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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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Doing what we do because we are who we are
I have some X18 that I have been playing with in a few crosses and I have some of Toms Haze that I will put in next season to see how it stacks up against this Nev haze and this Mullumbimby Madness, both of which I have clones from.

Good growing everyone......hope this gets those cojones warmed up:gday:




woop woop I also got some of the original Mullumbimby Madness, a reworked veriosn of Mullumbimby Madness, and red man skukn that is ment to be a version of it that has been handed down gen after gen :) i crossed it with a Jack H male and I am expecting big things with this cross :)

your plants look great and are making me want to break it off with the missus who is a total straight edge nerd and do a grow this year


New member
So with Toms mix, instead of using Black Gold, or any premium potting soil, I was going to substitute some "Organic Garden Soil" from a local sand and gravel place. From the details i got it is treated with V11 and is $49 a yard.

I was thinking of amending it at half the rate that Tom suggested.

Any advice??


Active member
So with Toms mix, instead of using Black Gold, or any premium potting soil, I was going to substitute some "Organic Garden Soil" from a local sand and gravel place. From the details i got it is treated with V11 and is $49 a yard.

I was thinking of amending it at half the rate that Tom suggested.

Any advice??

I'd say that soil from such a place will be "hit or miss" at best. I'd stick with a reputable, local greenwaste composter or worm farm. I would want to know whats in the mix, where does it come from, etc.

What's V11?


New member
By hit or miss you mean an equal chance of being crap as being decent enough, no middle ground? Anything in specific I am looking for to see if it falls more into the "hit" category? Would amending it help even if it is a slight "miss"?


Would I have no chance of growing large plants by just using some H&G Soil Nutrients?

I was gonna put everything out on May 17th to avoid any temptation to flower.


Active member
May 17th might be a little too early for some strains. Here's an idea: read this thread from beginning to end. Everything you're struggling with is answered in massive detail at some point over the last year.


Very nice ganja. I only got 6 plants to myself, and with limited room at that. 3 are little and 3 are just about the size of those beauties. They took off right away as well, no transplant shock whatsoever and noticeable new growth every day. They're in 150 gallon pots, just very tightly spaced. 5-6 feet on center, it's sad I know. It'll be interesting to see how your plants compare to mine come harvest time, being relatively close together right now. Its sad that they'll be shading each other, but hopefully it isn't too detrimental to yield.

Any recommendations for working with full season plants in tight areas? I was thinking I'd have to prune a lot of the bottoms as the plants are going to be shading each other somewhat significantly once they get to a decent size.


hey big planters!!!! hahaha dam nomaad why not help a icmagger out, sixth6 i looked at the v-011 mineral chart, looks ok i guess but doesn't say what it is derived from. What nomaad was saying is that with commercial sand and rock places, they might not serve you the best soil, b/c they specialize in sand and rock...but if you go to a worm farm or local compost farm you can usually network and link up with some good organic soil. You could ammend your local stuff as well but you need to get an anylisis to see whta to ammend with and time is passing fast my friend. But alas if your not doing a huge garden you can always go the bagged route for a somewhat guarenteed soil. A pallat of soil is a good ammount As far as doing an outdoor garden on home and garden nutes, i would love to see that, i mean it will be pricey but you will have nice plants. Albeit i would go with a nice ammended soil and do compost and guano teas, bottled nutes work for some people for sure. And as for planting may 17th, yes some strians, in fact imo most would be fine, but to be safe you do some suplimental lighting covered in this thread many pages back by tom hill, you could filter his posts to find out how and see some pictures..

ok good luck bro

Nice plants D!!! Nice to see some good sized plants already in!! bless and thanks for the song....."ive been smoking for so long......."

Zarezhu you can you not push them apart or is it a space hting? If not you could go vertical and use cages to train them to go up like vines and make each cage covered in cannabis vines!!! yeahhh!!!!

hope all are tired and working lots!!

I could use some ideas for making deps easy to pull on and off, i think Tg was saying he had a cool rig, i woiuldnt mind hearing how you all do your dep setup, seems like a custom pullie system or somehting like that would work well



@sticky - if I could put them on 15 ft centers, I would. However, I'm growing on a friend land. We extended his garden this year to accommodate 6 plants for myself, but all his plants are 5ft on center and I can't get any more room out of him. I couldnt even plant in a zigzag, they had to be 2 - 2 - 2.

I said F it, I'm still going in big containers and I'm gonna show my buddy what some DIY pots with some great soil and compost teas can do. They should get 8-10 feet tall as it is, IDK how much more vertical they can get. Oh well, I'll still have a nice canopy of colas for my own smoking pleasure<3


New member
Thanks Stickky, good looking out. I feel the same way as nomad most of the time, but this wasn't covered in detail.

I read through the book that was posted a few pages back. It is a wealth of knowledge that I am forever grateful to whoever took the time to arrange all the info from this thread.

The soil is not mixed by the sand and gravel place, they simply import it from about an hour away. I am trying to get some info from the owner, but for $49 a yard it seems hard to turn down. That and the place is a mile down the road.

These are going in 200 gallon DIY smart pots, 6 total. Full sun in zone 9. I am a total newb outdoors, and will try not to contaminate this thread with excessive off topic posts.


Active member
good shit yall...il finally be joining the party this year with some 200 gals of my own...il post some pics in a few weeks when they finally go outside...partner is rushing to put them out but im delaying until june 1st if possible...here are a few that im putting out...LVPK and OG kush..///last year we didnt plant until july and we used 45 gal smartpots and got a few 1/2-1 pounders...hoping for at least 3-4 per plant here for a newb like me...


Active member
so much knowledge in here...really glad i just spent a few minutes browsing the thread....seems that transplanting from 10-15 gal smarties right into 200s has lots of issues......hopefully my roots havent attached themselves to the fabric too much....did anyone try that method of just ripping off the root ends?

also...worried about transplant stress...dont want my plants looking like this......so the key to get them back up and running is lots of foliar feeding...but anything else?

also another thing i read but not sure about...when its 100+ outside water less? sounds confusing....sorry for the newb questions..


you can cut the bottom of the smartie off and plop it in like that, the roots will bust right through the sides, would bust through the bottoms too most likely with ease but for piece of mind i'd cut that thicker bottom layer off. Compost tea helps with transplant stress as does kelp foliar and B1 .... but in general a healthy plant shouldn't show much transplant shock, if any. if you transplanted and the plant was hit with extreme heat then you might see some stress. if you have severely root bound plants then you will see some stress. if you hadn't hardened off your plants or used a piece of shade cloth over them then you may see some stress as well. this photo is an extreme case, one in which i have never experienced, so don't worry too much if you have happy, healthy plants.


Active member
good shit yall...il finally be joining the party this year with some 200 gals of my own...il post some pics in a few weeks when they finally go outside...partner is rushing to put them out but im delaying until june 1st if possible...here are a few that im putting out...LVPK and OG kush..///last year we didnt plant until july and we used 45 gal smartpots and got a few 1/2-1 pounders...hoping for at least 3-4 per plant here for a newb like me...

150 gallon pots on 9-10 foot centers, planted on June 1st with healthy, vigorous plants (vetted genetics, of course) should do the trick for you.

Anybody who is planting now should make sure they are on top of their pathogenic countermeasures. Hygrozyme, Trychoderma Hazinarium and Mycostop or at least some combination of the above. Pretty sure the death of some HUGE plants last year can be attributed to the cold damp of May out in the greenhouse.

Not sure about the watering less in high heat thing... But on the subject of pathogens in your soil.... I water when my plants ask for water. Not before. Allowing your soil to dry out properly before watering is another key to avoiding problems in the root zone.


Active member
Also, I would not be so worried about stressing your plants out by taking them out of smarties that they have grown into. I have been transplanting out of smartpots into the big pots since day one with absolutely no shock whatsoever. I use Roots trinity and Aussie Tonic to water in the transplant (kelp and B's, just like somebody else said!)...

When you cut a clone or top a plant, two branches grow in its place... Like the mythical Hydra. The same is true for your roots... So when you rip off the smartpot and it takes with it the tips of many thousands of roots, your are actually promoting an explosion of root growth.... if the conditions for it are favorable.

Of course, this has only been my personal experience and the experience of every garden I have consulted to that follows the same program. Your mileage may vary.

Trinity Gold

When it is hot you don't reduce the amount of water but you do drop the EC because the heat makes nutrients more available to the plants.


Active member
hey having some problems figuring out how to set up my drip as of right now i have 15 300 gal smarties and 25 100's my plan as of right now for the drip is to run 1/2 inch tubing and tee off to every plant with 1/4 inch tubing which will be layed on the soil in a spiral and emitters ever 12'' my water pressure comes out at about 30 psi should i just get a filter and a back flow preventer or get the pressure regulator as well will this set up even work for this many plants? any help is very appreciated. if any of you big container guys think i should scrap the set up and do something else im more then willing to listen thank you all
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