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The Incredibowl-Anyone own one?


Active member
Ive hit one they are okay, but would not buy one,
a major flaw in the design is you cannot smoke it if you are alone, on your own!
also the bowl would be better 90 degrees like conv pipe


Slap-A-Ho tribe
OK I'm slow so explain the whole clearing the tube bit. My engineering background tells me from the video that when you take a hit/draw it pulls smoke and forms a vacuum. Then when you pull the bowl thingy out it equalizes the pressure forcing the smoke in your mouth. Is that how it works?


Ive hit one they are okay, but would not buy one,
a major flaw in the design is you cannot smoke it if you are alone, on your own!
also the bowl would be better 90 degrees like conv pipe

Care to elaborate on that statement? Looks like every vid I've seen, it was a one person operation. :bashhead:


I only have the use of one hand. But that's neither here nor there (where theres a will theres a way). Basically it's a 200 dollar steamroller, it's a nice one but still I'd rather spend that kind of money on a glass piece if I had to.
I guess you have a point there about people that actually can only use one hand, didn't mean to come off as an asshole.

It's not just a steamroller, it's like a chillum/steamroller, where you can control the airflow/ember by cupping the end with the same hand that you clear it with, which isn't really something you can do with the normal shotgun-style steamrollers.

OK I'm slow so explain the whole clearing the tube bit. My engineering background tells me from the video that when you take a hit/draw it pulls smoke and forms a vacuum. Then when you pull the bowl thingy out it equalizes the pressure forcing the smoke in your mouth. Is that how it works?
That's pretty much it. I cup the end to make it airtight, but still suck in with my cheeks to fill the tube, then when I pull the 'carb' it's just a quick puff and it's all down...


New member
Call it what you may, but a steamroller does not cool the smoke like the increadibowl. The thing I like the most is how the screen is placed at the end of chamber... It's amazing how much it catches when the smoke is cool. The screens catch much of the crap that makes us cough. Believe me, I love a quality glass bong, but I do not like the fact that water filters THC which means I do not get EVERYTHING I want when smoking.

I'm not going to bash any product someone likes to use. If it works for you then great. My vaporizer doesn't not give me everything nor does my bong or straight up glass pieces that the increadibowl does. I feel like I get a super potent yet clean hit every time. Because of this I feel as though I'm being more economical with my "product".

Maybe it's over-priced in some minds, however I never have to worry about replacing it due to damage as it has a lifetime replacement no matter how it breaks (unless it's the glass bowl that runs me $6 at the local store).

Cheers ~
My friend recently returned from Cali with one of these.....when I first saw it I was thinking wtf is this? A bulletproof steam roller? Then he told me how much he paid for it.. $200....now thats a fucking rip!


New member
Very insightful information :nono:

Apparently some people have nothing better to do with their time than leave negative and or unnecessary posts... Why bother? Clearly nothing better to do... that's a real rip!

My friend recently returned from Cali with one of these.....when I first saw it I was thinking wtf is this? A bulletproof steam roller? Then he told me how much he paid for it.. $200....now thats a fucking rip!


Incredibowl people were in vegas for some trade show all last week but now that they are back I finally have mine ordered and am just now waiting for it to get here. Purple for me.

If you're a medical patient and email them a copy of your driver's license and medical card they will sell one to you directly for $150 + shipping, 25% off.


Active member
Care to elaborate on that statement? Looks like every vid I've seen, it was a one person operation. :bashhead:

Yes you have to hold it in 1 hand,
light it with the other hand,
and pull it to get your toke with your 3rd arm???

i try'd out OJD's last smokeout we had and although it can be done its not very user friendly for anyone toking on there own thats all im saying..

when we try'd them out at the cup, it was also a 2 person operation, the guys who were selling them were doing the lighting for us, so i did not require my 3rd arm! lol

also they were only about $100 at the cup in november,
Karma picked one up while i was with him, ill ask him how he's found it, but not sure if he just bought to sell on through his shop..


Im seriously thinking about buying one of these are you guys still as happy with it now that its a month or so later? Im a pipe and joint person so I think this would be awesome for me especially camping.
A buddy of mine got the "420 special edition" which i think is the same as any other just says some percentage of the money went to some cause. overall is a nice pipe but i dont smoke out of plastic or metal, which the pipe is mostly made of. It does have a glass bowl, but you have to disassemble the whole thing to remove it after each session. Basically its a $200 mostly metal and plastic fancy steam roller that comes in a really cool box. I think i will stick to glass on glass, and avoid metal and plastic.


EDITL: in the interest of saying something that is actually RELEVANT to this thread, I would like to mention to all of the people saying "its just a steamroller" ..its not

any of you naysayers even know what a diffuser is?? know how nice it is to inhale cool smoke?? it helps you not cough, and its more pleasurable as well..I believe that is the DIFFERENCE with this product (I dont have one though)

as with a steamroller you can expect to cough your lungs out..

Also, I'd take indestructable polycarbonate over ALL glass any day (as I do realize the bowl is still glass) ...buncha picky glass whores around here man, you'd think you guys blew them yourselves..tell ya what though I've never spent more than 40 bucks on piece of glass and I never will..dont care if it says nike, roor, polo , or wtf ever... :)

hey there red bull: you are going to do what you will anyway..this is the internet after all

im just trying to understand why you are constantly interrupting the flow of NUMEROUS threads with your edited in "..." signature trademark.

maybe you should think about what you say before you say it..I mean I AM a grumpy ass dickhead too, right along with the best of them, but at least when i POST something in a thread I LEAVE it for all to see, no matter how much I feel like I shouldnt have said that stuff later on..

ya dig what im saying dude?? it's like..if you're going to edit your posts to look like nonsense, why are you bothering to post at all??

(not to mention I do like to learn from others, hard to do that when I can never see the ((assumed)dumb things you said..maybe if I could I could learn what NOT to say?)

And let me add, the stuff I HAVE seen you say hasnt been that bad, and you surely dont seem like some dumb kid...which I guess makes me even MORE confused
the gimmick is that pulling hot smoke through a 1 inch "heatsink" like fluted metal piece will cool the smoke. It looks cool and hits well, i just dont like plastic, rubber, and metal in my smoking devices. get a long stemed glass piece for at most $80 if you want your smoke cooled before you hit it. Is the colored alluminum, clear acrylic, and the o-rings in it even temperature rated?

John Deere

Active member
Bumping this one.

Anybody seen the new mini version? I'm thinking that might be a good way to go as I've recently broken ANOTHER glass spoon! (dang, that gets old fast)

The vast majority of the reviews on these pipes from people who have used them are that they smoke pretty nice. And they seem to bring out lots of haters that haven't used them. I'm looking for a dry piece as I hate having to mess around with water in bongs and bubblers.

I also saw that one of the company founders has signed up for an account here so maybe he'll chime in with some info.

Any suggestions on a good place to order one of these in the US? The website looks like they only sell direct to med patients, which I'm not.

Any other comments or reviews or whatever from those that have had theirs awhile or anyone else?


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