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hey guys i wanted to start a thread on joint rolling and joint rolling technique. when i first started smoking i never rolled joints, always bongs and pipes. i am quickly learning the pleasures of laying back on your couch and smoking a nicely rolled slow burning joint.

the more i look into the subject of rolling the more i realize how many different ways to succesfully roll a nice J. from fatties to pins to cones all are great in their own respect when rolled by a masterful hand.

i started rolling perfect cylinders more like a cig than a joint really, i like the clear papers but im starting to see the benefit of other types of papers. im currenty rolling with elements and raws, both of which i like.

this is the last smoke clear joint ive rolled

this joint i rolled but as you can see its not all that great i just wanted to see how much i could cram in these nasty tasting juicy js (will never rolll them again).

now i recently learned from a friend to roll his style which involves starting at one end turning the corner over into the the joint forming a joint that looks like an anime style joint or a small hand rolled cig. dont have any pics of them but i like how they smoke. instead of twisting the end i actually fold it in on itself (pushing the open end over turning the joint a few degrees and doing it again until i get a flat matted surface against the weed. (lol ill take a pic once i roll another). this produces a more even burn and is easier to light than twisting imo.

so guys post your technique why you do it that way and how it imporves the smoking experience. show us how you roll your joints so that we can learn from ya. pictures are encourages and much love to those of you who make a video and provide a link (youtube ect. just dont expose yourself on the video STAY SAFE). i wanna see how you guys and gals roll, share with us.


holy hell
you roll a nice j

I haven't tried the clear ones yet.. I really only use zigzags.. maybe a rasta paper or a flavored one here or there.. but I still prefer a small glass pipe.. variety is the spice of life! Marijuana is also the spice of life! ha! :lol:


one in the chamber
I've never actually taken a picture of a J I've rolled, and I've rolled many thousands in my lifetime. I'm actually taking a good, long break from the pot. It's an experiment to see how not smoking affects my motivation and how much I get done n stuff.


Sunshine DayDreamer
sometimes I do it like this...
Ms.Grat3ful said:


well... how?
... you ask....

I am going to share with you how I do it
I hope this can work for some of you in a practical way

You will need some nice buds, king size papers and two filters

Roll up your filters as shown and split the paper in half

If you want you can leave a little bit of the filter sticking out as long as you make it kind'a fat...
The more big a'round the Mini joint, the better it burns IMHO


Have a Grat3DaY!

Split the Spliff Thread


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Ms.Grat3ful said:
sometimes like this!... :smoker:

very cool. the problem i am having at the moment is with rolling in reverese. you know so that there is only one layer of paper around the joint. the glue on the paper rolls up the opposite direction it needs to be for a good tuck so after the joint is rolled (but not yet licked) the glue which should be in contact with the rest of the paper is floating somewhere in the middle of the joint, so when i go to lick through the papers the saliva never reaches the glue which is curled up in the middle of the joint..... comments, advice, tips????


holy hell
well, swiss backwards joints do take a lot of spit to make it work.. its ok to roll a wet joint as long as you leave it to dry and smoke it later.. the spit will actually make it a bit more rigid after it dries :)


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VictoryGardener said:
well, swiss backwards joints do take a lot of spit to make it work.. its ok to roll a wet joint as long as you leave it to dry and smoke it later.. the spit will actually make it a bit more rigid after it dries :)
the probelm is the glue is kinda rolled in the wrong direction so to speak so its actually in the middle of the weed away from the edge and away from the saliva. so no matter how much i lick itdoesnt reach the glue. you know how the glue strip is up turned a bit, well since im trying to roll backwards it never goes the right way when i begin to roll. lol kinda hard to explain in words.


holy hell
right right.. you have to wet it enough so that the wet passes through the papers and wets the strip.. I dunno, it always works for me?
hmm.. are you just back-rolling to reduce the amount of paper.. if so, why not just cut half or the paper off longways and then roll it up like normal.. it would be exactly the same, only the strip would be right side up :)


Active member
thin hemp paper is my favorite. The less paper you smoke the better. Zig Zags are kind of thick especially when you compare it to the think hemp ones.

I don't really like flavored papers, just more chemicals to give you cancer. I want to try those brown tabacco leaf rolls, I gues for blunts, never tried it.


holy hell
you know, you might have to use tap water, applying it with a finger- water would soak through the paper better as it is a thinner liquid, plus you won't have to lick with thant nasty ass taste in your mouth.. I would try water before giving up on it :)


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thanks for the heads up but ive seen ppl do it b4 and ive seen videos of ppl rolling this type of joint. just cant figure out the last step lol. i know it can be done just gues sil lhave to keep on practicing. its not necessarily smoking less paper but smoking the best joint possible, and i think less paper would = a better joint. will have to pick up some more papers monday all out from "practice" lol.


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I rolled backwards some time ago, it is nice for the effect when youre burning the paper that stands over.
Or for the professionalss rip it off in one motion without ripping the whole joint apart.

But when you roll outdoors very often it is just a pain in the ass, so I roll it forward again.

@jojajico you need to roll the joint real tight before you close it, the paper has to touch the glue and the part with the glue must not be crumbled.
If not open it again and roll it in again.
You can clue it together in two steps aswell, so that you do the first half from the tip to the middle and when that is fixed the rest is easy.
Last edited:


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Ms.Grat3ful said:
sometimes like this!... :smoker:

So let me sound dumb and ask, what is the cardboard filter thing rolled up at one end for? I guess a filter but why? Maybe if I smoke the rest of this J in my mouth I'll get it??? :confused:

I fill a 1.0, roll it with my fingers a bit to get the shape, lick it and wrap it so it's 1 to 1.5 wraps around, never 3-4 layers, hate it when someone rolls a cig size with a 1.5, you end up with 4 or 5 layers of paper. I used to roll big fingers, hog legs, stogies, still do for a crowd but a 1.0 making a wrap makes a nice j. I roll wiff 1.0's because I can. :joint:

The coolest J I ever smoked and it burned normal was a rocket, 3 finger size(adult big 6' tall man size) j's for the boosters and something the size a souvenir bat(small ones at the games) for the fuselage and light and burn. Fly Away. Handles large crowds in the woods, burned for what seemed like an hour but in stoner time who knows. :bat:



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Ain't never thought about rolling up some card boad in the end. Old fashioned, old something, just one more thing to stuff in there I guess. We just roll and burn, nothing fancy.


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2buds said:
So let me sound dumb and ask, what is the cardboard filter thing rolled up at one end for? I guess a filter but why? Maybe if I smoke the rest of this J in my mouth I'll get it??? :confused:

I fill a 1.0, roll it with my fingers a bit to get the shape, lick it and wrap it so it's 1 to 1.5 wraps around, never 3-4 layers, hate it when someone rolls a cig size with a 1.5, you end up with 4 or 5 layers of paper. I used to roll big fingers, hog legs, stogies, still do for a crowd but a 1.0 making a wrap makes a nice j. I roll wiff 1.0's because I can. :joint:

The coolest J I ever smoked and it burned normal was a rocket, 3 finger size(adult big 6' tall man size) j's for the boosters and something the size a souvenir bat(small ones at the games) for the fuselage and light and burn. Fly Away. Handles large crowds in the woods, burned for what seemed like an hour but in stoner time who knows. :bat:

the filter doesnt really filter the smoke it just keeps bits of bud out of your mouth and gives you something to hold onto so that you can get the very last out of you j with out doing the whole pinching and insect thing.


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jojajico said:
the filter doesnt really filter the smoke it just keeps bits of bud out of your mouth and gives you something to hold onto so that you can get the very last out of you j with out doing the whole pinching and insect thing.

Cool jo! So I guess you don't have the left over roach this way? Smoke the whole thing or do you still end up with the piles of roaches? I got jars full for some rainy day. Damn crazy how many j's we've smoked in the last few years, fuggin jars full!

This is what I'm about to roll.

And this what I'm rolling

I'm using smoking master, they are the slimmest papers I have found, they are a bit thick tough, so it's about the same amount of paper the wider thinner papers. It's a corkscrew shaped roach.

Over here almost everybody smokes his/her joints with tobacco. I;m using Cheapass Arizona. about 2.30$ a pack.

Here's a link to a video, had to use the webcam which resulted in crappy image but you'll get the picture.


After watching the video I noticed it doesn't look like i'm putting any weed in it but there was a fairly decent amount. Need to cut back on my tobacco use too.
The video doesn't show now but will be watcheable in a couple of minutes. Youtube takes some time.


Active member
2buds said:
Cool jo! So I guess you don't have the left over roach this way? Smoke the whole thing or do you still end up with the piles of roaches? I got jars full for some rainy day. Damn crazy how many j's we've smoked in the last few years, fuggin jars full!

This is what I'm about to roll.

And this what I'm rolling

i use to get into the habit of keeping those roaches too even though i had a filter, i didnt want to burn all the way to the carboard so i made second generation joints from those too. lately ive been rolling without the filter just cause im to lazy to make one lol. filters are nice if you have the time but if u jjust want to smoke one real quick i leave them out.