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The Haze Whisperer
It didn't say just year and location Dark grown by Mel Frank will post more when i get a chance but will research more i did find something real interesting but had closed it by mistake will re find and add it.


DEA Agent
Premium user
Those shagy ones coming out of karmas a5 s1's remind me alot of old world south american jungle type sativas...the types that seem to be missing in landraces today.

It's most likely the HazeA genetics in Neville's Haze and Karma's A5, I don't think I've seen a shaggy C5.


Well-known member
Bushweed posted claiming he was growing the MM x 78Thai in 2010 i also know many others traded sold seed of that but the thing is Nevil never had the 78Thia until well after Kanga and he split.

Hi Hempy, whether by design, or due to failing intellectual faculties, your information is wrong.

When Nevil moved to NSW in 2011 he was completely broke and living off the dole. I had a good crop and helped him out with thousands of dollars, he promised to repay me in seeds. In the fullness of time this included your pure Thai78:biggrin: which you gave him in early 2012, a year before Kanga was jailed.

I first started growing the MMxThai78, NH21, NH21xMM and Gypsy Thai stick cut from Kanga in September 2012. The following 2013/14 season I crossed a male Nh21MM to the Gypsy Thai cut and made a couple of hundred of the seeds you are referring to. I only ever gave some seeds of that line to Thaibliss. He grew one that flowered for half a year, not something you would encounter in the MMThai78.

I also grew some Thai78 x NH5 that season, but it threw hermis, something that Nevil also noticed from his Thai78 female.

The MMThai78 and Gypsy Thai x NHMM are structurally very different, if you want I can send you some of each and you can verify it for yourself.

Nevils best plant was always the Big Mullum, he only ever had a male Oaxacan cut, and the haze hybrids weren't quite up to the Mullum's standard, which can be verified by bushpig (who also received his entire library) as well as Kanga and MrB. Nevil smoked joints that were 25% ganja and 75% cigarette, which tells you what sort of ganja man he was.

I generally liked Nevil, he was intelligent and straight to the point. His stories from his time in the Cannabis Castle and Fremantle jail were uproarious. He told me that if I invested in Auscann I would make a shit load of money and he was right. I used to visit him at Bonalbo every six moths and exchange seeds and ganja. I wasn't a sycophant like most others so he spared me the bullshit.

He liked you, he referred to you as his silver tongued Greek friend. But to me you've always been a bit of a punching bag, seeming to have your head in the position where it is easiest to punch. I never liked the way the anti-Shanti crew used to pick on you, but you were such an easy target with your gibberish and incomprehension of basic facts.

Nevil never rated Shanti, but he gave him his seeds, because Shanti lent him hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I only eased back from my friendship with Nevil after I asked him if he would be giving Kanga back his seedlines after he was jailed. He said no, and that was it. Nevil resented Kanga, because Kanga didn't offer Nevil a position growing big crops with him, because Kanga didn't think Nevil had the lungs for the grunt work involved.

After that Nevil took all their lines and started selling them without giving Kanga his agreed 50%. Make no mistake, Nevil was an A grade asshole.

I've grown a cut from Sammy labelled C5, which was a big yielded with a nice euphoric high that reminded me of the NH21. But I'm more into the big old SE Asians

Anyway these are the facts. Peace to Wally, Elmer, Beanz, Mustafunk, Raho, Thaibliss, RC Colas and everyone else. Bushy.


The Haze Whisperer
Hi Hempy, whether by design, or due to failing intellectual faculties, your information is wrong.

When Nevil moved to NSW in 2011 he was completely broke and living off the dole. I had a good crop and helped him out with thousands of dollars, he promised to repay me in seeds. In the fullness of time this included your pure Thai78:biggrin: which you gave him in early 2012, a year before Kanga was jailed.

I first started growing the MMxThai78, NH21, NH21xMM and Gypsy Thai stick cut from Kanga in September 2012.
The following 2013/14 season I crossed a male Nh21MM to the Gypsy Thai cut and made a couple of hundred of the seeds you are referring to. I only ever gave some seeds of that line to Thaibliss. He grew one that flowered for half a year, not something you would encounter in the MMThai78.

I also grew some Thai78 x NH5 that season, but it threw hermis, something that Nevil also noticed from his Thai78 female.

The MMThai78 and Gypsy Thai x NHMM are structurally very different, if you want I can send you some of each and you can verify it for yourself.

Nevils best plant was always the Big Mullum, he only ever had a male Oaxacan cut, and the haze hybrids weren't quite up to the Mullum's standard, which can be verified by bushpig (who also received his entire library) as well as Kanga and MrB. Nevil smoked joints that were 25% ganja and 75% cigarette, which tells you what sort of ganja man he was.

I generally liked Nevil, he was intelligent and straight to the point. His stories from his time in the Cannabis Castle and Fremantle jail were uproarious. He told me that if I invested in Auscann I would make a shit load of money and he was right. I used to visit him at Bonalbo every six moths and exchange seeds and ganja. I wasn't a sycophant like most others so he spared me the bullshit.

He liked you, he referred to you as his silver tongued Greek friend. But to me you've always been a bit of a punching bag, seeming to have your head in the position where it is easiest to punch. I never liked the way the anti-Shanti crew used to pick on you, but you were such an easy target with your gibberish and incomprehension of basic facts.

Nevil never rated Shanti, but he gave him his seeds, because Shanti lent him hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I only eased back from my friendship with Nevil after I asked him if he would be giving Kanga back his seedlines after he was jailed.
He said no, and that was it. Nevil resented Kanga, because Kanga didn't offer Nevil a position growing big crops with him, because Kanga didn't think Nevil had the lungs for the grunt work involved.

After that Nevil took all their lines and started selling them without giving Kanga his agreed 50%. Make no mistake, Nevil was an A grade asshole.

I've grown a cut from Sammy labelled C5, which was a big yielded with a nice euphoric high that reminded me of the NH21. But I'm more into the big old SE Asians

Anyway these are the facts. Peace to Wally, Elmer, Beanz, Mustafunk, Raho, Thaibliss, RC Colas and everyone else. Bushy.

Hiya Bushweed glad we can finally get this sorted i spoke to Nevil daily for years and the Thia as Nevil called it was never germinated by Nevil until well after Kanga and Nevil partnership separated.

You and your wife smoked the Thia from the first time Nevil grew it and that was after Kangas dramas had started.

My Thai dose not Hermi in flower bushy so i dont know what Thai your confusing it with.

I have read remio was selling it so many people think they have it but they dont.

Nevil told me you asked for the 78Thai when you smoked it you were told no Nevil told me he was going to give you the MM x swiss.

People keep forgetting i spoke to Nevil daily and when he was sick i would call him a few times to make sure he was okay as that's what people do.

I noticed you have deleted posts and edited posts recently.

Here you posted in 2010 on your visitor messages claiming to be growing my Thai and the MM x 78Thai and other crosses of it.How can you be growing my Thai or crosses of it years before Nevil even germinated it ?.

How is that possible bushweed when Nevil had not even germinated the seed let alone made any hybrids of it.





The Haze Whisperer
I asked before posting the screen shots from your visitor messages just in case you or others make a federal case of it.

What would the guy that gave the genetics know or the guy that spoke to Nevil daily know about any of this.

I have kept a lot of this privet and will continue to i liked both Kanga and Nevil and what they did is between them and only them.

I have done 2 grow logs of the 78 Thai one here at icmag and one at mrnice from seed to harvest not one hermie flower on any of them and Nevil saw the same he would not of used it if it had.


The Haze Whisperer
herbgreen that is a good find and shows the plants frame structure i was talking about much better.


Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
I asked before posting the screen shots from your visitor messages just in case you or others make a federal case of it.

What would the guy that gave the genetics know or the guy that spoke to Nevil daily know about any of this.

I have kept a lot of this privet and will continue to i liked both Kanga and Nevil and what they did is between them and only them.

I have done 2 grow logs of the 78 Thai one here at icmag and one at mrnice from seed to harvest not one hermie flower on any of them and Nevil saw the same he would not of used it if it had.

Ummmm ,,, there is some thing wrong with that date Inspector Hempy .

Those were gears used in the Grail Project in 2012 .
2010 Nevil hadn`t met Kanga yet , he was still in WA going to court tripping on shrooms remember ?

He surfaced on Mr Nice forum in 2009 and moved east in 2011 / 2012 ?
Grail with Kanga was 2012 .


The Haze Whisperer
Ummmm ,,, there is some thing wrong with that date Inspector Hempy .

Those were gears used in the Grail Project in 2012 .
2010 Nevil hadn`t met Kanga yet he was still in WA going to court tripping on shrooms remember ?

He surfaced on Mr Nice forum in 2009 and moved east in 2011 / 2012 ?
Grail with Kanga was 2012 .

Well go look for your self that is from bushweeds visitor messages from here.

The fact that the MM x Thai 78 was being passed around before the seeds were even grown dose not seam to be an issue by some is odd.

Posts made in 2014 being edited late last year and posts even deleted seams odd to no.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That should say allot if Kanga had not even met Nevil 2010. . If I had to guess that 2010 post was edited to add that info. Its the only thing that makes sense IMO.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Well go look for your self that is from bushweeds visitor messages from here.

The fact that the MM x Thai 78 was being passed around before the seeds were even grown dose not seam to be an issue by some is odd.

Posts made in 2014 being edited late last year and posts even deleted seams odd to no.

I don` t need to look .
I just blew that BS out of the water . I think the post has been edited to show what he had in his stash at a later date .

Like I said some of those gears in the seed list are from the Grail Proj with Kanga so they weren`t even named as such till a couple of years after 2010 . Unless Bushie has psychic powers . Hmmm ... possible but not probable . lol .

When Nevil moved to NSW in 2011 he was completely broke and living off the dole. I had a good crop and helped him out with thousands of dollars, he promised to repay me in seeds. In the fullness of time this included your pure Thai78 which you gave him in early 2012, a year before Kanga was jailed.

I first started growing the MMxThai78, NH21, NH21xMM and Gypsy Thai stick cut from Kanga in September 2012. The following 2013/14 season


Well-known member
Hi Hempy, whether by design, or due to failing intellectual faculties, your information is wrong.

When Nevil moved to NSW in 2011 he was completely broke and living off the dole. I had a good crop and helped him out with thousands of dollars, he promised to repay me in seeds. In the fullness of time this included your pure Thai78:biggrin: which you gave him in early 2012, a year before Kanga was jailed.

I first started growing the MMxThai78, NH21, NH21xMM and Gypsy Thai stick cut from Kanga in September 2012. The following 2013/14 season I crossed a male Nh21MM to the Gypsy Thai cut and made a couple of hundred of the seeds you are referring to. I only ever gave some seeds of that line to Thaibliss. He grew one that flowered for half a year, not something you would encounter in the MMThai78.

I also grew some Thai78 x NH5 that season, but it threw hermis, something that Nevil also noticed from his Thai78 female.

The MMThai78 and Gypsy Thai x NHMM are structurally very different, if you want I can send you some of each and you can verify it for yourself.

Nevils best plant was always the Big Mullum, he only ever had a male Oaxacan cut, and the haze hybrids weren't quite up to the Mullum's standard, which can be verified by bushpig (who also received his entire library) as well as Kanga and MrB. Nevil smoked joints that were 25% ganja and 75% cigarette, which tells you what sort of ganja man he was.

I generally liked Nevil, he was intelligent and straight to the point. His stories from his time in the Cannabis Castle and Fremantle jail were uproarious. He told me that if I invested in Auscann I would make a shit load of money and he was right. I used to visit him at Bonalbo every six moths and exchange seeds and ganja. I wasn't a sycophant like most others so he spared me the bullshit.

He liked you, he referred to you as his silver tongued Greek friend. But to me you've always been a bit of a punching bag, seeming to have your head in the position where it is easiest to punch. I never liked the way the anti-Shanti crew used to pick on you, but you were such an easy target with your gibberish and incomprehension of basic facts.

Nevil never rated Shanti, but he gave him his seeds, because Shanti lent him hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I only eased back from my friendship with Nevil after I asked him if he would be giving Kanga back his seedlines after he was jailed. He said no, and that was it. Nevil resented Kanga, because Kanga didn't offer Nevil a position growing big crops with him, because Kanga didn't think Nevil had the lungs for the grunt work involved.

After that Nevil took all their lines and started selling them without giving Kanga his agreed 50%. Make no mistake, Nevil was an A grade asshole.

I've grown a cut from Sammy labelled C5, which was a big yielded with a nice euphoric high that reminded me of the NH21. But I'm more into the big old SE Asians

Anyway these are the facts. Peace to Wally, Elmer, Beanz, Mustafunk, Raho, Thaibliss, RC Colas and everyone else. Bushy.

Bushweed anyway you can put a picture up of the mm78 and the pure 78 please....they'll be nice to see.


The Haze Whisperer
I don` t need to look .
I just blew that BS out of the water . I think the post has been edited to show what he had in his stash at a later date .

Like I said some of those gears in the seed list are from the Grail Proj with Kanga so they weren`t even named as such till a couple of years after 2010 . Unless Bushie has psychic powers . Hmmm ... possible but not probable . lol .

Well i am not the one that posted it in 2010 am i so take that up with Bushweed.

Since i took the screen shot this has now showed up

08-28-2010 09:56 AM

Were the screen shot dose not have that.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I just found the same pic of MM X 78 thai on his wall posted in 2013. Looks like this pic was added to 2010 post?.

This was posted in 2014. It looks like the older posts got edited with the same info as these posts?.


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