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The Man Cave Recountal Redux


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Not much has happened since the last update, what has happened can be easily seen in photographs. Buds are getting fatter and frostier, the plants directly under the bulbs are getting light bleached a bit... gotta rasie the hoods again! I took these photos of the plants in 7 gallon pots tonight, day 30 of 12/12. I will snap shots and update the 5 gallon plants tomorrow night.





Active member
There are some plants with dead tips of pistils and a couple with completely dead pistils. Its almost entirely in the tops of the buds so I think most of it is due to oils from my skin coming in contact with the tips of plants while moving them around/tending to the tent when its full. Some have completley dead pistils here and there.... I think these may be VERY LIGHTLY pollinated(maybe 40 seeds out of the whole tent, most plants are unaffected), most of it is at the bracts, which makes sense to me given what I've had going on in my room. Only time will tell and I'll definitely be keeping an eye on them.

I did photograph all of my Mosca Negra's C99 BX1 plants, cloned em and now they're composting. I'll definitely go into further details on whats up later today... another post in the works for sure~

I have been doing some heavy thinking about the blubonics and have decided to only run the females at this point in time. No knocks on the plants, just making some slight adjustments to the overall plan with them. I will probably pop my 3 packs of blue satellite 2.2s in the next month or so, these will definitely be used to make f3s/crosses.

These pics were taken on 3/5, day 32 of 12/12.





Active member
A little recap on my Mosca Negra C99 BX-1 plants...

I have popped 2 packs of Mosca's c99 BX1, resulting in 19 plants. 11 I know are female, 2 I'm pretty sure are female. That gives me 13 plants I have cloned and culled the seedplants they came from. I have 4 males that passed my simple "stress test" of being left in the 5x5 pots. 2 males that looked and smelled nearly identical ended up autoflowering on me, they were culled. The 4 that survived the test all look pretty similar and have near identical rates of growth, the 2 that ended up auto-flowering on me were growing much more quickly.

These were CRAMMED in the perimeter of a grow tent and given very little care. Some look better than others as a result of a just water diet and my procrastination on up potting them in early veg. The stems on a few are pretty floppy but I expected that, the clones will definitely be given silica to firm their shoots up a bit. Its been pretty interesting to see a broadleaf c99 line, it still has great vigor considering the mass that are in some of the large fan leaves.








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males that autoflowered

males that didn't autoflower - they've been in the 7x7 pots for a couple of days now

I expect the clones to be rooted in a couple of weeks. I'm only going to veg for 2 or 3 weeks then off to the flower tent they go. I will probably top and train them to only grow 4 tops, not decided on that yet. I'll start updating these plants weekly once the cuttings root, until then.... keep it green!~


was taking pics of my c99 males and had to take the tray of Johnny Blaze clones out so I figured a picture was in order. I have duplicates of a few that I want to sit in on the c99 gangbang, while I run every pheno seedless to determine a max of 5 keepers.



Smile Vs Cry
what a crazy nice plants man, you do a very great job that ill be watching tha progress fo su!!
can't wait to see this bloom phase , keep it dank !!


Active member
what a crazy nice plants man, you do a very great job that ill be watching tha progress fo su!!
can't wait to see this bloom phase , keep it dank !!

Thanks for the compliments, man. I'll do my best to keep it dank, getting high is serious business around these parts.

Here's another peek at what's to come....

I popped 3 packs of Blubonic that I got this summer, all 30 seeds turned into healthy plants with no runts or crazy genetic mutations. I had all 30 in 5x5 pots in the center of one of my Sun Hut XLs. They are now in 7.5x7.5 pots with my Earth Juice soil mix, not cut with any extra promix. I topped them all and cleaned up their lowers today when I transplanted them. Note the large internodal gaps, this is due to being crammed in there... the pots were touching their neighbors in a 5hx6w arrangement. I think they'll even out nicely, although I don't plan on flowering the seed plants.

They all showed sex at around 5 weeks. I ended up with 17 females, 13 males. Most of the males started to bust nuts due to being rootbound for so long. I don't think any females have started to autoflower yet but I'll be on the look out for sure. I did not keep any males due to my planned use of my Blue Satellite 2.2s as the BB based genes in my crosses.

The perimter of the tent keeps some moms and a dad currently. I will chop all but a few down into clones soon to make room for the burst of growth I'm expecting.

I will let these grow for a week or two before updating again, by then I hope to have some nice branching.


Active member
Last night I trimmed the lower fluff and the larger fans that were blocking light to the lower bud sites. I think I left a bit too much leaf on a few plants, if I did it'll be a quick trim.

I also scratched in 1/4 cup Jamaican bat guano, 1/4 cup peruvian seabird guano and 1 cup of earthworm castings. I would have scratched in some kelp as well but am running low. I will supply K through Hi-Brix and the Meta-K. I haven't fed since the last time I posted about it, its been just plain water.... been lazy with brewing catalyst teas and measuring out the hi-brix, they might have kept things on track.

To get things greened up a bit I watered with an EWC tea, I dumped a gallon and a half of castings into about 25 gallons of water and bubbled for 24 hours. I am going to use the slurry at the bottom on some hungry plants in veg, gotta keep next round healthy these next few weeks until they hit their final pots.

Today is day 37 of 12/12 and things are swelling up nicely. Some of the previously mentioned yellowing is due to light bleaching, I didn't raise the lights enough evidently as the plant in between the two hoods (WL5) is perfect. I am looking into getting light spreaders for next round to prevent hotspots directly under the bulbs.

I initially thought that some pistils were died back due to a combination of very light pollination and oils/wind burn/something for unsolved mysteries to figure out. I think there may not be any seeds that end up made in the buds. There are likely some at the bracts, from the NLBB male's short stay during the stretch. I'll definitely be able to recognize seed formation in the next week or so, I don't expect to report back with any seeds forming tbh.

anywho, PICS!~~


