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"bitcoin fad of 2013" its the most revolutionary thing going right now since the adoption of the internet its self for the general public.

you are hyped up on becoming a "licensed producer" for marijuana under the MMPR in a country with under 40 million people.

its easier to setup to be a LP then it is to setup to get a tim hortons franchise and will also profit less money then a tim hortons franchise.

i love how you think you can make some big business out of something that isn't proprietary knowledge anyone with a GRADE 8 education can grow pot indoors.

Maybe someone can setup a Skype Lawyer conference for people getting their MMPR license and they can consult you through the paperwork for $800 bux

when are you hydro store scammers gonna start dropping prices to reflect the fact that weed is going for 700$ a lb

Good something I can chime in on since I own a hydro store and been in the industry for 10+ years. I'll attribute your ignorance of the hydro retail market profits to lack of knowledge but I could be wrong and am on many occasions

Most retailers in BC and Canada for that matter probably only float around 30% profit margin these days. My store is about 25% profit margin since I have two other stores to compete with in a 10km radius as they opened up in the same city as me in the last year. I set up my overhead to be small so on slow times I can chug along on profit fumes and still barely make a living but the store will survive.

Just like any retail sector more customers = lower prices and that's how business works for the most part. Now for Hydro Retail that doesn't really work since the customer base is so unique and very narrow unless you're attached to a nursery or a farm. If something disturbs the customers way of making money hydro stores feel it very heavily really fast.

So now if you're saying hydro stores shouldn’t making 20-30% profit margins because you can only make $700 on your lb you need check you head or go start a business and see how easy it is especially when you go heavy competition and working 6-7 day per week. On the other hand if you're pnly getting $700 you need to grow it better.

Here's a break down on profits.

Pro Mix HP (Wholesale $24.50 + delivery works out to $25.50) Stores will sell it for $27.50 to 30. So if you're saying I"m ripping you off for making $2 per bail of dirt you're a retard.

GH G and B 24L Wholesale $75.50 Retail 105
GH M 24L Whole sale $88 Retail 110-105
Jiffy pucks 701 1000 per case/ Wholesale 52.50 Retail 62.50
SG Lite Ballast Wholesale $75-79 Retail 95-105 depending on quantity.
Digital Ballasts Wholesale $145-185 Retail $175-210.
Cultaline RW Slabs Case 6/8" Wholesale $66 Retail $86-90

Another example I got a 3 fan swamp yesterday for a cusomer $1097 wholesale and I sold it for $1247 + taxes. Oh yah whole lot of profit margin there.


ICMag Donor
Profit per employee is of little use beyond comparing companies within the same narrow industry , an online outlet being higher than a physical shop for the same turnover and larger chains having economy of scale.

Its really a tool for investors , but might be useful for owners to compare the financial performance of very similar hydro shops retailing into the same geographical market , but a single additional job can skew the figures in a small retail business.

Applied to my small business the profit per employee was considerably less than their wages.
how much do you profit per employee ?

Well in a small retail store it doesn't matter as there's not enough turnaround in sales and customers for the employee to make a difference unless they are the only ones running the store, the store is super busy, you have a second business to run so you need someone to run the stores or you are paying them minimum wage.

The more the employee gets paid the more the company has to pay into CPP and Income tax. Yes the employee pays the income tax but it still comes out of the company. Now that does count towards making your profit margin smaller at the end of the year when calculating corporate tax but that only lowers your tax bracket.

Now speaking of online outlets I'll let you know the hydro industry is stuck in the 90's when it come to allowing online only stores, at least in Canada. 95% of the wholesalers will not give you an account to buy from them if you only have an online store. They require you to have a commercial space as they say in gives you an unfair advantage over retail stores since you don't have to pay rent/leas your store.

I mean seriously frist of all if I'm selling online I'm not really competing with the local stores, so what if I have an unfair advantage that's business, if my online store is seen as a threat to local stores then their business model is already broken. If I'm making local stores go under all that means I give the wholesaler more business and they lose nothing. Any other industry I can go set up an online business, get a business license and a pst number and start buying from wholesaler but not so in the hydro industry and they wonder why they are hurting. What's funny about the more vocal wholesaler who are anti online only store is they back door the products any ways to anyone with a PST number or a business account.


Active member
26000 KW, BULLSHIT. Now way there is a building with 26 thousand lights, the local hydro electric utility would not allow such a large drain on the grid.

Really? If I'm running the "local hydro electric" and a paying, legit customer calls me up with that much requirement, I'm telling my boys "Call the transformer warehouse and hook that mf'er up ASAP". 26kw isn't shit when you're talking about power companies that provide the same power to you as to a huge industrial chemical plant or the like.


ICMag Donor
That load balanced on 12/12 is roughly 1% 0f the output of the nearby Bruce nuclear power station.


Active member
26KW and 26000KW is a big difference lol. It's probably 26KW.

If it's 26,000kw that's on the order of a larger chemical plant. And some of the plants at that level are forced to generate a portion of their own power. That being said, if a power company really wants to sell some juice, there are certainly distribution systems which can accommodate a plant this size.

Edit: I take that back 26k kw isn't shit for most power companies. 1gw is where you start getting into co-generation of power.
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Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I didn't think he would win 1st place but last is a surprise. He actually does grow some good weed.


ICMag Donor
They require you to have a commercial space as they say in gives you an unfair advantage over retail stores since you don't have to pay rent/leas your store.

Most of the larger ones here have a retail shop , possibly to get a trade account , but do most of their turnover online.

Some of the smaller ones in the suburbs seem to be little more than a front for money laundering , little stock , hardly ever open and gone within a year.
Most of the larger ones here have a retail shop , possibly to get a trade account , but do most of their turnover online.

Some of the smaller ones in the suburbs seem to be little more than a front for money laundering , little stock , hardly ever open and gone within a year.

But having a brick and mortar store shouldn't matter after all I'm an online only shop you know like 100's of thousands online businesses. So what if I keep my stock in my garage or a shipping crate/can parked in my drive way. This isn't 1997 where that was a rare thing these people need to get with the times. They want to see an actual retail store front and not a storage warehouse also.

Beside they're hypocrites as the ones that said no to me when I asked about buying from them for my online only store will sell hydro equipment to non hydro stores even though they say you need a brick and mortar store.


Active member
Rough placement, sounds like the packaging and shipping had an effect on the rating.


I apologize for swearing earlier, no need for that.
Its ok to be upset, criticize or disagree with someone, but not okay to be an asshole, for that I am sorry.

This thread should be closed...
I didn't think he would win 1st place but last is a surprise. He actually does grow some good weed.

I have no doubt that the kid can grow, but his bravado, and self centred attitude and his king shit attitude, is just too much to take. I have been in the biz for over 25 years and there so many pro's out there that would grow, breed, smoke, walk, talk, spell, circles around him, including me.I find it quite comical and get a good laugh out of it, and find it hard to show the respect he probably deserves.

Cheers GG.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
And me ;) how do you know how many entries where in the 420 cup ??I count 25 for the best Indica grower


New member
6th place of 6 total in ic sativa cup

7th place of 7 total in ic indica cup

12th place of 13 total in ic hash cup


participation badge = med-man method?

Didn't want to point that out myself, waiting on the HTCC in denver results, hey at least you entered something and took part.
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