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"The Law" a ripper? Say it ain't so....


New member
Interesting part of the article is his lawyer saying "how difficult it will be to get a REAL value on the marijuana." Every bust and you have an immediate value in the article, but a lawsuit between two people and suddenly it is very tough to figure out what that darn stuff is worth.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
If you are going to post a link, pls post the text, or at least part since many members do not wish to click outside links

Report: Lindland sued over marijuana plants

By Sergio Non, USA TODAY
The Law faces a lawsuit over marijuana plants, according to a Oregon newspaper.

An Oregon man filed suit last Thursday over the loss of marijuana plants that he says were grown on the property of middleweight Matt "The Law" Lindland with the fighter's permission, Williamette Week reports. The plaintiff, Gonzalo Aldana Gamboa, wants more than $122,000 from Lindland.
Gamboa was growing the marijuana under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program, according to the court documents cited by the newspaper:

According to the lawsuit, Gamboa registered the grow site with the state of Oregon and harvested six mature plants last October. Lindland helped load the plants into a U-Haul truck and told Gamboa he was moving them to his shed to dry, the lawsuit says. But when Gamboa returned a month later, Lindland would not allow him to collect his harvest, the lawsuit says.

The plaintiff values the marijuana at $122,880, although his lawyer says estimating the plants' real worth "may be a little bit of a long shot legally."

An Olympic silver medalist in Greco-Roman wrestling, Lindland was a top-10 middleweight in MMA for several years at the start of the 2000s. But the 40-year-old has lost three of his last four bouts, and four of his last six.

He ran for Oregon state representative in 2008 as a Republican, but lost in the general election.


uuuuuh where is this guy getting his numbers, even at (positively thinking)4000 a lbs. and a pound per plant its still around 24000, how many pounds were on these trees?


I bet the difference comes in from payment for equipment and supplies. A 6000 watt indoor grow can cost more than $50,000 to set up properly. Just a guess. Either that, or someone's trying to charge for the rootball.


New member
Maybe he is paying himself for the time he took to grow them? If so, I wonder what he was making an hour! Hope he gets his stuff back and some $
I suppose an ass-whippin' is out of the question.

He lost the last 4 of 6... The stoner should be able to kick the fuck out of him no problem, as pissed as he seems....I see it as a possibility....LMAO...

That is fucked up..... dude says cool go for it then fucks the dude over after he's done with the grow!!!!

I wanna kick his ass now!!!!!

Thats soooooooooooooo wrong!



One day you will have to answer to the children of
I bet the difference comes in from payment for equipment and supplies. A 6000 watt indoor grow can cost more than $50,000 to set up properly. Just a guess. Either that, or someone's trying to charge for the rootball.
Where are you getting your numbers?
I guess if you hire hookers to do your trimming it gets expensive quick.


Where are you getting your numbers?
I guess if you hire hookers to do your trimming it gets expensive quick.

lol. yeah 50K is way high unless you are counting rent and utilities for the year. Then that makes sense.

Lesson is: never leave the stash.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
What if the 6 plants weighed 5 lbs dry each? They say it was a U-Haul that took the buds which would hold a decent quantity and wouldn't be necessary for smaller amounts. If it was 5lbs per plant at 6 plants that would be 30lbs, or $120k@$4000/lb...

I dont see the plants being 5lbs a piece, but who's to say? I havent seen photos...
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uuuuuh where is this guy getting his numbers, even at (positively thinking)4000 a lbs. and a pound per plant its still around 24000, how many pounds were on these trees?
in oregon your gonna pay 4g's for a lb(unless you want swag) and try 4-8 lbs per plant you can only have six budding here and a pound a peice aint worth it for most if he had 6lb a piece thats 144,000 in an oregon market
My question is how can they sue for 122k, when you are legally allowed 24oz dry in Oregon? Meaning the patient admits to growing over the legal limit?
Where are you getting your numbers?
I guess if you hire hookers to do your trimming it gets expensive quick.
Trimming AND watering, that's how its done in Oregon.
medical or not loose lips sink ships.. no body should ever know that you grow.. it ends up like this.. at least he gets his day in court. and not a bullet in the head..

122k.. i think hes been smoking crack... bunch of bs.. like said.. 4k a lb for 24ozs is like 6k.. bunch of retards tying up the justice system.. its people like this that make us look bad.. if we dont want to be charged with crazy out of proportion number we shouldnt be claiming them ourselves..