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the jobcenter!!!!!


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im now going to work on a new deal its compulsery and its a 40 hour week it works out i get paid 2 quid a hour.

now im not aginst going to work at all but i thought the min wage was set to stop companys taking the piss with peoples wages.

just because i cant get a job that will pay my rent let alone the bills, im getting basically made to work for pittance, even though i have a levels 11 gcse's and shit loads of other stuff i can drive a forklift.

they say its to help me get used to work so i can build confidence lol.

they expect me to do the same job alongside some1 who earns nearly 4 times as much.

what a fucking shitter hey.


dude ,i got my forklift licence too.counterbalance tho not reach.
a job as a forklift driver is bound to be a few quid over the minimum wage...

do that bud,if you get nighttime shifts youll get close to doubletime.


Wow I've heard the government threaten such schemes but didn't know they had gone ahead with it. It leaves itself wide open for employers to get cheap labour. I remember my cousin a hairdresser got taken on a similar thing years ago she got £40 a week untill the year was up then instead of getting the job she was replaced by somebody else for £40 a week. Can you not develop a bout of depression and go on the sick untill you find a job. Or maybe go self employed (a shop or something).


Active member
courses mate not any government ones they wont do shit for me, ive just start6ed my eviromental science degree its a open uni thing ive paid myself. money isnt the issue im not going to work for fuck all cash and i wont work in a shit job ive spent to long learning to even warrent doing it. if i needed cash i would bite your hand off for a shit job.

do you know the U.S can compete with china in plastic goods because they can get the people in prison to work for free thus knocking the cost down of any product, due to labour costs being fuck all.

i agree people need a job to pay for there living, but dont force them to work in a profession that they dont want to, id go for it if they could get me a job in somthing i wanna learn like the forestry commision or the water board. after all it isnt are fault the jobs arnt there.
i wont sell any weed because its worth more to me than the cash i get. i cant find the product i wanna smoke out there so fuck that. if they carry on i can feel a bout of depression coming on. i bet it wont just be me either


learn to play the system ..

go straight to the doctors and get a sicknote for depression/insommnia for 1 month ,,phone the esa on 08456003115 and claim esa which will stop your jsa claim at the same time ..wait for your appointment off the esa for medical assessment ,,deliberatly miss it but phone and rebook ,make the new appointment as far in advance as possible,about the same time your sicknote will run out ,get a new 1 and send it off ,attend your new medical assesment ,(which is a bitch to pass) when u get the failure letter back (if u fail),appeal straight away ,the appeal will take about a month to get sorted,u will then be told to reclaim jsa or u can reclaim esa with a different illness,but u have now been off jsa for 3 months so will start a fresh claim ,which means u dont have to go on new deal for 6 months ,,in 6 months time repeat the procedure...


Active member
and thats how its done, thank fuck for the fontazy. im on it ive just booked a doctors appointment

fuck work untill ive finished my degree


isnt there a table dancing club opening in norfolk sure herd about it on radio get a job there....on the bar not tables



got to be carefull how sick you become tho,you dont want a c.p.n come visit you every 2 weeks who'll ask stuff like "can you wipe your ass"


Active member
i cant wipe my arse especially if they will send some1 to do it lol.

so out of interest do i get paid while im on sick leave.


i cant wipe my arse especially if they will send some1 to do it lol.

so out of interest do i get paid while im on sick leave.

u get the same money as jsa unless u pass the med assesment and then u get extra £20 an a parking pass :tiphat:


u get the same money as jsa unless u pass the med assesment and then u get extra £20 an a parking pass :tiphat:

plus you dont have to go and sign on . ive been on it for the past 2 months due to when i had swine flu and now have chronic sinusitis , middle ear has a infection and a high white blood cell and high liver count . after around 1 month i had a booklet to fill out and send back but its dated send b4 april . then after that if im still sick i will have to go and see the jobcenters doctors .


Active member
bargin and what about when you reclaim jsa after the 3 m,oinths do you have to wait for payment like when you first sign up.

see i know i sound like a blagger but my mrs is doing a law degree im doing my studies if i go to work i would have to give it all up as would she. they wont provide funding for our courses so what can you do? sign on. to the outsider i look like job dodger i just dont want to be stuck in a factory for the rest of my life scraping by, i want a job i enjoy if i gotta scrape by. this is my chance to train for that job so fuck the bastards if i have to play the system for 2 years i will.


bargin and what about when you reclaim jsa after the 3 m,oinths do you have to wait for payment like when you first sign up.

see i know i sound like a blagger but my mrs is doing a law degree im doing my studies if i go to work i would have to give it all up as would she. they wont provide funding for our courses so what can you do? sign on. to the outsider i look like job dodger i just dont want to be stuck in a factory for the rest of my life scraping by, i want a job i enjoy if i gotta scrape by. this is my chance to train for that job so fuck the bastards if i have to play the system for 2 years i will.

might be a rapid reclame . the only way of not having to work for 40h and only get your jsa, is too get a job or be on the sick for 6 months then sign back on . but theres so meny changes coming this yr .. why dont u try and get a part time job ? u will still get help with rent ect ect .


Active member
part time maybe the way forward my sister owns a pub i could just say im working there and then pay her to pay my n.i and vat


forgot to say . the form u get to fill out if u do go on the sick is daft .
its asks you if you can get dressed on your own , can you was yourself on your own and daft things like that. ive got my form down stairs flicking though it it looks like theres nothing wrong with me .


Active member
i just wish i could tell the jobcenter to leave me alone and let me grow my weed id pay my own bills if i could garentee i wouldnt get busted. they wouldnt need to pay me a penny and id pay my rent. just like most of you guys would.


plus you dont have to go and sign on ..

although u may be asked to go see a disabilty advisor and other silly interviews ,in my case they outnumbered going to the jobcentre once a fortnight so i complained :)

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