself without having someone wanting to kick down my door.

I also curious about what will happen if one of these things passes and what that means for dealing with the feds? I take it they are still gonna waste their time trying rid the planet of this evil plant.


New member
I am hoping the legislators in California don't try and tax and fee everything
like in the Mass. Bill that is on the table for Tax and Legalize in Mass.
GO READ IT ..... The fees are EXTREME.... $250 an oz for A grade (anything we would smoke) and Growers have a bunch of other fees like $2500 a year license on top of the per oz fee.
I am all for being legal in California and don't mind to pay taxes as long as they are
not too extreme.
Good stuff Skip, and Frank is right, nobody should have to worry about having a few plants for personal use. It is like the mandatory health care tax that people are supposedly going to pay for; People are not going to report themselves for peacefully growing so they can be "taxed". The same corporate greed that these dispensaries have embraced to the fullest is in line with what the police and cartels both agree to and on, that cannabis stay illegal, as in not completely legal for monetary gains and profit. It is almost unbelievable that a plant that never killed anyone is made into a supposed crime, that then sometimes supports violent criminals that ruthlessly push their products onto the streets where people who cannot grow have to purchase it at $40/oz, and the dispensaries want to charge more tax than the actual cost of some Sativa brick from Tijuana. It is a form of terrorism on the people, by the government, that in turn fuels terrorism below the border, and it becomes a cycle of deceipt by the government who says it has absolutley no medical value. And everybody already knows that's a lie, which severly discredits the government on multiple fronts. Instead with our Constitution written on hemp paper, the US should completely legalize personal cannabis use. They need to recognize the medical value of cannabis and permit hemp for fuel and fabrics in order to get the economy back on track. Cannabis is like a good savior, it can heal the pain and wounds of this bleeding economy with no end in sight by generating trillions that can stay in the US.

The War on Cannabis is the only old news, and Jack Herer is a good bud that everyone should have the opportunity to grow in peace; someday soon hopefully.

To avoid theives of any kind trying to kick your door in, simply remove the two small screws in the door frame where the latch goes in, and replace them with some real long screws that will tap into the frame of the house. You can do all the doors for free. This makes it alot harder for theives, and is more of a precautionary measure like metal rods jamed on top of a window prevents it from being opened. At the very least it buys you time to flush whatever you need to get rid of quickly.


I'm in favor of complete legalization. I'm also in favor of free blowjobs at major intersections on Sunday mornings. I doubt either of these things will ever come to pass. Further, I'm afraid that legalization will never happen unless the powers that be find a way to make it work to their advantage.


Active member
I think I saw that Blowjobs on Sunday's bill being added to the 2010 ballat also, j/k. I believe cannabis will become legal in 2010, however I feel there will be heavy taxes, and no personal growing or you go to jail type of crap. I really hope I am wrong about the taxes, but right about the legalization.


Active member
I am not convinced that taxation of marijuana is wrong and I am inclined to agree with those who believe that as an overall political strategy in the short term, it is more likely to produce favorable results.

Whoever is speaking about what "we all want" should remove "me" from their "we", please. Taxation and regulation of marijuana may not be a strategy that you favor, but it is not at odds with the overarching goal of legalization. More importantly, there is good reason to believe it will be instrumental in gaining political support from those who are on the political fence. Short term - it's a wise realpolitik strategy with much to recommend it.


Active member
Ok- Apparently you all are misinterpreting. The original article is OLD. the issue is current. Clarity?


I voted for a few different ones, I think cannabis should be legal for everyone to grow and not taxed if grown for personal use. However people that are growing for profit... it should be taxed the same as a corn or tomato farmer gets taxed on their produce. Or a dairy farmer, etc.

There is no good reason not too tax cannabis. Fuck taxing it as a sin tax though, thats not cool, but as a regular commodity.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
So we must educate ppl to know what they are voting for. Tax, Regulate and Control is NOT what we want, right? We want legalization so anyone can grow, we won't have to pay any tax on it, and can "trade" it if we choose. This is keeping with the spirit of Prop 215, which does not provide for such a restrictive regulatory framework or tax as is being promoted by the cannabizes.

tax and regulate. but not full control.

It needs to be exactly like alcohol. you should be allowed to possess, consume, transport, sell, trade, and produce.anything sold in the retail market should be taxed (like any commodity) so that it legitimizes the product. you should not be allowed to use while driving. you should be allowed to use in your home and certain places (like alcohol has bars and beer gardens). i feel like it should be available to those who want it, but not stuffed in the face of those who do not want it. alcohol is available in about 98% of america but there is still the few counties and towns who wish to regulate against it. and they should have that right if the majority of the town or counties population votes against it. but id strongly believe, like alcoho, cannabis is used and enjoyed by a large amount of the citizens, and even to those who do not use it, could sure benefit from the tax it brings in.

PS>> i dont believe in a per ounce tax. but rather something as simple as the state+federal sales tax that is already in use. i dont believe they are owed anything more. not unless they want to send some gov. workers over to come help trim!!!!

PPS>>> cannabis will never be legal without taxation. any belief that such a sought after commodity would be available in a retail market without taxation is a old hippies pipe dream. so might as well legalize and regualate now. then at least all wed have to fight for after that is LOWER TAXES!!!!!!!
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