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The Green New Deal


Well-known member
What party was the party of the slave holders?
Were only Africans slaves?
We’re the Irish enslaved?
I wonder how and who stopped it in America.
What was the number 3/5’s? What was that about?

members of most political parties in the south owned slaves.
in this country, blacks made up all of what were called "slaves". many people of various races found their way here as "indentured servants" which were normally freed after a specified period of time in their contracts. blacks DID NOT have this luxury.
Irish? see previous answer. not in this country that i am aware of.
how and who stopped it? you can read (i hope), crack a book.
3/5 was the numerical value given to a slave when figuring up representation in the house of representatives. for representation purposes, a slave was 60% of a human being. 5 slaves equal 3 people.


Well-known member
Oh and .....Walls work.

umm...no, they don't. fences/walls keep sheep in. men go over, under, around, and through them. very simplistic of you...anything a man can design, another man can figure a way around. the Chinese built a really big, beautiful wall. did not work, and Mexico did not pay for it either, lol.:biggrin:

White Beard

Active member
Boy, Lester, you’ve got me writing a ton and a half these days!

I’m enjoying our exchange, but I’m going to have to type less and do more running around today - hope you have a great one!

Lester Moore

Boy, Lester, you’ve got me writing a ton and a half these days!

I’m enjoying our exchange, but I’m going to have to type less and do more running around today - hope you have a great one!

Thanks white beard, I thank you for writing a ton, I enjoy reading your responses. It’s kinda like food, I love food from all over the globe, I am willing to try most anything, I will like some and not others...but I am always open to try...much like our exchange...not to many people remain open....Again thanks for being open to my questions, I like to hear different points of view, different approaches to topics so I may learn...because as soon as a person thinks what they know is absolute truth....they know nothing. They then become puppets that only have the ability to regurgitate...
much respect white beard :tiphat:

Lester Moore

umm...no, they don't. fences/walls keep sheep in. men go over, under, around, and through them. very simplistic of you...anything a man can design, another man can figure a way around. the Chinese built a really big, beautiful wall. did not work, and Mexico did not pay for it either, lol.:biggrin:

Much easier to catch the criminals when they are going up, under or around them...look up some stats...and who can go “ through” a wall. lol! Simplistic, HA nice word...it is pretty simplistic. Your right.
And why did’t Mexico pay for the Chinese wall? I didn’t know Mexico boarders China :biggrin:
Fucking illegals. GTFO.


Well-known member
Climate deniers remind me of flat earthers

sometimes they are one and the same, just as UFO true believers & Sasquatch "hunters"... actually, i have seen things that i cannot find an explanation for, and i HOPE bigfoot is real...that would be cool.:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
sometimes they are one and the same, just as UFO true believers & Sasquatch "hunters"... actually, i have seen things that i cannot find an explanation for, and i HOPE bigfoot is real...that would be cool.:tiphat:

Shit can get pretty crazy.

Spent half my 40 years of working life living in a suitcase. The US acts more like a third world country when it comes recycling and clean energy. I've been in many supermarkets where you don't see plastic packaging and the food isn't full of crap. We need to at least have a plan, a list of priorities, and an aggressive schedule of implementation. Being the world's biggest pig and trashing the place for our children is clearly stupid.


Well-known member
pretty predictable when both parties are in the pockets of industry. why would they vote to end their donors and their own gravy trains?



Active member
pretty predictable when both parties are in the pockets of industry. why would they vote to end their donors and their own gravy trains?

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Predictable? 100! Would disagree with reasoning. Was just waiting to read the resident shills response on how this was drumpfs fault. Pretty amazing how the dems were tripping all over each other about who supported GND more, but once it became time to put their money where their mouth is, NOT A SINGLE ONE had the sack to step up. Lol what a joke welcome to 2020


Well-known member
Predictable? 100! Would disagree with reasoning. Was just waiting to read the resident shills response on how this was drumpfs fault. Pretty amazing how the dems were tripping all over each other about who supported GND more, but once it became time to put their money where their mouth is, NOT A SINGLE ONE had the sack to step up. Lol what a joke welcome to 2020

it's not as clear cut as every one is making it out to be. mitch the bitch rushed the GND to the floor without hearings for multiple reasons. mainly propaganda reasons. it's easier to keep people in ignorance about the GND when they think cars and airplanes will be banned and you don't have hearings and testimonials from actual smart people and not congressional cuckolds who are bribed by fossil fuel and other industry. plus only 3 democrats actually voted on it. the rest protested the vote.

those 3 democrats who voted against it (Jones, Manchin, Sinema) vote with Trump respectively 43.2%, 58.5%, and 58% of the time. they're basically republicans.

GND is still incredibly popular amongst Americans and for good reason. It'd actually MAGA. If China beats us to patenting the new energy technologies you can kiss us being the world leaders goodbye.


Well-known member
history is repeating itself though. all the fascist oligarchs are against the GND, big surprise. they were also against FDR's New Deal and they tried to overthrow him and install a fascist dictator in his place.


Active member
pretty predictable when both parties are in the pockets of industry. why would they vote to end their donors and their own gravy trains?

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It could be that they want to get re-elected. Self-preservation is a mighty strong motivator.

The accidental Q &A release from the green new deal is the greatest gift she could have given the GOP.

The last thing the Democrats want is for the CBO to estimate costs. They don't want debate or the Democrats in the house would be debating it now.

The green new deal is just a way to get people like you Cannavore to think the Democrats actually care about the issues you care about. They don't, they care about getting re-elected so they can continue to fleece the American people, and line their own pockets. I am pretty sure you are smart enough to realize it's never going to happen.

After AOC'S tanking of the Amazon deal she's going to get primaried. She's a one and done congresswoman. Fortunately for her Hollywood will welcome her with open arms. While progressive voters wallow in her failure, she will be living the high life. She's the BOSS after all.

AOC is just another elitist politician in it for the benjamins.


Well-known member
her popularity says otherwise. dems who will try to primary her may end up hurting themselves in the long run. i fully expect some lunatic to try and assassinate her in the coming years thanks to the dangerous rhetoric against her coming from both sides. same goes for ilhan omar. oh wait i think that already tried to happen with the far right dude who was mailing bombs lol.

without aoc, talib, omar, khanna and some other rising stars who are fully backed by the people and take no corporate pac donations, the dems would be a smoldering cinder right now. they're as vapid and useless as the republicans. they have no vision or plan for this country. just a bunch of bitching about russia and how bad trump is. while republicans just blame every thing on muh far left. it'd be nice if the right had a real grass roots movement like the left now has.

"political paralysis" as chris hedges refers to it, is a sign of not only an empire in decline, but also the effects of oligarchy on our political system. and that's exactly what we have. nothing the people want gets done. yet bipartisan support to invade countries, increase the military budget, give handouts to wall street and corporations, or give israel money is never questioned.

i joke but i swear it's like those david icke conspiracies are real and these people really are reptiles. it'd almost make sense since their inaction is going to warm the planet and reptiles are cold blooded lmao. they live we sleep :)


Well-known member
aoc is an elitist now? i thought she was a know nothing clueless bar tender lol...

this is fascistic based rhetoric. "the enemy is simultaneously both weak and strong" type shit. you guys should really read Ur-Fascism from Umberto Eco


Active member
her popularity says otherwise. dems who will try to primary her may end up hurting themselves in the long run. i fully expect some lunatic to try and assassinate her in the coming years thanks to the dangerous rhetoric against her coming from both sides. same goes for ilhan omar. oh wait i think that already tried to happen with the far right dude who was mailing bombs lol.

without aoc, talib, omar, khanna and some other rising stars who are fully backed by the people and take no corporate pac donations, the dems would be a smoldering cinder right now. they're as vapid and useless as the republicans. they have no vision or plan for this country. just a bunch of bitching about russia and how bad trump is. while republicans just blame every thing on muh far left. it'd be nice if the right had a real grass roots movement like the left now has.

"political paralysis" as chris hedges refers to it, is a sign of not only an empire in decline, but also the effects of oligarchy on our political system. and that's exactly what we have. nothing the people want gets done. yet bipartisan support to invade countries, increase the military budget, give handouts to wall street and corporations, or give israel money is never questioned.

i joke but i swear it's like those david icke conspiracies are real and these people really are reptiles. it'd almost make sense since their inaction is going to warm the planet and reptiles are cold blooded lmao. they live we sleep :)

Cannavore, you should really look at her poll numbers, she's not at all popular. She was, until she opened her mouth.

Also, not taking pac money and the weird transfers of money between justice Democrats and brand new Congress. The payoffs to her boyfriend. She's a corrupticrat through and through.

I get that you like her and the new Nuts of the democratic party. They don't give a fuck about you, just like every other Politician.

A serious question for you. I would appreciate an answer.

Would you support stripping all the free everything language of the Green New Deal, if it actually made it a passable piece of legislation?

To me if you believe we have 12 years to save the world, shouldn't it be important enough to focus on the actual issue at hand? All the free housing, free healthcare, free college, financial support for people unwilling to work, are deal killers. Shouldn't we prioritize the environment, and not add shit that will guarantee failure?


Well-known member
Cannavore, you should really look at her poll numbers, she's not at all popular. She was, until she opened her mouth.
thanks to the media relentlessly smearing her since she was elected. what do you not get? she is an enemy to the status quo. same with omar which is why they are smearing her as an anti semite. this type of stuff works on most people.

Also, not taking pac money and the weird transfers of money between justice Democrats and brand new Congress.
justice democrats vow to take no corporate pac money. this is part of the litmus test in becoming a justice dem, so yes she is publicly funded with individual donations.

i'm not even sure what you're referring to with money transfers but BNC and JD were founded by the same person im pretty sure.

I get that you like her and the new Nuts of the democratic party. They don't give a fuck about you, just like every other Politician.
precisely the opposite lmao their views are the views of their voters as well as most americans.

A serious question for you. I would appreciate an answer.

Would you support stripping all the free everything language of the Green New Deal, if it actually made it a passable piece of legislation?

To me if you believe we have 12 years to save the world, shouldn't it be important enough to focus on the actual issue at hand? All the free housing, free healthcare, free college, financial support for people unwilling to work, are deal killers. Shouldn't we prioritize the environment, and not add shit that will guarantee failure?

no. free tuition for public college and medicare for all are non negotiable. housing every homeless person in the US is cheaper than what we currently do. and no where in the GND resolution says it will give financial support to those unwilling to work.

now i have a serious question for you. have you actually read the GND? it's only 14 pages long and doesn't mention anything about banning farms, planes, cars, or giving money to people who don't want to work. this is what i mean by the constant smears being effective from both sides.
