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Med grower
ICMag Donor
UK style!

UK style!

Finally got some bud - Here's how it's done in the UK.

Roaches, Grinder, Silvers

Now, back rolling - least paper possible....

Burn off the flap...

Result :joint:


Flaming backflips..best when you can get the flame to spark it up for you.


Active member
Although I prefer bong, there'll be enough material coming from my crop this weekend to roll a few leaf-joints... I'm resorting to tobacco though, without it they look puny.

Good tips. :chin: Damn I like my apple papers, taste like they were coated in sugar... pics coming when it's finished. :wave:


i just thought id post this little dinker, because it made me laugh



Relapse said:
The half Jay, for the man that needs that extra boost before work.

Viva the the Baby J, a thing of beauty and grace. When you have good product, and its a solo event, anything more is just uncivilized.


I made a mistake an put this post in the wrong thread when it was meant for this one so here i is:

I found a distributor explaining clear papers as to how they are made, and what's in them. I think I'm sticking with RAW papers for sure after reading this:



Separating FAD from FICTION

As you know HBI sells many brands of clear rolling papers. We have even produced our own brands and are probably the top seller of clear papers in the marketplace. We’re glad that clear papers are in the market. However, we have noticed some companies miss-market clear rolling papers as being healthier than white papers. It is important to HBI that you know the real truth about these products and the truth about papers overall. We have a responsibility to always be completely honest and forthright. HBI’s reputation is on every box of papers we sell.

FICTION: “Clear papers are made from 100% cellulose”. This is simply not true and outright impossible. Cellulose is dry, crumbly and would burn instantly if you touched it with a lighter (picture a flash burn).

TRUTH: Clear papers are made from ~80% cellulose, ~14% glycerin and ~6% water.

FICTION: Clear papers are made from vegetable cellulose

TRUTH: The cellulose comes from one of two main sources. Brazilian papers use wood cellulose. Asian papers use either wood or mallow based cellulose. Some Brazilian papers are marked as “100% Vegetal Cellulose”. Vegetal means vegetation (including trees), not vegetables.

FICTION: Clear papers contain no arsenic

TRUTH: Almost everything grown in soil may contain trace amounts of arsenic. This is especially true for wood-based products. These are very very small traces – probably less then what’s in a potato!

FICTION: Clear papers are made using the same process as white papers but the process is stopped before ‘white dye’ is added to the paper to make them white.

TRUTH: WOW, that one is really funny. Clear papers are made using the same chemically extensive process as natural Cellophane. Ironically more chlorine is used to make clear papers then is used to make white papers! Paper is naturally brown in color – not clear! We don’t think anyone has grown a clear tree yet ?

More information: Clear papers are about 30gsm in weight. White rolling papers range from 12gsm for the ultra-thin papers to 22gsm for the very thick stuff. Therefore when you burn a clear paper it gives off a lot more smoke – because it’s much thicker.

Clear papers burn very slowly. This is because they contain Glycerin/Glycerol. Glycerin is a natural substance that is also used as an additive in many cigarettes and cheap cigar tobaccos to make them burn slowly. Burning pure Glycerin would release Acrolein, a carcinogen. However some reports say that burning Glycerin/Glycerol in a cigarette actually lowers tar intake in the lungs. So it’s definitely a mixed bag. Glycerin burns at ~290c, a typical lighter burns at ~600c so yes the Glycerin in the clear papers will burn when you light it.

White papers (at least the high quality ones) use Calcium Carbonate (the same ingredient as TUMS) to slow their burn rate and to help ‘whiten’ the paper. Calcium Carbonate is harmless to burn – it only releases Co2 which is the same thing we release when we exhale.

Why do people like the clear papers so much? The answer is three main things. The first is that they look really cool when you show them off to people. The second is that they do burn nice and very slow. The third is that they have a sort of shrink-wrap effect around your cigarette when you burn them. They sort of shrivel and tighten as they are heated. This gives a tighter draw then a white paper and some people (including this writer) like that quite a lot.

In closing we’d like to say that clear papers are not toxic, not plastic, and not worse for you then smoking tobacco. However they are definitely not healthier then smoking a good tree-free white or brown paper. Some companies may use lies to try and trick you and your customers into purchasing their products. HBI is NOT one of those companies.
thank you for that wonderful post lotty!

I had the pleasure of smoking my first joint out of clear paper last weekend, and i did notice that it was a bit heavier / thicker, and that it burned slower. It still feels a bit weird being able to see the resin creep down the paper as it burns though haha.

Thanks again lotty, excelent post!

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