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:The Ladies' Room:



Well :smile: Looks like we are on our way...
Thanks to one of our new lady members, nan, We have a name for the Thread of Links to the Ladies' Grow Rooms... and a big Thank You to all you ladies and you new gals are indeed a breathe of fresh air around here... :respect:

Indigo has been so kind as to take this young lady under her wing, so if you are looking for some info that is very basic this is the thread to give a look see anyhow...

This is our sistah's first grow and thread, she goes by the handle Budhownd, and here's the lowdown so far. Thread is new so its still evolving. Budhownd is growing in soil, from bagseed (indica dom hybrid) and ran into many problems, all of which are due to her plants' becoming rootbound very early in veg. Macro and micro-nute deficencies, which caused her to overfert trying to combat this...then a repotting to pots which quickly became too small, the plants are once again rootbound, and beginning to exhibit some deficencies. Plants are stunted at 35 days of veg, but looking ok and as soon as she gets them into some bigger pots I don't foresee any particular problems for them to bounce back, though they're gonna stay smaller than normal.

now for some links from some known ladies of IC that I think are an inspiration to us gals... :rasta:

I also read somewhere that Katzaye will be getting her very own plant to grow really soon... I hope to see it listed on here girlfriend... and SkyRose, you should join up and dig in too.... :D Oh and don't forget Mrs.Babba's Outdoor Grow Thread

Please if I didn't include yours don't be upset... I want you to post up your links and ones that you find interesting as well.... so, Come'on ladies...​
~*Show Your Stuff*~​

Thanks so much to every lady here.... :wave: and please, Have a Grate Day! :rasta:
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Active member
what a great idea Ms. G! Thanks for including me in this. Did y'all get a load of Teresa's trees? Holy lick! Incredible! It will be way easier for me to follow the gals grows now. :jump:


:wave: Jenna! hey girl... Thanks so much... I am so glad you like it... I just love to share what I find interesting, and would love for others to as well.... Speaking of which, how could we miss this spectacular Lady's test grow and heck'of'a'Harvest:yoinks: This was one AWESOME grow thread and I for one and looking forward to see what she is gonna grow next.... :bandit:

ps..You on the look out for a new avatar or somethin'? :D


Active member
Ms.Grat3ful said:
ps..You on the look out for a new avatar or somethin'? :D

:smile: ya... and having a heck of a time figuring out what i want.

I gotta go check out that new link!


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
A Lady In The Garden Now Thats Sexy

A Lady In The Garden Now Thats Sexy

Ms.Gratful, I do feel the ladies group owes it to them selves to get the Great Tree Girl involved on this. TERESA where are ya girl. She has humbled a few in her time,(gotta love the tree's) I working on getting her another camera but time will tell. Oh just read above and saw Jenna has already said that well any way TERESA you gotta get in on this one atleast post some old pics. But for those who have never seen her tree's,this is what she chops them down with.

I think you get the idea.



??Abstract Cannabis Art??

??Abstract Cannabis Art??

or just a stoned chic?
You decide... :wink:

:biglaugh: Guys are always talking about their fine ladies, well I tell ya this Big Hunk of Bud took on a totally different shape in my mind.... :D


Active member
ROFL.. umm let's call it Abstract Art..

I think my mind went exactly where yours did!





now abstract art? :chin:
that's just disguisting, Mrs. G...

i should hang around here more often! :rasta: :friends:


........no worries indigo, this wouldn't be the first time i've role played for a chick........

i do expect the same in return one day tho :x j/k :whip:

great thread start, ladies, i love all your grows! (the phallic symbols i could do without hehe)

be well girls
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Active member
Ladies I love you- all respect do to all queens of the planet. Goddesses are needed on this planet thanks for being here. I don't know what we'd do if there were only men.


Active member
Oh shit, I thought your name was Mr. Grateful, whoops, I thought you were gung ho on helping the ladies, I see you are. Now I'm straight. Wo, I need another hit. All ladies if you need help look for me, I keep it simple. My medium is soiless. It looks like soil though, you know. Lots of perlite. I use organics. I'm not an internet predator and I won't start Hitting on you, well maybe just a little bit ladies, afterall my name is Hitman. It is the most unsexiest name to me, I should have thought about JuicyFruit or StudBudmuffin or something cute but at the same time sexy. But I went with a bowl related name although all one initially thinks about is assassination. You could say I assassinate O's.


ICMag Donor
Hi Hitman :wave: ...good to see ya stop by, its great to see a new face[name] here! ....pull up a chair and take a hit!! *puff* cuz us girls like to SMOKE it!! ...hehehe cya around the boards :joint:



Active member
I feel like I have just scaled the wall of the girls pink castle. I won't stay long. Nice to meet you Mrs. Babba. :wave:


Sunshine DayDreamer
Hitman said:
Oh shit, I thought your name was Mr. Grateful, whoops, I thought you were gung ho on helping the ladies, I see you are. Now I'm straight. Wo, I need another hit. All ladies if you need help look for me, I keep it simple. My medium is soiless. It looks like soil though, you know. Lots of perlite. I use organics. I'm not an internet predator and I won't start Hitting on you, well maybe just a little bit ladies, afterall my name is Hitman. It is the most unsexiest name to me, I should have thought about JuicyFruit or StudBudmuffin or something cute but at the same time sexy. But I went with a bowl related name although all one initially thinks about is assassination. You could say I assassinate O's.
...uhmm... are ya talkin' to me there Hitman?.....
.... you addressed the ladies of the forum and then spoke like you were talking to me directly, so... what's up?... :rasta: ...
To my delight Mrs.Babba agreed to take my place here as women's forum moderator, as my time is limited and life is taking a different direction...
Anyway, saw mention of my name is a very wierd type way and wanted to be of assistance if I could...
Have A Grat3DaY!:bongsmi:

Sour Queen...
my Ladies


Active member
Ms. Grat3ful, I just thought you were a dude. It was weird and then I looked close and you were a girl, I was like wow. Anyway, pleased to meet you. I hope your life goes in the best direction!


Active member
Nam myoho Renge Kyo!

Nam myoho Renge Kyo!

Mrs.Babba said:
Hi Hitman :wave: ...good to see ya stop by, its great to see a new face[name] here! ....pull up a chair and take a hit!! *puff* cuz us girls like to SMOKE it!! ...hehehe cya around the boards :joint:

What a splendid garden and your sign is marvelous, Mrs. Babba! Please to meet you! :wave:

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