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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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SierraOrganics - Nice garden man! Sorry to hear about your ordeal, I'm dealing with a similar issue two-years running now, with the whole neighbor thing.

Been paying a mortgage for 14 years and all of a sudden the new renter next-door thinks they have a right to get nosy with me and my backyard. She called the cops over in late sept. last season, complaining the odor was getting her high... this year I really messed up, and let a plant get way too tall - she can see it clearly from her balcony now... expecting another visit from the police, sigh.

Are you allowed to put something like trellis, or bamboo fence, on your current 6 ft fence to increase the height, since you aren't actually erecting a whole new fence in that situation? That's what I've done...

Sucks they made you cut that shit down man... it's frustrating when we try to be polite to other neighbors by not maintaining a ghetto look with huge black plastic sheets blocking our yard, excessive plant counts etc.. and they still find something to bitch about.


Are you allowed to put something like trellis, or bamboo fence, on your current 6 ft fence to increase the height, since you aren't actually erecting a whole new fence in that situation? That's what I've done...

I transplanted bamboo along my fence line last winter. hoping by next season it should create an even natural barrier. I picked out bamboo that sticks to about 10-14' tall.

My best suggestion would be to grow your fence line, they can't tell you to shorten whatever you have growing a long your fence line. :tiphat:

Beautiful garden Sierra

got the morning fog here on the central coast, sigh


Looks beautiful, SO. Your OG's looking pretty large and nice. Sucks about the neighbors, and in the 530 looks like things are gonna get worse on that tip before they get better.

Rocking first post!



wow welcome to the boards/ Nice garden, youll fit in fine! hahah

thats one of the best gardens ive seen this year, very impressive healthy looking plants and nice size as wel, they r huge!

thanks for sharing


Active member
The garden looks great S.O. Those plants are going to be huge. -Sorry to hear about your neighborhood problems. My county will eventually pass a ordinance that will make my backyard grow illegal by mandating a property size of 5 acres or more.

Impressive first post. I concur with Stickky. One of the best gardens I've seen this year on IC.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
My fence is about 6 foot tall too. I have Bamboo and Heavenly bamboo running along two sides of my yard. It grows fast and offers alot of privacy. I water it real well. Then You just worry about odor.

Three years ago, I was running 9 big plants of Orange Crush/Salmon Creek. It was made from the real Salmon Creek Big bud clone years ago. It stank so bad, and I didnt have my med approval yet. So I constructed a framework, and greenhouse over them in September, and ran fans venting it down the sewer. The fans caused the odor to come up from the manhole lids in the neighborhood, but it just smelled like shit fumes. I was laughing my ass off driving thru the neighborhood smelling sewer gas. Luckily no one caught on or investigated.

LOL, could you imagine some city workers pulling a manhole cover a block away, and having skunky bud and shit wind blowing right in your face.
They would have been scratching their heads for sure. :)


Active member
damn nomaad that sucks....so you can only grow if you have 5 acres or more thats bullshit, way to make sure only the rich get richer...

those are some giants sierra...800 gal pots god damn! love how they are so round and bushy too....cant wait to see what that looks like come harvest...

and yea definately stay away from oaksterdamn genetics! i swear they exist to fuck up peoples gardens and set them back.....i only got legit cuts once from harborside the Fire OGs but its always hit or miss.....i heard the darkheart nursery clones are alrite..


I've noticed most cuts coming from nurseries like oaksterdam and darkheart are selected for easy fast mass production of cuttings and easy maintenance of mothers within their large indoor gardens. They usually drop anything slightly finicky or fussy, won't bother wasting their time. Because as we all know, time is money. And as far as finished product, its a gamble. I doubt they do any sort of pre runs to see whats really good, I've gotten multiple phenos out of oaksterdams six packs, even completely seperate strains, and same goes for harborside. Tho once in awhile, you might happen upon a gem in there.

I'm really just considering doing a lot more seed popping outdoors.

Trinity Gold



A cloudy morning a few days ago brought some nice filtered light into the greenhouse....

Everything is right where I wanted to be size-wise this year. Quite a bit smaller than last year overall and much more manageable from a trellising perspective. In addition- most of my plants were completely grown together on 9' spacing at this point last year leaving me with much less surface area with access to full sun. This year, with full access to full sun around complete globes of ladies, I hope to match or exceed last year's yield with smaller plants. We'll see! 2-3 weeks of veg and stretch to go.....



Good morning!

Here's a shot of one of my Blue Sat #2.2's (front), and a Casey Jones (Back), with a ~12ft Crape Myrtle tree to the left for reference...

Been a nightmare trying to get some hortonova, but hopefully it'll be here this week - till then I've just been doing old-school tie-ups for support.


Best shot I can get in the backyard now... things have really gotten crammed and some plants only have about 8 inches space left between them... something to improve upon next year.

Things are still stretching like mad each day, hope the same is goin down for the rest of ya.

edit: Rootwise, you posted just as I was posting, just noticed your shots - jawdropping beauty goin on for you man, love it.


Active member
Hello everyone

Sorry for not posting more, but those who know me personally know my life is in a bit of an upheaval at the moment. In the meantime, here's a shot from the tree a few minutes ago...


Happy gardening - Butte


Hello everyone

Sorry for not posting more, but those who know me personally know my life is in a bit of an upheaval at the moment. In the meantime, here's a shot from the tree a few minutes ago...


Happy gardening - Butte

What a proper 420th post...

Sierra Organics

New member
Wow killer garden Butte!! Thats some amazing work right there and your soil mix sounds like a one of kind. Yeoman great garden! i like how its all uniform. Rootwise, Trinity gold very nice! everybody is doing a great job on here. love checking out everybodys garden! Thanks everybody for all the kind comments! We work really hard over here and hopefully it shows.

I Just gotta stop collecting bad genetics. thats been my biggest downfall. Definetly not allowing anymore bad genetics in my garden. trusting anything is foolish when u invest this type of $. oh well live and learn.



Sierra Organics----LOVELY. Nice work, narrow down your genetics to a few favorites that stagger your harvest times and run with that ball!

Gorgeous ladies you got-


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