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The Greatest True Story Ever Told

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Domesticator of Cannabis
Thus the homo sapiens sapiens, twice wise... male and female
Isis is not the equivalent of the biblical Eve, rather the biblical Mary Magdalene as I see it. Isnt she?
We are all homo sapien sapien today. Very rarely does anyone make the distinction between HS & HSS. HSS didn't take to showing their double wisdom until the genes of Isis our genesis. So what changed besides the environment for this to occur? Finding info or pictures of these mono brow freaks is proving difficult. The reliefs are plenty, but they don't show if the brow is separated.


The religions are rewrites of past religions, not identical copies & both women have elements of the Pagan Earth Mother Goddess Isis, ah women hehehe. Just about everything the resurrect Isis site has stated is proving to be on the mark. It falls short as does science on direct proof in parts as our past has become obfuscated directly by the church & the elements. One was as bad as the other.

Remember to read their site thoroughly to get their story straight so you don't repeat any foolish things about dna etc. I've battled those mono brows myself, they thought they were so wise.


The Voice of Reason
the resurrect isis site has been well debunked... It is funny that you've fooled yourself into believing it accurate...
It is all based on false cognates and suppositions that have since been shown to be highly improbable by DNA marker tracking.
All the skills of the homo sapiens developed simultaneously and separately in different regions...
Just like we know from archaeological evidence that pottery making and flint napping developed independently in multiple locations, so did agriculture.

Your theories only make sense if we ignore science and history.

Arcticsun, you are a bright guy... look into this all deeper and the holes will become glaringly obvious...
sirgrassy is sort of right up to a point, but goes too far in his "mono-evemerism" to be taken completely seriously...


The Voice of Reason
Not trolling, I'm debunking your brand of mono-evemerism...
Sorry it bothers you... maybe you should post up factual info so I don't feel compelled to balance your misinformation with information.

I thought you'd be happy... this thread is pretty dead when I'm not posting on it...


Domesticator of Cannabis

I understand that anyone giving into their weaknesses & falling for the church but the fall they take when they've realized they've wasted their entire life on bunk can only leave a bitter angry soul. :comfort:


on the day that i was born , daddy sat down and cried ; had that mark just as plain as day it could not be denied

they say that cain caught abel rolling loaded dice ; ace of spades behind is ears and here not thinking twice

your right sirgrassalot history has been deluded by many many cultures representations of the past civilizations own representation of what they perceive to be true ;

but more likely then not

we'll leave this age with what we DO have --

an abstract collection of stories , wonderfully melded ; but more importantly , recorded in wavelength and digitalized for future generations to decipher .

you may not like the church or what it has done for this world ; and moreover what the church as done to "forget" many important articles of the past

but some of the defining moments in THIS generation has been shaped and reshaped by peoples interpretations of many many cultural artifacts; which have themselves been structured by the fiddle players own intepretation of the hymns passed down generations over

our lives are very much shaped by the church's interpretation and the words we hear and the stories we hear today are a reflection upon this fact

keep the allegories coming sirgrassalot we all have a lot to interpret for ourselves

help us cross that Grand Rio


The Voice of Reason

I understand that anyone giving into their weaknesses & falling for the church but the fall they take when they've realized they've wasted their entire life on bunk can only leave a bitter angry soul. :comfort:

I wouldn't know...
I haven't given in to a weakness... Compulsion to balance imagination with information is no weakness... Maybe to one as yourself, who's belief will always trump science, it may appear as a weakness, but that doesn't affect me any...

As far as wasting one's entire life on bunk... I am glad that you admit that your bitterness toward me is a result of your realizing you've fallen for a load of misinformation, and wasted four years trying to support bunk... I can only guess why you spend so much time photoshopping insults for me :comfort:

As far as my personal journey from a theist to a naturalist... not one step of that was wasted... I would not have such a firm grasp of reality now had I not seen for myself what the truth is... Not once ever will I have to wonder if I am wrong about religion... It should be a lesson for you... If you would open your mind and stop trying to cram unrelated facts into your pre-concieved paradigm, then you would not seem like such a faith-blind evemerist, and may discover a greater truth. You are not that far off from reality, you just take a couple of steps past plausibility...

You just keep on ignoring me like you promised, and I'll keep the thread honest...
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Domesticator of Cannabis

Now on the runway will be Cleopatra. She'll be showing off the Triple Uraeus, quite unique in the world of the Pheru's. Cleo holds it very well though & I'd like to give a special mention to her hairdresser, her headship has done a divine job. Nothing seems to suit royalty better than a tinge of blue in their hair. Her Isis knot looks like it was made in heaven, simply stunning.



Domesticator of Cannabis
2,000-year-old Cat Goddess Temple found

2,000-year-old Cat Goddess Temple found



This undated photo released Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010, by Egypt's supreme council of antiquities shows the ancient cat-goddess Bastet found amongst the temple's ruins. (AP/EGYPT'S SUPREME COUNCIL OF ANTIQUITIES, HO)

CAIRO, Egypt - Archaeologists have unearthed a 2,000-year-old temple that may have been dedicated to the ancient Egyptian cat goddess, Bastet, the Supreme Council of Antiquities said Tuesday.

The ruins of the Ptolemaic-era temple were discovered by Egyptian archaeologists in the heart of the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great in the 4th century B.C.

The city was the seat of the Greek-speaking Ptolemaic Dynasty, which ruled over Egypt for 300 years until the suicide of Queen Cleopatra.

The statement said the temple was thought to belong to Queen Berenice, wife of King Ptolemy III who ruled Egypt in the 3rd century B.C.

Mohammed Abdel-Maqsood, the Egyptian archaeologist who led the excavation team, said the discovery may be the first trace of the long-sought location of Alexandria's royal quarter.

The large number of statues depicting Bastet found in the ruins, he said, suggested that this may be the first Ptolemaic-era temple dedicated to the cat goddess to be discovered in Alexandria.

This would indicate that the worship of the ancient Egyptian cat-goddess continued during the later, Greek-influenced, Ptolemaic period, he said.

Statues of other ancient Egyptian deities were also found in the ruins, he added.

Zahi Hawass, Egypt's chief archaeologist, said the temple may have been used in later times as a quarry as evidenced by the large number of missing stone blocks.

Modern Alexandria was built squarely on top of the ruins of the classical-era city and many of its great temples, palaces and libraries remain undiscovered.

The temple was found in the Kom el-Dekkah neighbourhood near the city's main train station and home to a Roman-era amphitheatre and well preserved mosaics.


Domesticator of Cannabis
your right sirgrassalot history has been deluded by many many cultures representations of the past civilizations own representation of what they perceive to be true ; but more likely then not
we'll leave this age with what we DO have -- an abstract collection of stories , wonderfully melded ; but more importantly , recorded in wavelength and digitalized for future generations to decipher.
you may not like the church or what it has done for this world; and moreover what the church as done to "forget" many important articles of the past but some of the defining moments in THIS generation has been shaped and reshaped by peoples interpretations of many many cultural artifacts; which have themselves been structured by the fiddle players own intepretation of the hymns passed down generations over our lives are very much shaped by the church's interpretation and the words we hear and the stories we hear today are a reflection upon this fact keep the allegories coming sirgrassalot we all have a lot to interpret for ourselves help us cross that Grand Rio
You didn't think there was an ending to;
The Greatest True Story Ever Told.
If the bridge collapses rest assured peeps, you have no need to fear the fall, you have a new saviour amongst you all. He thinks you're all dumb as he, so he's going to save your mono brow asses from the Pagan Gods he fears. Get ready for when he raptures you all.


Here's the lovely King Hatshepsut, many of her monuments & statues were defaced immediately after she died. Her accomplishments absorbed by the new Pheru or erased. They were vicious in those early days of double wisdom. They didn't take too kindly to having a female King, they much preferred they went with the Queen title. The rearing asp can be a deadly thing.

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the resurrect isis site has been well debunked...

Ill just state for the record that I have not visited the site at all yet, and im not sure that I care to given the conclusions that has been made on the basis of it.

Arcticsun, you are a bright guy... look into this all deeper and the holes will become glaringly obvious...

Thanks bro, I dont need to tho, because I see already some key mistakes in the theory just on the first post I saw them. Its fun to play connect the dots with history, so Ill play along for a while. This is likely to just get more and more confusing is my experience with such games. Ill just make it clear that I have made no personal conclusions regarding these matters as of yet. Its all just a big mess to me, some things make sense individually but things rarely tie together to make any type real of sense in real life. But just from looking at the story at first glance I can tell that this site is making a mess of things. They cant even put together a descent conspiracy theory by the looks of it. Let me make it better for you :smokey:

I really cba with a long post atm, links and pictures and such, so this will be quick and painful.

Isis is not the Egyptian equivalent of Eve, she is the Egyptian equivalent of Mary Magdalene. Mary has an immaculate conception and so does Isis. They birth Jesus and Horus. Ok blablablabla .. etc.

So that is apparent is it not? Let me know and ill make it even more clear, but for whoever that has read through this thread it should be apparent.

Ok thats 1 key element in the theory which does make a whole shitload of difference isnt it? Timelines and everything dont fit because of this statement that isis is Eve.

And then there is the rather hilarious bit about the monobrow people, two eyebrows, twice wise. haha, they may aswell have said to ears or two legs twice wise. Its funny! Its a presumption, and its just very silly. We have two eyes, why wouldnt we have two eyebrows? By that type of logic you should really be occupying your mind with the great enigma of why we have only one dick and two nuts? Besides, not one of the artwork you are linking as reference is depicting people with single eyebrows. Have you seen pictures of young Madonna by the way lol?

But ill walk you all through it, help you think the thought you dare not think. Now what is an immaculate conception really? A virgin birth? Isnt that something like a self pollination maybe? Immaculate conception, let it roam around in your head for a while.

So, is Isis/Mary Magdalene a hermaphrodite maybe? Twice wise, male and female. Homo sapien sapien, twice human, male and female!


Did "she" really impregnate herself and give birth to an offpsring that lived on to spread its genes around the world? Is this even possible, or is this some type of metaphor for something else. Maybe she spoonfed herself some old juice from her father or whatever, should make a fun investigation maybe for a breeder such as yourself mr GFH :D

dunno.. :dunno:

If you look at the cultures directly following the Egyptian one, like the Greek one, you will find that hemafrodism is more common and prominent in the cultures. The Greek oracles were for example known hemafrodites, and you will find many many equally prominent hermies in many cultures. Mary Magdalene herself was the only female desciple of Jesus and known to be the only woman of "substance". You will find art depicting her with masculine features..
etc etc etc.. If you think through it im sure you can tie this up with knowledge you already have. Do we have some signs of this in modern culture maybe?

Its come to me some times, and this is just a peculiarity of thought ofc, you may think of it as you wish. But maybe shaman= she-man?

Ok, so I bet this game is not so fun anymore sirgrassalot if you discover that what you thougth were superman genes is infact hermie genes? lolol :D


Domesticator of Cannabis
Who would of thought there was mono brow rulers running the gardens of Sumer, the Isis site pointed that out & they were correct again.
I'm not going to argue over what women was copied or prototyped it doesn't matter, if I see different I'll post it to keep the record straight. The bible is no authority, it has creatively exchanged the myths of previous religions. So a little of Eve, a pinch of Mary add some Jisis & away we go. Otherwise the myth is flowing along very smoothly, anything the troll has posted means shit here & its debunked nothing but its perceived intelligence.


The Voice of Reason
there are no trolls here...
I was invited by the OP to participate in the thread...
My opinions were asked for...
My post are in no way designed to flame, insult, or provoke... only to inform and correct misinformation... I have stayed completely on topic...

You, on the other hand are guilty of troll behavior... anyone who cares to read through our exchange can see that plainly...

You can label me whatever you like... the label will be no more valid than the evemerist bunk...

Anyone who uses a website which is backed up by zero valid sources, and has been repeatedly demonstrated to have made erroneous claims and presented false cognates, as their main source of information... Is arguing from a laughable position.

Case in point...
The website claims "dna will prove it" in 2003
in 2007 dna disproves it...
The global distribution of y-chromosome haplotypes and of mtDNA haplotypes conflicts with and contradicts your assumptions

arcticsun, if you think the timelines are bad... you should check out some of the "linguistic evidence" there... The isis website is a real hoot, to those of us who keep current on science and archaeology news, you should do some reading there... they have a lot of real facts strung together with a web of impossibilities.


arcticsun, if you think the timelines are bad... you should check out some of the "linguistic evidence" there... The isis website is a real hoot, to those of us who keep current on science and archaeology news, you should do some reading there... they have a lot of real facts strung together with a web of impossibilities.

Agreed, I tried making a contribution and the response i got from the thread starter is quite worrying tbh.

Im done here. L8rs guys :D


The Voice of Reason
Agreed, I tried making a contribution and the response i got from the thread starter is quite worrying tbh.

Im done here. L8rs guys :D

Yeah, he get's very violent and combative when his faith is questioned in any way, and comes unglued when it gets debunked... He got another thread closed with his violence and epithet slinging... I should leave this thread as well, I guess... anyone who bothers reading it is not going to get duped anyhow, we've gotten enough of the truth out there to put peeps on the right track...


Domesticator of Cannabis
Arctic what's your problem? Let me straighten you out a little, just ask if you need clarification on anything I posted. As for my response worrying yeah, calm down. I answered honestly, I can't help your worried soul & not about to. What would you like me to do with your contribution? I don't have anything to add to it, it's not really important to me on this thread here. If someone else gets something from it great, but I didn't. I didn't read your link either but I did read the Isis site & understand it better than anyone posting here.

Don't worry about the cowardly troll either, headly the preacher knows he's safe behind his keyboard where he can't get a real time punch in the big fat mouth of his.


The Voice of Reason
Arctic what's your problem? Let me straighten you out a little, just ask if you need clarification on anything I posted. As for my response worrying yeah, calm down. I answered honestly, I can't help your worried soul & not about to. What would you like me to do with your contribution? I don't have anything to add to it, it's not really important to me on this thread here. If someone else gets something from it great, but I didn't. I didn't read your link either but I did read the Isis site & understand it better than anyone posting here.

Don't worry about the cowardly troll either, headly the preacher knows he's safe behind his keyboard where he can't get a real time punch in the big fat mouth of his.
more threats of violence?
I'm being perfectly civil.
you invited me to read your thread, and asked me to voice my disagreements.

That's all i've done, and you respond to me with threats of violence?

tsk tsk tsk...


ICMag Donor
sirgrassalot, I read some of your posts and I'm not very happy about you taking about what you'd do to people "in person". That shit don't fly here.

Why do you invite people to voice their opinions, and then get so upset when they voice them? Anything more even resembling threats and this threads gone and actions will have to be taken. I hope that's not necessary.....


Domesticator of Cannabis
sirgrassalot, I read some of your posts and I'm not very happy about you taking about what you'd do to people "in person". That shit don't fly here.

Why do you invite people to voice their opinions, and then get so upset when they voice them? Anything more even resembling threats and this threads gone and actions will have to be taken. I hope that's not necessary.....

Oh but trolling does, is that it? I was pointing out what will happen if an asshole goes around calling people dumb asses that they don't know in person, that's a fact. Do you disagree one might get a punch in the mouth if they call someone a dumb ass in person they don't know? A very good life lesson for him. Is it OK to call posters dumb asses etc, I can do that? That would be trolling though by definition. He's the instigator but go after me, no problem.

I invited his opinion on the subjects not his opinion on myself. I promptly shun the troll as soon as I saw his agenda which is to cause shit aka troll my thread. Don't be fooled by his BS. Its come to the point that I express the truth the mod steps in....:dunno:
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