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So all ya guys and gals out there:

What are your FAVORITE papers?

I liked the Aleda, but now it seems like they put more and more glycerrhine on them.

I also like the Smoking, but all of them are too broad for my liking.

Other papers, like the black OCB are quite thin, but have a bad taste.

I didn´t have the opportunity to try the RAW so far, but they are definitely on my list.

I´ve been toking on the weed too long to further waste my tastebuds to bad paper, and even ruin the taste of my herb.



daisy jane

I like Smoking too! Just cut them down if they are too broad for ya, that's what I do. The picture I posted a few days ago was rolled with Smoking papers. I like Aleda too, but they are a little too harsh on my throat, although I do loving Aleda joints. They look badass!


I suppose a bad photo is better than none at all:

Elements work well for me, my favourite papers so far. I like em better than Smoking, Rizla, ZigZag, Bambu and OCB. I like to try different papers. I don`t know if I want to try the clear cellulose ones tho. :joint:

I`ve found that I like rice over hemp over wood, and thin paper over thick. Also 99% of the joints I roll I smoke by myself, so I find a 1 and 1/4 size to be a bit better-at least 70-80mm long. King Size at about 110mm are a little too long for everyday rolling.


Oh yeah, check out rollyourown magazine. I think it`s ryomagazine.com or something. It`s an online mag for tobacco hand rolling fans.They have a crap load of well-written reviews/critiques of rolling papers and blunts every issue - they have a permanent column thing going.

Also, I`ve yet to find a blunt that I like. I`ve only tried the blunt-wrap style, a few different brands, but they all are crap IMO. I get the urge to smoke a blunt every now and then, but I`m not buying anymore flavoured ones. I need to buy a large cigar and use that maybe. That may get a little expensive though. Not to mention no-ones smokes cigars here, I haven`t even seen any in the tobacco shops. Haven`t been looking though.

Stay Safe!




#1 Rolling BLunt

but they are expsnsive


Best BLUNT bar none. GOOD FLAVOR, even burn, easy roll



they burn slow, you can realy taste the weed


RAWS burn like shit, taste like shit
i so can't roll. last month a wasted a whole 1/2 oz. on my amateur attempts at blunt rolling. i couldn't get them tight enough and they burned way too fast. so i started taking hits as fast as i could to avoid wasting smoke, which made them burn even faster. $120 down the drain, but at least i got really, really high really fast


I can't roll by hand so i had a little roller. It worked great and made perfect joints. Used Golden wraps mostly peach and choc. Like little blunts.



vanilla dutches are good too, still would take honey as #1.

dutch master flavors are not as important as the wrap, dutches wrap very easily, taste good

ALEDA papers are great for quality marijunana

RAW papers i HATE

i bought and recently finished a whole 35 paper pack

the unbleached papers burned poorly, unevenly, and often went out early. I also disliked the glue, which seems to never want to stick

i used to think clear papers were a novelty and i dont find myself using them that often unless I have quality smoke. I love the glueless design and i find them very easy to roll

for normal everyday smoke I use ZIG-ZAGS and tear off half the paper


Inspirado said:


#1 Rolling BLunt

but they are expsnsive


Best BLUNT bar none. GOOD FLAVOR, even burn, easy roll



they burn slow, you can realy taste the weed


RAWS burn like shit, taste like shit

It might be the way you rolled the RAW papers because being that they are thin, if you don't roll them tight and even, the paper will burn fast.

Aledas don't have this problem because they are a THICK paper and if you don't roll the joint even and tight, it will still burn better BUT the thick smoke interferes with the herb smoke.

Also, the RAW papers might taste bad to you because maybe the herb your smoking might not have a good taste. I remember when I packed a hookah with some herb that I thought didn't taste bad when smoked BUT when I packed it in a hookah, which basically vaporizes a lot of the herb, the taste was so HORRIBLE that I had to smoke it to get rid of the bad taste because the thick smoke prevented the taste from being so strong.

This is most likely what is happening when you smoke RAW papers with your herb but with the aleda, being that they are so thick and have a hint of sweetness from the glycerine, they cover up the bad taste from your herb.

RAW talked about this in an article they wrote here it is:


"They say "the devil lies in the details", and now that we had an idea the problem was how do we bring this idea to fruition. It took years of research and development (and many failed attempts) until we finally produced the first pack of what would later become known as RAW. We sent out hundreds of packs for testing by smokers and received extremely positive reviews. A few older smokers that had been rolling their own for many years mentioned that they felt our papers made their cigarettes 'taste different'. This was something that took us a long time to figure out the cause of. After analysis, it was conclusively determined that our papers didn't taste 'different' but rather these smokers were so used to the taste of certain chemicals or whitening additives in their cigarettes that when these chemicals and additives were reduced, they 'missed' the taste! We proved this point by conducting tests with specially designed tobacco pipes. The pipes were made out of labglass to be sure that they would not add any flavor to the smoking experience. Our determination was that RAW papers are so natural and pure that smoking a cigarette rolled in RAW is parallel in taste to smoking through a pipe, whereas using conventional cigarette paper presented the added 'taste' of the level of chemicals and additives used in their processing."

Also, I don't see how you can say RAW papers taste like shit yet you smoke ZIg Zags everyday. When I smoke most white papers, especially Zig Zags, I can taste the bleach in it and it takes over the herbs taste which I don't like. They are also too thick and interfere with the herb smoke.
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i think we are arguing the same point!



i only like aledas for quality herb

I smoke mids/brickweed/shitweed mostly in blunts or in ZIGZAGS. I enjoy the bleached paper/blunt taste that drowns out the taste the weed. ALSO with ZIgZAGs i tear off half the paper so there is just enough paper to close the joint, no excess

RAWS are just not to my liking

some good herb in an aleda



Inspirado said:

i think we are arguing the same point!

i only like aledas for quality herb

I smoke mids/brickweed/shitweed mostly in blunts or in ZIGZAGS. I enjoy the bleached paper/blunt taste that drowns out the taste the weed. ALSO with ZIgZAGs i tear off half the paper so there is just enough paper to close the joint, no excess

RAWS are just not to my liking

some good herb in an aleda

I understand now.

Do your thing as long as your happy. Peace.


Active member
I agree on a filter at the end of your jibber. This functions as a ever flowing chamber for smoke to flow gracefully. Next, it keeps the ganj from pooping within anyone's mouth. These past couple weeks of rolling them has really made me enjoy the smoking experience.

Another thing to talk about is the papers. Generally if the paper is white, it is bleached. Most people don't worry bout it though, because it is in so many other things like sugar, eggs, flour, etc.

Cellulose papers are a great idea, with the intention of it being directly from a plant source and less harsh than a normal paper. This is proven true until the near end of the jib. She heats up like liquid hot magma near the end. Which ultimately that the cellulose papers burn hotter and burn more thc in the process? I guess that is for you to judge.

But really i prefer the non-cellulose, that is, until they perfect the heat issue.

There are a new papers that a friend from Canada suggest we get. They are non-bleached rice paper that is vegan. RAW rolling papers ! Thin as an element thickness and burns very nicely.

peace out


Mother Nature's Son
I love using the tip on the end of joints. Never had to mess with a joint because it stopped hitting if there is a tip in it.

I don't really dig those Aledas, I still have a few packs somewhere. They are ok, but just not the best, imo. I have had them stick to my lips for 1/4 second, and fall onto my crotch, many times.

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