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As you can tell from the topic of this thread, it's about eczema. I have many allergies overall and use allergy shots (immunotherapy) and otc allergy pills to control along with a nasal spray. That's for my environmental allergies, however. Then there are my skin allergies which are related to things like chromium (found in the lubricants used to oil machines that make clothes and shoes and thus are found on all clothes that aren't used, thrift stores are my new friends) and rubber (also found in all shoes). My skin allergies are also either caused by or exacerbated by my food allergies.

Anyhow, when I get an outbreak, I have to either use a steroidal cream or ointment OR a newer medicine that is also prone to cause cancer in people whose families have a history of lymphatic cancer. In my generation, my parents' generation, and my grandparents generation, there is no cancer, except my father is a survivor of prostate cancer. In my great-grandparents generation, however, there were three siblings who all died of different cancers, but they had all lived on farms at a period when the chemicals used were very carcinogenic.

Anyhow, I avoid using THAT medicine and use the other, but I hate being tied to a steroid for the rest of my life.

I REALLY want to learn how to make a cannabis-based ointment b/c eczema is really a disfunction of the endocannabanoid system. so the question is does anyone else out there use cannabis for eczema and does anyone know how to make ointments with it?

My other concern is that I don't want to get flaming out of my mind like I do if I don't use gloves when I make butter for those canna caramels that we love so much. I don't mind a buzz, but I'd prefer to simply have something that worked but didn't make me high at all.

Has anyone even heard that there is something like this out there??


Miss O



Canna Coco grower
Try This-

I use a product known around the net as Rick Simpson's hemp oil.. Check out Pheonixtears.ca

I make it using 91% rubbing Alcohol, and premium DRY bud. I soak a couple of ounces in a big glass for about 8 mins, while its soaking I stir it around to break it up a bit. After that I slip a sock over the end of the glass and dump the fluid into a large open glass bowl, squeezing the cannabis that slides into the sock to get alll of the fluid out of everything..

I then put the large glass bowl into a larger pan of hot water... water that is right near the point of boiling... leaving it there until the fluid evaporates down to a greenish yellowish brownish fluid that starts having thousands of bubbles form on the top of it.... when those bubbles start dissapating and no new ones are forming.. ITS DONE.. Whole process is USUALLY 2.5 to 5 hours depending on how much fluid depth is in the bowl. The last stage of disappating the bubbles takes around an hour or more.. Don't stop the process untll ALL THE ALCOHOL HAS EVAPORATED..

That crease like salve can be applied to ALL SORTS OF SKIN AFFLICTIONS WITH FANTASTIC RESULTS...

Let me name a few I can speak to PERSONALLY... Cold sores.. Moles... Inflammed & infected ingrown hairs, acne warts and cuts and skin infections..

Cannabis oil has inherent antibiotic properties, including the ability to KILL the skin eating infection MERSA... google it... there is all kinds of info out there about it from sources that don't necessarily support cannabis..

You will probably need to continually apply the grease like oil every 24 hours.. but you will notice improvements AFTER THE INTIAL 24 HOUR PERIOD.. If your condition is painful you will notice pain relief from the topical application of the oil after a few hours too..

I am so impressed with Rick Simpsons hemp oil... I have been using it INTERNALLY and topically when needed everyday now for several months... With lower blood pressures and improved Choleserol counts... Not to mention an overall better feeling towards day to day stress!!

Don't try to get away with using crap to make the oil... you will disappoint yourself with the results you get.... Don't mix crap in with the good buds either... you will weaken its effectiveness... You can add it the small inner buds.. Just make sure to trim them up before you do.... To much leaf product changes the complexity of the oil... and not necesarily for the better... Though if the buds work for your condition... You CAN expirment with less potent plant parts and see how it works...

If the bud oil doesn't work... I would not expect a strictly leaf oil to do anything either..

Good luck and please let me know if you use this product.... and how it worked
Thank you! I will be working on that as a new project once I get myself totally organized. It will keep me young and fresh to keep on learning and trying out new things. I doubt I will get to it right away, but it sounds a lot like the process for making butter which I have just learned to do and am trying my first batch on my own.

I love your signature, fyi.

I, too, and my husband voted for Ron Paul. We are sick of being controlled by the establishment. I always say that if our founding fathers were still alive, they'd be leading an armed revolution against our current government.


OVALTINE ...the chocolate drink ....I shit you not ....it worked for me ,had it on my hands .it would act like poison ivy but worse,after years and 2 skin docs . I started drinking ovaltine and it cleared up...

I also lost weight cause I replaced my late night munchi frenzy with a glass of Ovaltine


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

I can really understand where you are coming from. I had eczema growing up as a child. I eventually grew out of it, but had a bone marrow transplant two years ago because of leukemia. I've been on Prograf (immunosuppresant) for 4 years since diagnosis. I'm coming off my meds starting yesterday actually.

The doctors believed I was suffering from graph vs host disease manifesting as severe eczema, psoriasis like condition. I was on Medrol for months which caused wasting syndrome. I bathed in Triamcinolone. It was steroids, steroids, steroids. Enough already, right?! It has it's uses, but it can be poison. I feel you.

I started taking oatmeal bath's everyday.

This is the only cream I found that helped me. You can rub Vasoline or Aquafor all over your body, but that's greasy petreoluem based stuff. You feel like a big grease ball.

This stuff is a miracle cream IMO. I don't know if you know. Use CREAM only. Lotion is not a good moisturizer.

That's been my fight with it. I'm getting better, I think a lot of that has to do with my immune system starting to finally get used to the new body, but those two things helped me out quite a bit.

Good luck!
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i hate being greasy with anything. i'm always afraid someone will touch my arm or shake my hand. embarrassing. i'm all about that concoction in the second post.

my eczema is wayyyyyyyyyyyy better than it used to be, b/c controlling my allergies with the shots has made me react less to clothing, shoes, AND food. i've also pretty much cut tomatoes out, and i'm careful with eggs and wheat. i just don't want to use steroids for the occasional outbreak.

i will get some of that cream that was mentioned, too, however.

and yes, i have a 1 pound tub of triamcinolone. elidell doesn't work. protopic is the one that causes cancer in some . . . .

Danimal, sounds like yours was caused by a nutritional deficiency.

as for me, i don't eat a lot at night. i started living the european way. 4-5 nights a week, i eat a huge meal at lunch, and just coffee and maybe a small snack at night. if i'm truly hungry, i eat, but that has solved all sleep problems and heart burn, too. i thought heart burn was an inevitable part of growing older b/c so many have it, but it's not.

Thanks for all the ideas and thoughts. i am really enjoying this place.
fyi, berger, we are well aware that cannabis is the miracle drug in this family. it's only still illegal b/c the pharmaceutical companies don't want people creating their own medicine in the bag yard. it will become legal when they finally wise up and realize that better drugs can be made from cannabis that will actually cure things rather than treat symptoms sporadically and with terrible side effects. i KNOW it's a great antiobiotic. and since i'm allergic or intolerant of all pencilllin (mold allergies, ya know) and erythromycin, i am always looking for alternatives.

do you think this oil could be ingested as an antibiotic for internal use? and what would the dose be on that??


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Thanks for all the ideas and thoughts. i am really enjoying this place.

Glad to hear all that. There's lots of good info on this site.

Clobetasol and Desonide where the other two big creams they gave me that I couldn't think of the other night. The Clobetasol is the strongest stuff they have. They don't like you using it all.

I also did 4 months of UV Narrow Band Light Therapy. It's used for auto-immune problems. That really cleared everything up too, along with the oatmeal and Vanicream.

I hear ya, grease sucks!
i'd like to get my overall allergies to the point where i could eat tomatoes again. i had to find alternate routes for two meals today b/c the epople i was with had fixed or ordered food with tomatoes. and i don't expect them to remember my allergies, but it was embarrassing to see them feel so bad about it. plus one meal, we ate out, and the meal was astronomical. we could have eaten at a high priced champagne buffet and gotten DOWN for what it cost us. not to mention i LIKE tomatoes. fortunately, with the allergy shots and my stress level way down, i'm not getting eczema at all, i HAVE been able to eat the occasional (1-2 times per month) lasagna or something with a small amount of tomatoes and only get mild eczema. i just want to be prepared in case my luck doesn't hold out . . . .

where did you get your lights and what did they run you?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I had to go to the hospital every time and it was covered by insurance. Your doctor can prescribe you one. They are quite expensive to buy alone and you have to order them from Australia.

In order to get a home one in the US you need to have a script.
Definitely can't ingest funghus, i have serious, and i mean serious mold allergies. i was doing fine without shots, pills, antiobiotics, or sinus infections for nearly 20 years, and then i switched jobs, and wham, headaches every day for a couple of months and then the sinus infection that wouldn't quit. i see lots of people from my place of work at the allergists' office, the place is infested with mold. those are my worst allergies. the only thing that worked was massage therapy and chiropractic care. those two people literally worked the stuff out of my head. then it settled in my neck and shoulders and i had to get anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers. then i went through allergy testing, two times, to make sure, then i've been on shots for close to a year. now i'm mostly ok and i didn't have to go out and buy $300 hand made shoes, either, b/c finally the eczema is gone from my feet. i've been through the ringer with my allergies, however . . .

the upside?

no more yard work, the dust, pollens, and mold used to make me sick for a day or two and that was with a mask and before the great sinus breakdown.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Definitely can't ingest funghus, i have serious, and i mean serious mold allergies. i was doing fine without shots, pills, antiobiotics, or sinus infections for nearly 20 years, and then i switched jobs, and wham, headaches every day for a couple of months and then the sinus infection that wouldn't quit. i see lots of people from my place of work at the allergists' office, the place is infested with mold. those are my worst allergies. the only thing that worked was massage therapy and chiropractic care. those two people literally worked the stuff out of my head. then it settled in my neck and shoulders and i had to get anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxers. then i went through allergy testing, two times, to make sure, then i've been on shots for close to a year. now i'm mostly ok and i didn't have to go out and buy $300 hand made shoes, either, b/c finally the eczema is gone from my feet. i've been through the ringer with my allergies, however . . .

the upside?

no more yard work, the dust, pollens, and mold used to make me sick for a day or two and that was with a mask and before the great sinus breakdown.

LOL. You sound about like I do lol. It's not funny. It sucks. I feel your pain. It's just not everyday you meet someone you can ramble off a bunch of stuff that you've had to deal with on the level that most people don't.

I wish you all the best. Medical conditions are a real pain in the ass. If I find anything else besides the Aveno and Cream I'll let ya know. I'm always keeping my eye peeled, although this seems to be working.
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Definitely can't ingest funghus, i have serious, and i mean serious mold allergies.

I've got mold allergies myself, but Cordyceps sinensis is totally different in reaction.I ingested it myself for a long time and even the hayfever was gone.No dust allergy and some other persons didnt have allergies either with this Cordyceps.

Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:



Thanks for the few suggestions in this thread, I've had eczema since I was 7 on my feet, and knees. Been using steroid creams for a long time, think I might give some other things a shot.


Salves lotions and balms, do not get you high.
Do not mix you meds into phams products. That's poison.
DO you live in Colorado?
I make organic salve, balms, lineaments, chap stick, and more. This batch of sale I have is made with 50g WR bubble infused into emu oil and other organic oils, along with 250g of Dr Atomic Haze trim infused into the other half of emu. This stuff really is the bomb. It works out to 2.5g bubble per ounce in this batch.
If you live here in CO I'd be willing to send you some to try out. I would like to pass this onto as many different people as possible.

% by weight amt.

Menthol 20%
Camphor 32%
Emu oil 20%
Olive oil 4%
oil of clove 8%
oil of cajuput 8%
oil of cinnamon 8%

1. Camphor is a natural numbing agent. It helps to numb the peripheral sensory nerves and reduce the feeling of pain.

2. Mint is used to help reduce inflammation of the muscles.

3. Cinnamon can help to relieve muscle spasms and pain. Like camphor, it also helps to numb the nerves and reduce pain.

4. Cajuput stimulates circulation to the application area. It also reduces the pain of many muscle conditions such as pulled ligaments, sprains, tension and sciatica.

5. Clove is used as a mild anesthetic to relieve pain in muscles and ligaments.

6. Menthol has a cooling effect that helps to relive sore muscles. It also acts as a mild anesthetic.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the few suggestions in this thread, I've had eczema since I was 7 on my feet, and knees. Been using steroid creams for a long time, think I might give some other things a shot.

Getting away from the steroid cream was the best thing I ever did. Steroids have their place, but you aren't meant to stay on them your whole life.

They can become counterproductive IMO and from what I've read.

All the best!


Active member
Could be electrical machines, cellphones, wlan, tv, ect, can aggitate one enough so eczema breaks out. Also badly/overprocessed corn can do that. And your long variety of cleaning supplies... A lot of stuff out there you could be allergic or sensitive to...

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