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ICMag Donor
I just wasted my time reading 6 pages looking for anyone that has done anything remotely to trolling, and found nothing. Atroll is someone that posts off topic ruining a thread, not someone that disagrees with what you say.

What is trolling is when you post someone's comments in your signature trying to illicit some form of angry response. And I see you doing that. I see no where that I read of anyone but you getting angry. I'm sorry, but I can't stop people from voicing their opinions in a non violent manner. I also don't call someone disagreeing with anothers opinions as trolling.

Did I miss something? Point me to a post where someone is calling you a dumb ass.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Yeah, I'll track that down we were on 2 threads discussing this one, if it matters still? Does it what will you do? It was before I shunned him in my thread, he never posted anything worthwhile anyways.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Don't bother you have nothing of interest to say, if you did you could of easily answered the questions. You must have some theory on how civilized life started if you're telling me I'm off base but you're unable to actually explain it to us. You don't answer questions LoL If you had any answers it would be nothing for someone with verbal diarrhea to hammer out some responses, more than one word too. You're stuck on Jesus too I see, it doesn't matter if he lived or not, I don't care one way or the other. The message he sends is from the Goddess of Love, Earth Mother Goddess Isis.

As to not reading your post (Although I did before your last post here), I already mentioned that had you been paying attention. Your attempt at belittling posters makes your postings look juvenile & not worth reading. If you posted some solid answers I'd of read them closely. :deadxmas:
This was one of my postings after he shot his mouth off.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Sleepy, it was the first thing I tried after he shot his mouth off. I never heard of him until he posted "try living without air" a real kicker LMAO. I didn't want his mouth on my thread. It appears he's a seed seller or something, he's special fursure.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Yeah well I don't savour those postings. I thought ignoring it would do. But do you really think that post quote was delusional? What will you do if I find it? He was also promptly uninvited does that hold weight or just the invite part in the mods eyes?

And JJ understand this as I see you haven't from an above thread. His posted information isn't worth shit on my thread. He's brought very little in the way of information to this thread. He's not a very good debater, his skills must lie elsewhere.
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The Voice of Reason
I am un-ignorable. ;)

Looks like mods showed up and sussed out the real troll here...
Thanks JJ

99.99 percent of my commentary in this thread has been on topic, and anyone who wants to can see how it impacts the threads topic...
If my opinion of grassalot has crept in, well... I'm sure that he has been guilty of 10x the derision that I have....

Uninvited... lol
Just because you start a thread does not mean you decide who get's to participate...

I mean, for real... If I just wanted to troll grassalot, I'd be bringing up his burned up garden or pH issues or something... maybe bring up all the homo-erotic references in his insults toward me, masking his secret crush... But I did none of that... I stayed predominantly on topic.

I didn't want his mouth on my thread.

that is a blatant lie.

you invited me to this thread, hoping to make me look foolish...
When things sorted out to be the other way 'round, you got mad and uninvited me...

Anyone who cares to can look back verify it. I made sure to quote your post so you couldn't retro-edit.
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The Voice of Reason
I absolutely have no problem with different views, I mention a circle jerk on an earlier page. Anyone can post at will, he's on my pay no mind list. I have superior will power.

You said I can post at will, and you can pay me no mind with your 'superior willpower'...

I did not think you could...

the truth is hard to ignore, even if you refuse to discuss it...


ICMag Donor
Yeah well I don't savour those postings. I thought ignoring it would do. But do you really think that post quote was delusional? What will you do if I find it? He was also promptly uninvited does that hold weight or just the invite part in the mods eyes?

And JJ understand this as I see you haven't from an above thread. His posted information isn't worth shit on my thread. He's brought very little in the way of information to this thread. He's not a very good debater, his skills must lie elsewhere.

If you start a thread, anyone that stays on topic, and is not being an asshole has the right to post.

To be completely honest, his posts were very informative on a different perspective and I think you get angry when someone's opinion differs from your own.

All I can say is if you don't want people posting their opinion in your threads, don't invite them.


Andinismo Hierbatero

you should really be occupying your mind with the great enigma of why we have only one dick and two nuts?

Mary Magdalene herself was the only female desciple of Jesus and known to be the only woman of "substance".

:biglaugh: one dick and two balls? the holy trinity? hahahaha...

btw hermano, mary magdalene the disciple/girlfriend of jesus and the virgin mary are two different marys.


sac beh

I came to the thread because I find aspects of Egyptian civilization interesting. But, unfortunately, there are factual and historical problems with some of the theories on the site which is the main source of this thread. So bringing up those problems could only be a productive contribution to the discussion for any rational participant, no? I think Grat3fulh3ad was the first to point out those problems, while still maintaining that the topic was interesting. You shouldn't be offended by that.


Domesticator of Cannabis
If you start a thread, anyone that stays on topic, and is not being an asshole has the right to post.

To be completely honest, his posts were very informative on a different perspective and I think you get angry when someone's opinion differs from your own.

All I can say is if you don't want people posting their opinion in your threads, don't invite them.
His info was shit & meaningless to the thread. He could of put his opinion in one simple post. Most of the stuff was linked already. This has nothing to do with the info & everything to dop with the troll. The info is shit, it doesn't in no way prove anything from what my threads about even if it did he was being shunned, but there's nothing to debate concerning his info regarding the thread.

Now is it OK to call him a dumbass? I think we should get that straight.


The Voice of Reason
I came to the thread because I find aspects of Egyptian civilization interesting. But, unfortunately, there are factual and historical problems with some of the theories on the site which is the main source of this thread. So bringing up those problems could only be a productive contribution to the discussion for any rational participant, no? I think Grat3fulh3ad was the first to point out those problems, while still maintaining that the topic was interesting. You shouldn't be offended by that.

Indeed, sac beh... as was my intention...
We can only move forward in our understanding if we are willing to open our mind to all of the virtues and flaws of each theory... I tried my best to keep the virtues in sight even while pointing out the flaws...

Like I said... there are a lot of good facts here, they are just strung together in a manner which is incongruent with other knowns... The goal should be to sort through the contrived portions and keep the facts and logical conclusions based on those facts...

I want peace and philosophy in this subsection of the site, not stubbornness and derision... let's bury the hatchet grassalot, or if you are unable, I'll excuse myself from your thread...


Domesticator of Cannabis
I came to the thread because I find aspects of Egyptian civilization interesting. But, unfortunately, there are factual and historical problems with some of the theories on the site which is the main source of this thread. So bringing up those problems could only be a productive contribution to the discussion for any rational participant, no?
Did I set you straight on the time line I see you had misread that. That can give the wrong impression as all dates fit the bill if you go back. That was your main concern if I remember, 12,500 years ago is 10,500BC if the BC or BS is left out don't worry I'm not that anal in my postings. The troll is a gem at pointing out the obvious, I believe the average person will take them for granted.

Like I don't own the forum so anyone can post freely, I had mentioned to the troll he wasn't wanted here after his name calling. That just turns the thread into a tennis match & I can serve with the best of them.
I want to know if it's OK to call the troll a dumb ass?


ICMag Donor
sirgrassalot, if you continue the namecalling you will be out of this thread. I'm not going to say it again. No one else is name calling and you aren't going to do it either. I'm not going to spend my evening babysitting this thread. I think I am being clear enough.


Domesticator of Cannabis
sirgrassalot, if you continue the namecalling you will be out of this thread. I'm not going to say it again. No one else is name calling and you aren't going to do it either. I'm not going to spend my evening babysitting this thread. I think I am being clear enough.
It was a yes or no question? From the answer it sounds like I won't be getting called one either, that's what I wanted to know, again I thought a simple yes or no answer would have done. My aim all along was to keep the forum peaceful so we can keep the forum enjoyable. That isn't too much to ask & I'm no mod. So if the respect leaves the postings here we can let you know & you'll take care of it, OK. So no name calling, does that mean basterizing someones handle too? I hoping for a yes but no will do too.


Oh wow.. i see this arguing all over the site. Bummer man. Lets all get along. Everyone say what they want, just keep it respectful or dont post.. IMHO
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