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The Humble Growroom



oh yea ozium dude u gotta have acan on any road trip,they have lil ones 4 cars.they also have a lil hookup that u put batteries in and put a can of that in there and it will spray every so often however u set it.like the lysol ones.the ozium that i think works the best is the original one in the light blue can.pics look great dawg...u call that pics of the cab?you lil tease!lol yo,im vaped out 4 real,peace holmz

edit:that ozium is strong you might not wanna pray it in the room but more outside in ur crib,dont want ur nugs tastin like that!when i firs started i tried to use moth balls to hide the smell--bad move nastiest tastin weed ever!couldnt give that shit away yo.needless to say that was quite awhile ago.and never happened again still crax me up though,stupid noob mistakes i made are hillarious...now...not so much then;)peace fam-Y-
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Day 13 Flowering - Day 21 12/12 - Day 58 From Seed

YwouldntI - Sorry about the tease my man, it looked too bad to be photographed before.

Here is a semifinished cab I am working on.

The two SD mixes (or ibl - not sure ) are both hermi, I knew all along but didn't want to say till I was sure. I was sure one of those pollen sacks would open in the garden, so I have removed them.

I ordered some nutrients, I believe it was Reverse from Dutch Masters. Its supposed to make the seeds stop growing and or make the pollen sterile. I have a question, I didn't buy the "leaf penetrator" to mix with this stuff, is that going to be a problem? This stuff is new so I have no idea about it. I have seen mixed reviews but I figured why not spend 25 bucks if it can save a 200 doller plant.

Top shot of cab

Top shot of cab

Bottom of cab, soon to be veg cab

A male, Unsure what

A male, Unsure what
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wattup my kat,just poppin thru...i think you got a new nick name "McGhetto" its catchy yo! jk my man peace -Y-


Lookin good excel!!!

EDIT-Dude those mutated plants are a trip, I would love to get a hold of DJ shorts shit to see if I could pop a mutant, but damn that could take years and years now that I think of it! We should push the guy on that thread to breed with those freaks!!! lol PEACE
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hey McGhetto! lol.

man things are looking good my man...
interested to see what you do with those male heads... ya know.. beside making some killer medicine. :)

rockin along dude. take care..


a yo excel-wattup pimpin,you been slippin on the thread lately yo.dont leave us hangin i wanna see the new cab.i know with ur creativity its gonna be ghettofabuloso.


Day 22 Flowering - Day 30 12/12 - Day 67 From Seed
First off the funniest thing is happening. - the word "maing" keeps replacing words when you click preview. I read it earlier and it happened in my response to caligreen later in this post.

"come on maing hang out; smoke with me. I got my weed, I got my bong out"

Cali - Thanks for the love man, we do need to get that guy to start breeding that thing, it would be a wonder for outdoor hash definitely.

NZjay - Glad the 'light'bulb went off in your head. My camera spits out the worst pictures, I usually take about 3-4 times more than I actually even keep. I need to go back through the folders and sort things out but oh well... I have more pictures to take.

Ywouldnti - Actually glad you went for the break down, though I tried to give any option if you did go for it. We all learn which risks are worth taking in life sometimes... its pretty easy to get confused from what our instincts were telling us all along

Good Evening
Heres a couple of pics, I have been using semi-seperate nutrient dosages to keep myself from being confused. Basically, I keep giving strong veg nutes but very slowly. I used no additives other than what superthrive, grandma's blackstrap, clearex, and epsom salts could provide since I began flowering. I keep providing what they need, I knew that all the plants would be demanding a lot of nitrogen and phosphorus. The potasium goes in relatively easily as it's pretty much part of the base, veg, and flower nutes. The flower will be the best to finish with I am sure, I do not want excess P leftover though (I hear its really bad for you if the plant doesn't use it up). I have clearex on standby, kinda stopped supplementing it. I will use it strongly in the last few weeks (about the last 2 weeks I will vigorously apply once and then allow it to do its thing).

Also, I haven't given the plants any more mg, just some grandma's blackstrap the other week and a little superthrive along with some veg nutes today. I just keep playing around with the moisture levels, a good tip is to water more slowly if you don't want your humidity to go up too fast. This helps the plant put out water without forming as much condensation, making mold much less of an issue.

Anyway, thanks for being patient everyone...


^Group shot




^Snowdog Kush F1 - Small Cup Grow just recently hacked to death out of desperation Transplanted to about a quart of soil 8 days ago.


^SD 1 - might be a sourwreck


^Snowdog Kush f2


^SD mix 5, nearly frosty as some of the kali mist buds (not quite) but looks great either way.


^One of the frostiest, from the sd plant above. This one might be true SD ibl.
They are all frosty as hell, there is really no competition which is best because all these genetics posses something special.

^The other kmist plant, the tall sativa-like one. Definitely the frostiest herb (might have to do with the bx)


^Veg lights, very nice looking but inconvenient. Didn't think about this design in terms of ventilation so I can't seal the light in. Wanted to keep it all in one room but the box has some more work that has to be done.


^Just when you thought it was over. The sd 1 bud. Its growing the fastest and putting on weight fast. I see a lot of foxtailing in one of them, due to the temps being up around 85 during the day at the tops of the plant. I try to keep the air coming in around 78, that seems to keep them happy.
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well its about time pimpin i thought you went to rehab-lol-pics look great.
yea i had to tear it down,but its back up now and its better then ever.i have mass pics to up 2night,if its workin.stop thru peace-Y-
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The 2 ones in the middle are packing madlyy!! :D
whatch their potencial closely!! hehe
Going great for the time...
Hope everything continues to runs smooth! ;)


Oh alright they are looking excellent excel!!!! Very proper, your doing killabrown justice! The sourwreck female pheno I got smells sooo stanky, super strong not sure what kind of smell though just mostly strong fruit! That one could be true sd ibl, she looks sooo frosty man, just wait to you finish them you will be stoked on all the different looks! Glad to see you doing well bro, PEACE!


YwouldntI - You are like the guard dog of my garden, keeping me updating on time. I am glad to have people who actually give a damn about my grow. I was honestly suprised anyone cared with all the talent around here. By the way, the snowdog kush I think I have figured out. It really loves the lowest ph you can give her, it doesn't stretch much at all in flower either. I messed it up this round definitely, but once again I did one thing other than my inner instinct (give it a lot more nutes early on). I am sure its going to come out and suprise me though, it has big buds already but the sd is just surpassing everything as far as yeild. On a side-note that was the biggest pot (3 gal).

Ripog - Photobucket. Be wary though, off this server isn't as safe. Always run through an anonymous proxy.

Caligreen - That I am doing any strain some sort of half justice is plenty for me to keep happy. I just try to take whatever I like from other's grows so its really just a combination of other people's work. I keep getting high off sativa blunt weed which I like the first 10 minutes buts its kinda a deadly combination if your mind races. I definitely want to keep some indica in mind for the future, the snowdog kush was a good plant to have around but I don't have a clone.

Frankenstein - Thank you, its looking much fatter than it is in real life though! I actually thought the buds wouldn't start to swell so much but they really have. I went with rez's good advice to add a lot of nutes. Its gotten a lot of N actually, I will be letting it run out in time though.


wattup wattup,dawg ur gonna have the most popular thread! ur the only one with new pics! lol u da man dawg.-ur grow is off the hook,bruh stop sellin urself short you are some of the talant around here,its great to be humble,but it ok to be proud too my man.me or you is a pro by anymeans BUT that dont mean we cant be proud of how weve come along so far.ya know.same league different stadiums my man,peace-Y-
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YwouldntI - I planned this monopoly. Hahah. Right when I figured out macros are either coming back or can be uploaded from a different site... I feel bad because even I don't want to go to a 3rd party site to upload.

Staying humble is what I have to do, theres not much to brag about except some great friends that really help get me through it all.


looking wonderful man! I haven't been around for a little but your girls look awesome after the time I didnt' log in!



Darinjeff - Whatup man, tryin to do my best with what I have!

gnarly - thanks for stopping in, glad your back ... just as glad as I am to be back myself

Pink calyxes? They look peach colored, definitely not dead yet though. (snowdog kush f2)
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That pink thing happens to me some times on the plants getting the fresh air directely.
Anyway, not a bad advice to fertilize them to the limit, just dont make it in a bang, more of a stair thing...
By the way, at this time (~27day) it would be great to stop feeding them N... I would prefer to have them more yellow at the end than a more leafy bud.
Most Bloom fertilizers contain small amouts of N to help the matter!
Keep it up! :D


Frank - Superhelpful if I may say so, good point about the veg nutes... I think its time to let them die. I had to give the sd a ton, one of them I was pumping up less and so is already showing a lot yellow halfway up the plant. I am super-hyped up about these plants because I just got a new job, which means that I will be able to continue with my hobby.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Yo E

Great looking crops you got growing brother

I wish I could get myself organized enough to get the names of the plants written on their cups

Goona have some really nice buds off those plants Bro

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