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The Illest Rap Thread Ever


all praises are due to the Most High


The realest rappers to me personally that ive met are tragedy khadafi and killa sin from killarmy, gza and raekwon.... FREE TRAGEDY KHADAFI

Yeah, the only hip hop that I really even buy anymore seems like it is all Wu affiliated in some way or another.

Hell Razah and Bronze Nazareth stay in steady rotation around here.

Oh yeah, & Free Tragedy!

(was actually just listening to the Black Market album earlier today)


enter sandman

Active member
won't make any friends by saying this...but rap sucks. The majority of it is made by people who would (at least before becoming rich) enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow. Rap is one of those first signs of 'our' decaying culture. Me and my friends actually go out (after getting high) and go wigger watching. We will find some and cannot control the laughter that ensues after observing them for a few minutes. It's so funny. Ok...now smoke some good humor invoking sativa and enter www.wiggaz.com into your browser and enjoy!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Someone hasn't had a good Saturday night in a while..ehem ^.

Kinda sucks, when I was 14 I was trying to snag a gal-pal, you're out on a bicycle making fun of people...blissful.


Grinding extra.
won't make any friends by saying this...but rap sucks. The majority of it is made by people who would (at least before becoming rich) enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow. Rap is one of those first signs of 'our' decaying culture. Me and my friends actually go out (after getting high) and go wigger watching. We will find some and cannot control the laughter that ensues after observing them for a few minutes. It's so funny. Ok...now smoke some good humor invoking sativa and enter www.wiggaz.com into your browser and enjoy!

I think Brother Bear is a racist. You can quote me! It explains alot... :joint:

And sandman WTF? Everyone who raps does those things...?! You live in rural American (most your life) by chance?


Folks it's just music... DO you wanna compare lyrics and see who's the most phuked up Rap or Rock? I'll start it off right..

The Conjuring" by Megadeth
A SALESMAN, if you will . . .
Come join me in my INFERNAL DEPTHS . . .
I've got your soul!"
At the end of the song — they chant "OBEY

"The Prince", Metallica openly sing:

"Angel from below . . .
with diamonds you repay
I don't care for heaven
so don't you look for me to cry
from the day I die."

Manowar, sings in "The Bridge of Death":

"Dark Lord, I summon thee
Demanding the sacred right to burn in hell . . .
Take My lustful soul
Drink my blood as I drink yours . . .
PRAISE SATAN!"Manowar, sings in "The Bridge of Death":

Does this music effect young people?

A Slayer fan writes in Spin magazine (May 1989):
"I hate your God, Jesus Christ. SATAN IS MY LORD. I sacrifice animals for him. My god is Slayer. Its THE WORDS of their music I BELIEVE IN."

So um yea I guess rap music is the root of all evil in this world...?


won't make any friends by saying this...but rap sucks. The majority of it is made by people who would (at least before becoming rich) enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow. Rap is one of those first signs of 'our' decaying culture. Me and my friends actually go out (after getting high) and go wigger watching. We will find some and cannot control the laughter that ensues after observing them for a few minutes. It's so funny. Ok...now smoke some good humor invoking sativa and enter www.wiggaz.com into your browser and enjoy!

Some would say the same about Metallica.

It is depressing to see such close mindedness. I am the farthest thing from a wigger, and I love rap. As well as, Phish, Marley, The Dead, Bluegrass, Jazz, Classical, Early Country, etc, etc.

I will be at Hampton for the Phish show this weekend, but I will probably be listening to a fair share of rap on the way.

Don't be so stereotypical...It's dangerous.


rap sucks. The majority of it is made by people who would (at least before becoming rich) enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow.


Yeah, just like every rock & metal singer was a knife weilding, child raping, meth-head before becoming rich, who would chop you and your children up with an axe for a nickel bag of ice...

You're funny.

(to be perfectly honest, you just sound like a racist)

PS - I hate to shatter your stereotype, but actually, most of the rappers you see are just putting on an act to sell records/concert tickets and make money, they aren't really "gangsta's".....sorry to break it to you.


Ganja struetu?
won't make any friends by saying this...but rap sucks. The majority of it is made by people who would (at least before becoming rich) enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow. Rap is one of those first signs of 'our' decaying culture. Me and my friends actually go out (after getting high) and go wigger watching. We will find some and cannot control the laughter that ensues after observing them for a few minutes. It's so funny. Ok...now smoke some good humor invoking sativa and enter www.wiggaz.com into your browser and enjoy!

yous a stupid


The Hopeful Protagonist

Yeah, just like every rock & metal singer was a knife weilding, child raping, meth-head before becoming rich, who would chop you and your children up with an axe for a nickel bag of ice...

You're funny.

(to be perfectly honest, you just sound like a racist)

PS - I hate to shatter your stereotype, but actually, most of the rappers you see are just putting on an act to sell records/concert tickets and make money, they aren't really "gangsta's".....sorry to break it to you.

+1, I bet Hitler would not have liked rap either.

Actually, from my perspective at least, it's an age/demographic issue.

I don't care for rap music, but I could care less if you listen to it type of thing.

So, you may be being a little hard on the chap (Hitler? Racist?), afterall, what he said in his post is the persona that these rappers want you to believe, whether they're just playing make-believe or not. :2cents:




People said the same thing about Elvis and Rock and Roll back in the 50s.

Generalizing, that all rappers will rape any female in the room, is IMO utter ignorance. Just because you do not like something, does not mean stereotypes are justified. A lot of Rap is garbage, but not all of it. IMO there is no genre of music that "sucks" completely. It might help to open one's eyes to different things, instead of speaking in absolutes.

Again, just my opinion.


Grinding extra.
IGRO - I think that taking your view is not racist. But how could you argue that making a general ignorant statement that "the majority is made by people who would (at least before becoming rich) enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow."

Is not the majority of rap made by my African brothers?

Meaning what? The mojority of African Americans would enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow. Period. Exclaimation point.

I've had long conversations about this with my black peoples. They cannot agree more. White poeple that are scared or grew up where there were not many black people often hold a sort of resentment towards white people who embrace black culture. Such as Brother Bear's obsession with the typical wigger. Even that word. White nigger. What are you reffering to? Certain traits or behaviors that "niggers" have that white people attempt to emulate? That is so much the core of racism in this country it's sick. I would love to know how many balck people Brother Bear knows and talks to ON A DAILY BASIS. My guess would be zero. And that in itself doesn't make him racist. Just his "better than" view of white people that like rap. Like it is something to seriously look at. There's all levels of racism. The Michael Richards (Kramer from Sienfeld) type of racism is RARE. The way he went on a uncontrolled rant about hanging niggers and such. It was disgusting.

People don't have the balls to come out and say the racist feelings they have anymore. The time for the "out in the open biggot" is long gone. Society would castrate you quickly. Notice I said society. It still happens all the time in "circles of friends" where it's okay to say the word nigger, etc. So it comes out in other ways...

I for one have lived a in and out of group homes since I was 9 years old. Living in places that some of you would never go. I have literally seen the horror niggas rap about and lived a good amount of it. I've expereinced (by viewing) the racism and double standards that exist in this country. In our legal system. ON OUR STREETS.

Literally. Fuck you if you don't feel me. Keep that shit to yourself. And if you DO feel me? Holla!

Read these words by my nigga NAS.

"Yo, I was thinkin' a little bit
What would it take to authenticate my nigganess?
Ball ridiculous? 26 inches when I call up the dealership?
Aww that's some nigga shit
We only out for our own benefit?
We havin' too many kids? We Claudines? Welfare recipients?
The infamous free clinics is the sickest shit
Make me think what the hell they clean they syringes with
Everybody bleeding, the cops are the demons
Courtrooms full of goons, jail buses leanin'
Handcuffs squeezed too tight on youth life
If you fight they just give in, people used to do sit ins
They got Nigeria and Niger, two different countries
Somehow Niger turned to nigger, and shit got ugly
The problem is we started thinking like the colonists
'Til Noble Drew Ali started droppin' that consciousness"


"Ya'll my niggas, remember that.
Even you racist cats.
I know you're just stupid and scared of the dark.
"The dark" meaning niggas that hang in the park
at night you're thier mark waiting to rape your whiteness,
AND your women. It hurts to write this.
Because its all true and you're all sinning.
Accepting the lies your father tried.
Let it die.
Let it die."

Now it's off my chest and outta my dome...


The Hopeful Protagonist
IGRO - I think that taking your view is not racist. But how could you argue that making a general ignorant statement that "the majority is made by people who would (at least before becoming rich) enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow."

Is not the majority of rap made by my African brothers?

Meaning what? The mojority of African Americans would enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow. Period. Exclaimation point.

I've had long conversations about this with my black peoples. They cannot agree more. White poeple that are scared or grew up where there were not many black people often hold a sort of resentment towards white people who embrace black culture. Such as Brother Bear's obsession with the typical wigger. Even that word. White nigger. What are you reffering to? Certain traits or behaviors that "niggers" have that white people attempt to emulate? That is so much the core of racism in this country it's sick. I would love to know how many balck people Brother Bear knows and talks to ON A DAILY BASIS. My guess would be zero. And that in itself doesn't make him racist. Just his "better than" view of white people that like rap. Like it is something to seriously look at. There's all levels of racism. The Michael Richards (Kramer from Sienfeld) type of racism is RARE. The way he went on a uncontrolled rant about hanging niggers and such. It was disgusting.

People don't have the balls to come out and say the racist feelings they have anymore. The time for the "out in the open biggot" is long gone. Society would castrate you quickly. Notice I said society. It still happens all the time in "circles of friends" where it's okay to say the word nigger, etc. So it comes out in other ways...

I for one have lived a in and out of group homes since I was 9 years old. Living in places that some of you would never go. I have literally seen the horror niggas rap about and lived a good amount of it. I've expereinced (by viewing) the racism and double standards that exist in this country. In our legal system. ON OUR STREETS.

Literally. Fuck you if you don't feel me. Keep that shit to yourself. And if you DO feel me? Holla!

Read these words by my nigga NAS.

"Yo, I was thinkin' a little bit
What would it take to authenticate my nigganess?
Ball ridiculous? 26 inches when I call up the dealership?
Aww that's some nigga shit
We only out for our own benefit?
We havin' too many kids? We Claudines? Welfare recipients?
The infamous free clinics is the sickest shit
Make me think what the hell they clean they syringes with
Everybody bleeding, the cops are the demons
Courtrooms full of goons, jail buses leanin'
Handcuffs squeezed too tight on youth life
If you fight they just give in, people used to do sit ins
They got Nigeria and Niger, two different countries
Somehow Niger turned to nigger, and shit got ugly
The problem is we started thinking like the colonists
'Til Noble Drew Ali started droppin' that consciousness"


"Ya'll my niggas, remember that.
Even you racist cats.
I know you're just stupid and scared of the dark.
"The dark" meaning niggas that hang in the park
at night you're thier mark waiting to rape your whiteness,
AND your women. It hurts to write this.
Because its all true and you're all sinning.
Accepting the lies your father tried.
Let it die.
Let it die."

Now it's off my chest and outta my dome...

Actually, it wasn't I that made the original comment:

"the majority is made by people who would (at least before becoming rich) enter your home, kill you, rape any females present and steal your grow."

I was just trying to make the point that even though in most cases these guys(rappers) are just playing a role, they pride themselves on putting forth that image.

Yes, the guy I was defending was a bit over the top, but so were the Hitler comments.

As I said, even though I believe that enjoying rap is more of a generational/demographic issue, I don't begrudge anyone of that which inspires.


iGro :wink:

Enjoy the go-round because it's over too soon.


Grinding extra.
Wasn't saying you made that comment bro. And I agree that Hitler is whack and so is comparing someone to him.

On with the show.

fred norris



Eugene Oregon
Aha ready to hear an old man do a little rap FREE STYLE!

Im spitting it dry into the mike
I aint no little tike
12x5 is close to my age
I dont make minimum wage
This act is not staged
I rhyme from the heart as fast a dart
I know I am old fart, but still smart
So spark the joint,light the weed
Doesnt matter here we all smoke so take one more toke
Dont choke.

:laughing: That was my take on rapping.