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The growing large plants, outdoors, thread...

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True on the chicken shit. Gotta admit I am not sure if the sup r green product comes from organic chickens or not.

Not to mention the background heavy metal contamination from being in north America. God bless you all in gold country, all that mercury to suss out the gold...

Not to knock our organic brothers and sisters but this is definitely standing on one leg before enlightenment.

After we apply heat to ingest the cannabinoids in a manner that effects our consciousness what happens then. :)

jah bless.


Is anybody making batches of their own Brix Mix yet? I still have a small stash but would LOVE to find a new source. I have many of the ingredients, but would love to avoid the PITA of getting the rest and mixxing it all up.

yeah im working on it, i bought up the rest from a local store, but im gonna end up making some of my own


The formula as written tends to work with high alkalinity, high pH water. If nitrification pushes your pH too low then the simple solution for both your pH and Mg problem is to substitute dolomite lime for at least some of the gypsum...exact ratios will depend primarily on your waters alkalinity. Mine would work at about 1/2 I think...my pH stayed right at 6 throughout the grow...methinks 6.4 or so would be the ideal target. As I recall Tom pointed out his water was 8+ on pH, which is probably due to its alkalinity. My water is also around an 8 pH but with relatively low alkalinity...like 50-60 ppm.

True on the chicken shit. Gotta admit I am not sure if the sup r green product comes from organic chickens or not.

Chicken shit is a cheap source of N. That is a big advantage in mounds the size these guys are talking. But there are other formulas out there.

Mineral uptake is the best at lower pH, so i can understand his formula.Tapwater i use is between pH 8.3-8.8, but i never use any chicken manure, although i can get it organic certified.

I rather prefer the use of alfalfa (triacontanol) instead of chicken manure, this in combination with worm casting, different types of fine rockdust, maerl, gypsum ,lava grit and compost tea .Rock dust has no influence on the pH of the soil.This will be my soil this year.

To treat Mg deficiencies very fast you can use celtic sea salt or Sea-Crop what i've experienced.

If plants really need Nitrogen from a fertilizer :) , Klik

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

Veg N Out

No manures or guanos in my grow this year. Running my fertilizer blend @ a rate of 10 lbs per yard.

What are you using for Fulvic acid elmanito ? Rock dusts are unavailable until you start using Fulvic acid on your soil


Active member
By "cool" i mean:

Stickky: if you make a batch of BrixMix, I would love to buy some.

My amendments have been alfalfa based for the last two years. The ladies seem to like it. I also add triacontinol in bloom.


No manures or guanos in my grow this year. Running my fertilizer blend @ a rate of 10 lbs per yard.

What are you using for Fulvic acid elmanito ? Rock dusts are unavailable until you start using Fulvic acid on your soil

I did use the Fulvic acid from AN, but found another one more concentrated and cheaper in use from a Dutch brand Aptus.

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:


By "cool" i mean:

Stickky: if you make a batch of BrixMix, I would love to buy some.

My amendments have been alfalfa based for the last two years. The ladies seem to like it. I also add triacontinol in bloom.

cool, so far this is what ive found-

"The following are the proportions of ingredients we used in our Brix Mixes

Feel free to change the blend to suit your needs and the availability of the ingredients. You do not have to use every ingredient for the mix to be beneficial. For example: if you don’t have Phytamin 4-3-4, you could sub a liquid fish or a dry fish powder, like HFPC hydrolyzed fish. If you prefer, you can use a liquid kelp extract in place of maxicrop. If you don’t have a trace mineral deficiency, you can do without the MB powdered chelates. Keep in mind that kelps, such as maxicrop, do provide some trace minerals. If you don’t have access to a liquid sulfur, just leave it out of the blend.

Liquid Brix Mix

16.5% Molasses

16.5% non GMO pure Malt

25% Phytamin 4-3-4

24% Humax

16.5% liquid sulfur

1.5% Therm-X 70

Dry Brix Mix

13% Maxicrop

19% Fertall MB Powdered Chelates

31% Powdered sugar

37% Diamond K soluble Sulfate of Potash


so whats the application rate of brix mix per gallon of water? i have all the ingredients but not the rate at which it is applied.

@ maad whats up?


I recently moved to a new place were I can now grow outdoor. In the past with great success Indoor I used fafard promix and added nutrients in liquid form and ph the water. Is this a good strategy to use outdoors as well???

Any experience or opinion is appreciated.


well it took a couple of days but i read the whole thing from first post to last and have to say "most excellent information", wish i could do the big plant thing but im on east coast and have to hide ,would love to meet with you and help out some time for some hands on experience anyway happy growing and have a good season , i will continue to observe and learn.
Here is how I was using the brix mix.
Per 16 gallon spray tank
1.5 cups liquid
2.5 cups powder
I also add some age old organics or earth juice grow,roots exelerator and a few other secrets.

Sierra Organics

New member
Hello to all my fellow growers. hope everyone is doing well and working hard! havent been on here in a long time. Getting back into the groove of things. gonna try and be more active on here. not trying to change the subject here but i need some advice on reamending used soil. I never used the brix mix, but wanna find time to try it, sounds pretty damn good!! also i cant get PMs . well only one pm allowed and i cant even reply till i delete it. y only allowed one message ?

I used the super rich "toms mix" at beggining of thread to grow last years crop. Most plants were healthy & used a good amount of nutrients but i think theres still quite a bit there. Can one of u big plant guys chime in as to what i should be adding this year? i have a soil testing kit which meassures npk levels which im gonna start playing around with tommorow or maybe even send samples to lab for analysis which i think im gonna do.

Getting excited about this season. i think its gonna be better for everybody as a lot of people that thought they could stick plants in the ground and get rich quick r calling it quits, which is fine with me. they found out it was harder to produce quality than they thought. I respect the people that truly love doing this and wanna produce the best buds they can, not just for the bread, plus i have to smoke it too haha so y not give it all u got. if u put the time in and take pride in ur product it usually shows . Will be interesting to see if this year is a may or june planting year. we all know what happened last year.


yeah. I killed it..... slowly

What the fuck. A simple-minded animal eats a meal, a plant, something it can't even comprehend has value for you. It doesn't even comprehend the concept of value, and your response is to kill it *slowly* and then brag about it on the ic?

By all means rid yourself of pests, but do it quickly and humanely. There's nothing to be gained in killing anything slowly, except a fucked-up mind.
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