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The Hurt Locker - really opened my eyes to the war in iraq


Active member
Waw just watched the film (hurt locker) waw, it really enlightened me. The thing we got going in Iraq and Afghanistan is ugly and the media just doesnt paint it the right way.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah they never did .. There is another show done by the guy that did the show "Super Size Me" called "Where in the World in Osama Bin Ladin" This show is a real EYE opener about the USA and it's presence in that part of the world. I thought it was really well done and the media never did help or pick up on it of-course,, very sad what has happened peace Headband 707


Waw just watched the film (hurt locker) waw, it really enlightened me. The thing we got going in Iraq and Afghanistan is ugly and the media just doesnt paint it the right way.

It also shows you some guys are only cut out to be soldiers can't even enjoy his wife and kids.
I saw through all this right from the start and wondered why others didn't, I didn't support Gulf War I or II, or Iraq or Afghanistan, in some cases I rooted for the opposition because the MICO was far more evil.
I saw through all this right from the start and wondered why others didn't, I didn't support Gulf War I or II, or Iraq or Afghanistan, in some cases I rooted for the opposition because the MICO was far more evil.

I was in the USMC back during the first gulf war, and I can honestly say that I felt that something was terribly wrong. What disturbed me most, was that so many that I knew were too trigger happy to care. They just wanted to fight for guts & glory. When I got out in 1993, I never looked back.

I will never lay my life on the line again for a lie or to make some rich people richer!


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !

You should never have to learn about your countries action through a movie...

stop fox news, start to educate yourself with independent medias.

but it ain't gonna be pretty...

You're on the good path, though...


Active member
I haven't seen this, I'll check it out though....the most realistic thing I've seen so far was Restrepo, about the War in Afghanistan....felt just like being there.


Active member
I love the Hurt Locker! If you have Netflix check out Armadillo, watched it the other day; it's about a Danish platoon in Afghanistan, they don't seem nearly as trained as U.S troops but some shit goes down that's worth watching.

The war in Iraq is over i thought.. and dude. never believe the bull shit the mainstream media spews.. Like the NYT, bunch of war mongering pieces of shit IMO. On the bull shit articles that are biased to war they always disable comments.


Active member
Try watching armadillo. It's a documentary version of hurt locker except better


Active member
hurt locker is just a movie! entertaining one at that...but not very realistic IMO.

if you wanna see some actual movies about iraq/afpak check out



The show on NatGEO its about the EOD guys from hurt locker, its a miniseries with episodes

Theres also another doc with that bald british guy who does all the gangland docs...he goes in with a british infantry force and gets into some pretty hairy fire fights..

theres more docs too...one about IRAQ called "baker squad"...not too much action but you learn alot about that actual troops and problems, etc...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
hurt locker is just a movie! entertaining one at that...but not very realistic IMO.

if you wanna see some actual movies about iraq/afpak check out



The show on NatGEO its about the EOD guys from hurt locker, its a miniseries with episodes

Theres also another doc with that bald british guy who does all the gangland docs...he goes in with a british infantry force and gets into some pretty hairy fire fights..

theres more docs too...one about IRAQ called "baker squad"...not too much action but you learn alot about that actual troops and problems, etc...

When you watch these doc. you can't help but feel they should NOT be there and they are fighting a war they will NEVER win because none of the ppl seem to want them there. Not that they are not trying to help I think they are. I think that it's so crazy there with everything that has happened that things are way out of hand.
I don't want to get into who is doing what but this is a war they will never win with ppl that can't help them because they can't help themselves.
I think the US has wasted too much cash and I can't see why no one has stopped it before this?
If you see these doc. you can't help but think that there are ppl making lots of cash off this war aswell as sick as that sounds. War everywhere and money is going where exactly? Who's idea was this to keep all this going anyways they must be pretty powerful...headband 707


Active member
We won in Afghanistan.....then Bush Jr declared "mission accomplished" and pulled out all the troops and funding to go play in Iraq. Meanwhile the Taliban were demolished, Al Qaeda driven out....they only gradually crept back in while our troops were stretched thin. If we had not stupidly gone into Iraq and concentrated instead on securing Afghanistan, and getting a real government set up instead of the corrupt, ineffective puppet we have in place now, and using the "surge" strategy early on and maintaining firm control.....we likely would have won the war.

But now, it's far too late, after far too many fuckups. We just need to cut our losses and pull out, come home and do some serious reflection on the future course of this country.

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