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The Landrace Indica thread


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Chaman :wave:
I still remember your DC....smallest one ever jejejej!! :wink:
I have some indica,sativa & hybrids for you to play bro...:wink:

bonecarver & all the others :wave:
this is my pure afghan

this is my pure afghan

pure afghan mazari sharif region of afghanistan.the only reason i know that is because that is what the ad said.



Active member
Raco, jejejeje remember ! jeje gona try and post some pics of it. The male was wicked too ejejej

Bone, def a floro set up is necesary for them, and now is the time to have started them....so that they flower during the dry season.

To find an Indica around a Tropical zone...think thats almost contridictory jeje can't spell.

I'm at just above or just under the 10* North and in a zone that will rain from may to dec. So unless there are indicas that have a long seed dorment period that would make them not hatch till mid november, grow and flower just finishing in time for late april...its almost imposible.

So...during rain season if I want to get stoned...I just cut my Sativas late. I cut intervales normaly any way...So to get super high, earliest cuts, a longer lasting high with a little body, harvesting a few weeks later and finaly to get stoned with, about almost a month from first cut.

Then you can mix a little too, some super high heart race'n from first cut with some gravity of the last stoney harvest.
Its all about what kinda of mood your in, but realy like i've read here i've yet too meet an Indica that can get me High, even if I cut early...

and as I've been read'n in Hashish, most of the hash that did get you high, came from plants that where more of a sativa nature too...if the sativa hash did get you stoned i'd bet it was cuase they dried it too long under the sun, so rubbed hash would be best too get you high, and shieved to get you stoned as i've been understanding.

But like Bone said...not much luck to find an indica type plant where sativas feel more at home...but as i've been read'n in hashish you can prety much find the sativa types in almost everywhere, from cultivated to escped to the most weedy...




Hello everyone,

Here is an old indica strain from the begin 1980s.A purple Afghan indica strain named Viking used for the varieties Top44 and Hollandsch Hope.This strain is hard to find nowadays.Flowering period is 6 weeks.



This thread just don't stop amazin' me,
Chaman that last pic is what I'm talkin' about!

Anyone remember African seeds was going to introduce some Madagascan indica? There is hope for the tropics!


Active member
thats a beauty !! very nice pics, do you still have this line growing ? looks like the early true skunks in some ways, not all the after stuf the seed banks would give away... Very nice

Levant, thanks and madagascar had indicas ? thats too good to be true almost as it would be a tropical.

A friend here a long time ago gave me some Japan genetics, it was of pure indica too...it hermied late, but never gave it another go, gave a very little harvest, but was prety and tasted great, like grapes I think..was along time ago, and was prety danky...i'll cross my fingers and see if they still sprout...had a bad situation with my Seed reserves. But I think Japan is a little more up north now that I think about it...but who would have been the care taker of this indica in Madagascar ? meen like what ethnic group ? (Muslim? /Catholic?)

Gona have too pull out some world maps and start too do search's for cannabis...

The best thing that has been working for me are the high land sativas as they have many gualities as the indicas...short nodes, faster harvest, tight buds, stoney feelings justfor example...

Cool & Calm


Maybe a ganja traveler like sam or ngakpa can give us some answers Madagascar...
All I remember is that soon before African seeds closed shop they had a line up of new strains they were about to introduce, one of them was a Madagascan Indica.

With Japan it really depends which island, the Southern islands of Kyushu, Shikoku, and southern Honshu are considered warm climates by anyone's standards, however they are not tropical like Madagascar.

Have you tried the Ethiopian Highland Chaman?

Oh dear are we talking about sativa's again?

Has anyone tried Mazar-I-Shariff Real seeds co.?
I have a few and I'm gonna grow 'em next year,
not keeping them out 'till December though!!!!!
I'm a late September-Afghan-harvester. :muahaha:


Active member
No, this island of Japan was like Hiro something something something....ejej sorry I realy am not the best when it comes to spelling...specialy since this is a secound lang.

jeje we are talk'n sativas agian, but no i've not yet had that pleasure to try them.

I wonder why so many seed banks ofer simlar things, but when people grow them they seem so different. Most are indoors here and well indoor inviroments have much less variables then outdoors so you'd think they'd me more similar. Is it due to there likes and choices of P1' s ? mean...just don't get it, some of these indica places mentiones are very isolated and i'd think the ones who have kept them so long has been breeding them to similar needs, so they 'd be more uniform in my logic...

Would be prety cool if someone got the same seeds from several places and grew them side by side.

I wounder if maybe some one showed up with one clone every one got one of it but had no males to cross it too so they all had to make due with thier stalks...to keep something going. Be'n these places are isolated or in conflictive zones, or even just not cheap too fly some where across the world, and then try and smugle clones and seeds back, so no one else realy has much of a selection even to choose the true better genetics they could offer as well.

Sept at 50n, dont you have realy long hrs of light at this time ?



Resident pissy old man
levant said:
Maybe a ganja traveler like sam or ngakpa can give us some answers Madagascar...
All I remember is that soon before African seeds closed shop they had a line up of new strains they were about to introduce, one of them was a Madagascan Indica.

With Japan it really depends which island, the Southern islands of Kyushu, Shikoku, and southern Honshu are considered warm climates by anyone's standards, however they are not tropical like Madagascar.

Have you tried the Ethiopian Highland Chaman?

Oh dear are we talking about sativa's again?

Has anyone tried Mazar-I-Shariff Real seeds co.?
I have a few and I'm gonna grow 'em next year,
not keeping them out 'till December though!!!!!
I'm a late September-Afghan-harvester. :muahaha:

I have both the Sheberghan and Mazar-i-Sharif from The Real Seed Co. I had 2 phenos on the Sheberghan. One is 5'2" in a 5 gal pot and about 24" wide. The other is 32-36" tall and about 9" wide with many short stubby side branches. The Mazar are about 4' tall and scraggly looking. Both had spider mite problems early on. They were vegged too long in too small a space with too little light. Not exactly a fair test. I am growing indoors in soil and am in the 3rd week of bloom.


Active member
The soil you use is the same mix for all ? and all had the same size pots for the Sheberghan ? Cuase thats crazy, sounds like waht I mentioned earlier. Seed banks not keeping things pure...or you got an F1 seed posibly ?

It just wouldnt cross my mind why some plant grown in such a traditionary fashion would show such a drastic different fenotypes...if they are the same genotype.

jeje such tall indicas, how long did you veg them for ? Here with no suplemental light an indica is what I consider an ankle bitter...cuase it'll never get taller then your knee.

Are the Mazar more uniform despite there stress ?




This strain is a true line from the 1980s, never hybridized with White Widow or Skunk.I don' t know what the seedbanks are doing here in Holland.Lambsbread is gone, other pure strains are gone.Hollandsch Hope starts flowering at beginning of September, while the old HH strain sold at that time at Positronics finished at the End of September.I'm glad that a few seedbanks here in Europe sells pure sativa or indica strains (old landraces).
The Swiss sell pure Pakistani, Nepali or South-African strains.We have to keep these genes alive. :canabis:


Active member
hey Chaman - Pops is growing Real Seed Co Mazar-i-Sharif and Sheberghan... they are both unworked charas cultivars from N. Afghanistan... bummer that they are not happy indoor under lights, but not surprising either I guess... 100% sure it would be a very different story if they were grown outside, but gutted that Pops is having no luck with these for his med project

I know an area on the edge of the tropics which has indicas and should have some by Christmas

I would guess Madagascar indicas would be strains which arrived with Indian/Arab traders from India (Malabar)... there are short strains in S. India which have been described as "indica" in the Dutch sense - one was used to create White Widow I'm told

Here is the Mazar-i-Sharif the Real Seed Co has (as obtained by Mriko from the same source but at an earlier year) outdoors in Spain 2004 - it finished, according to Western tastes, at the end of Oct

two other friends have run this M-i-S outdoors - one has very short tight plants which look very indica with big wide leaves; the other put some straight from seed into 12/12 outdoors and got all males with narrow leaves... phenotype/genotype ... god knows? I should get pics of the indica one when it has got into full flower...

oh, sieved Kashmiri garda from indicas? any guesses?

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Resident pissy old man
Ngapka and Chaman, these look nothing like the traditional Afghan(kush)type. They appear to be a blend of what we think of as sativa and indica(WLD & NLD). They are in the same soil, but they were vegged 13 weeks in 2 gal. pots and were severely rootbound when I transplanted to 5 gal pots. They were vegged with only about 30WSF. I think the results would have been different if I had them in 5 gal pots earlier and had 40-50WSF.

Chaman, the Mazar are more uniform, but don't look anything like a Kush plant. I am taking clones and will run them in a hydro SOG next. These certainly look like a mix of sativa and indica. My Chinese Yunnan Indica from Dubi are looking great. They were grown the same way.


Chaman - I harvest my early indica's late sept, daylight hours would be around 12/12 by then,
I could let the Mazar-I go to late oct - early nov,
IF we have sunshine, I've done it with
Ethiopian highland, although she didn't go amber, was very satisfied with her.

ngakpa said:
adulterated handrub - cut to buggery - what most backpackers smoke

Hey ngakpa, I have just got some stuff that looks like this...
It's soft and a little spongy, but does "chink" nicely when dropped on a hard surface, it smells very nice, pungeant incense and minty...It smokes ok - nice mellow body buzz - medium strength (so not pure lol)
Does it sound like the stuff? Is it totally wrong to smoke this? lol...


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Minion said:
Great Indica thread. Where's all the White Widow and Rhino?
Read the thread title properly "landrace indica thread"..


Active member
hey guys.....when you think Jamica what comes to mind ?

Not this right ?

look almost like pure indicas if you ask me....
Blessings !!!! best wishes to all


Active member
Sativas do not flower like this ever....no oposite phylo, no dis numeration in leaf digits (7-to 5-to 3-to single digit leafs in flower.) long nodes, thick fat stubby leafs jejeje the only thing is the light green color but that is prob my fualt for not give'n them all enough N. These remind me in every which way of a Indca type. fat stalks that are hollow too. jejeje this is what happens on a small island when you introduce genetics I guess....their original pure sativas have all prety much gone to this ?

I had prue staivas when I in my youn 20's...then about to reach my 25th I remember growing out sone real nice hybirds, indica at first but finished as pure sativas almost...these at 31 yrs old from the same dealers i've always delt with when it came to Jamican comercial weed, this is what I ve gotten, not just me but all those i've seen grow these too.



ICMag Donor
hej chaman .... , i have seen this growth pattern before ... , on jamaicans as well ... , this habitus was gone after keeping a cut for several months under 24hours lighting , there are pix of my jamaican in the strain base in my forum

mine were said to be from the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica ... , but yeah .. who knows :D
