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sac beh

for the rest i like the thread's general idea very close to the idea i've developed...what i don't like is all the insults going on...since historians can't get together on one account how arrogant are we to think we can, with internet LINKS???
the past is sooo far and obscure we can't possibly be able to find truth at once.
it will take mankind a lot longer to unveil the truth of our descendants.

I generally agree with your sentiments here. Just note that most of my comments here have been backed by serious archaeological evidence that I've read about from books in the fields of archaeology and anthropology. Now just because its in a book doesn't mean its correct, of course. But the bar is a bit higher to publish theories on pseudohistory in a book in one of these fields than on a web page.

So for example the fact that archaeologists have uncovered evidence of shamanic practices at least as early as 30,000 years ago does not take away from the aspects of other civilizations, but it does prove that similar cultural phenomena CAN appear in different civilizations in different time periods and in different places without there being direct contact between them. The similarities can be due to similar experiences of the natural world, genetically determined capacities of human learning, and the very structure of human cognition which is shared among, of course, all humans. To ignore these developments in the fields in order to promote a hypothesis of unilinear evolution of human culture from a single, rather late (in terms of human history) source doesn't help us in the search for the truth.
what happened to the phoenicians?
Thor Heyerdahl showed that the Egyptians didn't have the naval power to reach into the mediterranean figure the oceans!

You should check the little boats used for fishing on lake Titikaka ...they look exactly like egyptian papyrus boats.
My opinion is that good old Thor didnt make it and then blamed it on the egyptians.......LOL
Hey Grat3fulh3ad,
im reading from the link you sent me the part where the autor writes about the picture , which is an etching on a stone that came from the Burrows cave in Michigan containing various native-American artifacts........makes me think that the mayan and the aztec and most mesoamerican civilizations belived their civilization got a kickstart when they recived the visit from a tall bearded man coming from east on a flying snake ..they call him Quetzalcoatl.
Quetzalcoatl, lord of the morning star, was not only the one who thought them astronomy, medicine, and agricolture ( the giver of corn ) but was also the god of RESURRECTION.
Quetzalcoatl was born of a virgin .

( www.proaxis.com/~deardorj/contents.htm ( really lots of interesting info thanks again) )


Domesticator of Cannabis
the part where the autor writes about the picture , which is an etching on a stone that came from the Burrows cave in Michigan containing various native-American artifacts........makes me think that the mayan and the aztec and most mesoamerican civilizations belived their civilization got a kickstart when they recived the visit from a tall bearded man coming from east on a flying snake ..they call him Quetzalcoatl.
Quetzalcoatl, lord of the morning star, was not only the one who thought them astronomy, medicine, and agricolture ( the giver of corn ) but was also the god of RESURRECTION.
Quetzalcoatl was born of a virgin .

That's Assur the Dragon as above, they were big hairy people & wise.

Isis resurrected El's defunct religion.
The stylized beard of Itzamna and its similarity to the stylized beard of Pharaoh Rameses II. Rameses II was Pharaoh of Egypt at about the time of Itzamna's arrival in Central America and the dawn of the earliest civilizations there. Rameses II, son of Seti I and Queen Tuya, was the third king of the 19th Dynasty. He lived to be 96 years old. He reigned as Pharaoh for 67 years (1279-1213 BC).

Yaxchilan an ancient Maya city the rulers names are very similar not only in naming themselves Bird Jaguar rulers but names like Yopaat B'alam I - 359–? Do they ring a Ba'al ~ Son of El.

Flying Snake
The oars protruding from the side of a Rameses II boat could of been interpreted as feathers by the artist, who had never seen such a craft.

The Missouri River was named after the Nile River in Egypt.

Egyptian hieroglyphics were written only in consonants. They used no vowels. The Egyptian hieroglyphic name for Egypt was MSR. The name of MSR Egypt with vowels included was Mis-Ur-Re-a. The name Mis-Ur-Re-a is a compound of Mother Isis + Ur, the hawk god, + Re, the sun god + a, the earth. The name Mis-Ur-Re-a meant Mother-Isis-Area. The river flowing through Mother-Isis-Area was the Mis-ur-Re River. Minions of Isis in North America named the Missouri River after the Mis-ur-Re River in MSR Egypt.
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The Voice of Reason
Hey Grat3fulh3ad,
im reading from the link you sent me the part where the autor writes about the picture , which is an etching on a stone that came from the Burrows cave in Michigan containing various native-American artifacts........makes me think that the mayan and the aztec and most mesoamerican civilizations belived their civilization got a kickstart when they recived the visit from a tall bearded man coming from east on a flying snake ..they call him Quetzalcoatl.
Quetzalcoatl, lord of the morning star, was not only the one who thought them astronomy, medicine, and agricolture ( the giver of corn ) but was also the god of RESURRECTION.
Quetzalcoatl was born of a virgin .

( www.proaxis.com/~deardorj/contents.htm ( really lots of interesting info thanks again) )

right on... Amazing how many cultures have similar traditions, and there could indeed be a human being analogue for the ancient gods... They would have had to be much older than the 6 to 10,000 years purported by the OP, If you are to consider all of the available evidence... Modern Man had been around for 40,000 years before the Isis story's preface... People had been living in civilizations for 10,000 years before Isis... Modern style Indus Valley Civilization cities with both fresh water plumbing and wastewater plumbing were contemporary with the first kingdoms of Mesopotamia and Egypt... The civilization on the Sunda shelf made pottery and huge stone monuments and bridges 14,000 years ago... They may even have been agrarian rice farmers, but the evidence which might show it was long ago destroyed by the rise in sea level at the end of the great ice age... My only real qualms here involve the impossible timeline claims of the whole 6000 BCE Mutant Isis/Assur theory...

Every culture around the world that figured out how to plant a seed, Is going to have a legend about the guy thad did it.... To try to infer that all agriculture gods are the same dude is a huge stretch... Let's let logic prevail here, as simpler explanations tent to be correct, and convoluted ones tend to fall apart under scrutiny...

I'm sure that given enough time... some teenage slut in every different society around the world would eventually claim to have been supernaturally impregnated... It's a common enough theme to the human condition that one cannot assume a common source just like agriculture...


Domesticator of Cannabis
"The League of the Sea Peoples".

"The League of the Sea Peoples".

Before going further with the account of Norsemen exploration in the far northern seas we should pause to take note of events in the Mediterranean world at the onset of the twelfth century BC. These were turbulent times in the southern lands, where violent attacks by a mysterious group of raiders referred to as the Sea Peoples laid in ruins the Aegean civilization and even threatened the very survival of the Egyptian monarchy. Egypt at this time was ruled by one of the most powerful of the Pharaohs, Ramesses III, who reigned from 1188 to 1165 BC.

The Sea Peoples included the following three main tribes:

1) The dark featured, Rh-negative Berbers, originally from Morocco, Algiers and Senegal, who had discovered and populated the Canary and Cape Verde islands, all of the Atlantic islands off Europe, the Basque country and had established reindeer hunting camps in Finnmark in Arctic Norway and leather tanning stations on the southern tip of Sweden and the west coast of Ireland. They controlled all Atlantic traffic and the far western part of the Mediterranean. The Berbers from Morocco likely were the Shekelesh (3) of the Egyptian records, while the people of Britain may have been called the Aqaiwasha. It appears that the people of the Hebrides and Scotland were known to the Egyptians as the Tyrrhenoi(4), the people of Odysseus' tribe, later known to the Romans as the Picts. Their migration was a simple one and covered an area that was within easy reach of the homeland.
2) The blond, blue eyed, Rh-positive Shardana(5), also known as the Sherden or the Sherdein, from
xede - erdeinatzaile
restriction - scornful
"Scornful of restrictions"
were apparently originally from Cyrenaica, which is located between Libya and Egypt near the Mediterranean.
3) The people we call Cretans or Minoans were known to the 18th Dynasty Egyptians as Keftiu.


Minoan Snake Goddess 1600BC​

that's an interesting name, very original.

There are thousands of names of geographical features in North America that are different formulations of the sounds and imagery of Isis-water. The footprints of Sasquatch were "sighted" in Saskatchewan. Although S-asqua-tch is spelled with asqua and S-aska-tchewan is spelled with aska, they're clearly related words. They both contain Isis-water. The names Sasquatch, Saskatchewan, and Saskatoon(the town), are all derived from the native Cree word Misasqwatomin. The name Misasqwatomin is the original Indian name for the Saskatoon River. The Mis-as-qwa-tomin River clearly contains the name Mother-Isis-water.

North America abounds with rivers named Isis-water and Mother-Isis-water. The Susque-hanna River in Pennsylvania is another Isis-water river. The Massasagua River in Ontario, the Massa-pe-qua River in New York, and the Mississ-ippi River all contain some form of Mother-Isis-water. The town of Issaquah (Isis-water), Washington probably got its name from a river of that name. Siskiyou, the name of the National Forest, was probably once the name of an Isis-water river.

The name Alaska is derived from the Aleut Indian name Alyeska. The name Alyeska contains Al + eska = Alyesqua. The Al in Alyeska is from the ancient phallic god El. (The ancient phallic god El was the father of the Canaanite god Ba'al.) The name Assur is a later day "Isis name" for the ancient phallic god El. Hence, the American name Alaska is ultimately derived from Assur + Isis-water. The list of North American Indian names that are derived from the names of Pagan gods would fill a large dictionary. Minions of Isis definitely left nominal "footprints" all over North America.
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Active member
Hey Howdy SirGrassAlot! Im back. I been gettin devil fukkt for a while now. It seems that the more I talk bout the truth, the more fukkt up shitt happens to me. The devil been fukkin me. I shure do know what it is. Im gettin devil fukkt. - Well anyhow. --Damn! Just bout everything you say reinforces my belief that these creatures your talkin bout are demons. It all fits. The timelines and everything. They came round when the devil got thrown down here. The Bible starts with Genisis and tells bout the creation of Adam but it dont elaborate on the fact that Jehove made men and wimmen before Adam. Thats the cave men. We didnt evolve from them. We got some of there genes now but we didnt evolve from them. WE wernt even created by God on porpos. We'r the result of Adam gettin kikkt out and gettin his meat all mixt up with the cave people and even somma them demons in the pictures you show. We got "smart" because the devil needed to breed brains into us. he needed us to build him ships so he could fool mankind into warring against Mighty Jehova. Adam was smarter then the apes too, so when his decendants fukkt the ape people they made smarter people like that too. The reason the devil wanted to do these things is multifasetted. This way he can screw up Mighty Jehovas Holey genetics by breading with Adams line, and he could make people worship him, and he could get the earth muts to dig him up metal and gold and stuff so he could build ships to fight with Mighty Jehova with. These demons want to destroy Mighty Jehovas good works. -- It all fits. The ape people bee3n round how long with just some fire and furs? -Then what? We start gettin smarter and diggin up metals and shit when? Rite when the Bible tells us the devil got thrown down? Makes a whole lotta sence to me. The truth is in the cernter like a hub. The spokes are all kindsa religions all leading away from the truth. The devil dont care what road you take, as long as it leads away from the truth. -When mighty Jehova comes for His chosen and those He would save we have to recognize Him. This is the devils biggest trik. Making us believe that Mighty Jehova's our enemy. So we wont call out to Him. --Mighty Jehova will come from Heaven in His ships of light. Theyr white and seem to be made of light. They got blue lines rotatin round them like spokes. I know theyr Jehovas ships because they dont respect time. Youl know the devils ships by their crappyness. They aint worth shitt compared to Mighty Jehovas ships. Thats how youl know. Thats one way anyhow. When I see Mighty Jehovas ships Imma run out to'em if they aint allready rapturin me up,and fall down rite on my face and beg Him to take me. Il beg Him to addopt me as His child. And mabey He'l take me.


Domesticator of Cannabis
Hey Howdy SirGrassAlot! Im back. I been gettin devil fukkt for a while now. It seems that the more I talk bout the truth, the more fukkt up shitt happens to me. The devil been fukkin me. I shure do know what it is. Im gettin devil fukkt. - Well anyhow. --Damn!
Hi Ape, nice to see you around. The devil needs a kick in the arse for messing with sasquatch.

sac beh

Just bout everything you say reinforces my belief that these creatures your talkin bout are demons. It all fits. The timelines and everything. They came round when the devil got thrown down here.

When, exactly, did the devil get thrown down here?

The Bible starts with Genisis and tells bout the creation of Adam but it dont elaborate on the fact that Jehove made men and wimmen before Adam. Thats the cave men. We didnt evolve from them. We got some of there genes now but we didnt evolve from them. WE wernt even created by God on porpos. We'r the result of Adam gettin kikkt out and gettin his meat all mixt up with the cave people and even somma them demons in the pictures you show.

If the humans created by Adam and the demons are the ancestors of all of us today, I think this would have had to take place well before 10,000 BC in Africa. But if the Adam-caveman-demon sex happened around the time and place of Isis and the story the OP is telling, you're talking about a time when humans were already spread to various regions.

Youl know the devils ships by their crappyness.



Domesticator of Cannabis
When, exactly, did the devil get thrown down here?
If the humans created by Adam and the demons are the ancestors of all of us today, I think this would have had to take place well before 10,000 BC in Africa. But if the Adam-caveman-demon sex happened around the time and place of Isis and the story the OP is telling, you're talking about a time when humans were already spread to various regions.

The Ape can help yeah on the devil, but the homo sapien sapien with double wisdom, the whole idea of the resurrection of El, the building of the pyramids & Paganism didn't arrive until the genes of Isis. They were a class above the people they ruled over. Homo sapien sapien didn't show their double wisdom until their Genesis. As the DNA science becomes perfected we should be able to figure out this latter part of the equation. Anything I've read on DNA is it's still not a perfect science. That's not to say I don't believe the info I've posted on it, I do for the most part.

The questions are was the Homo sapien sapien waiting for the flood to become twice wise or did the environment after the flood make it possible or was there really some type of eugenics used by them? All the midwifery going on, sacrifices, reformed skulls, makes me think there's something more to it. I'm certain there was a worldwide culture, you can hold me to that.

Everything seems to be falling into place nicely,
it's about time it's about space.


Even after descendants of the African genius conquered UrRea, in the Nile Delta, the Genesis of Isis did not include the lower classes of humankind. Their political aims were still about elevating the ruling families or clans and about preventing wars. In those early days, the ruling families of the old UrRean kingdoms were descendants of Assur. They were already a family, but they were a family at war within the family. The legendary resurrection of Assur that Isis accomplished was the reunification of Assur's primal family.
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sac beh

but the homo sapien sapien with double wisdom, the whole idea of the resurrection of El, the building of the pyramids & Paganism didn't arrive until the genes of Isis. They were a class above the people they ruled over. Homo sapien sapien didn't show their double wisdom until their Genesis. As the DNA science becomes perfected we should be able to figure out this latter part of the equation. Anything I've read on DNA is it's still not a perfect science. That's not to say I don't believe the info I've posted on it, I do for the most part.

The questions are was the Homo sapien sapien waiting for the flood to become twice wise or did the environment after the flood make it possible or was there really some type of eugenics used by them? All the midwifery going on, sacrifices, reformed skulls, makes me think there's something more to it. I'm certain there was a worldwide culture, you can hold me to that.

I'm really struggling with the timeline of all this, Sir. The link posted by Grat3fulh3ad is very useful in terms of pulling together historical events with events from myth and pseudohistory, but it doesn't seem to agree with the timeline on the resurrectisis page. Especially the section There was an African Eve is confusing, as it places the birth and origins of Isis very late (4000 BCE). The beginning of the neolithic period, with the end of the last Ice Age, along with estimates I've heard for a great flood are all much earlier. She supposedly had "Asian" ancestry, but yet became the genetic mother of future Asians?

Grat3fulh3ad, help me out here. Too many random facts without connection are melting my mind away. The DNA and archaeological evidence supports a dispersal from Africa in various directions around 60,000 BCE of modern home sapiens. Is that how you understand it? How can this evidence accord with a supposed genetic and cultural mother of all humankind at such a late date of 4,000 BCE?


Active member
When, exactly, did the devil get thrown down here? --------------------------------------- I think bout 13000 years ago. It happened when the squishey neak peice of shitt disobeyed Mighty Jehova and refused to serv Adam. -----

If the humans created by Adam and the demons are the ancestors of all of us today, I think this would have had to take place well before 10,000 BC in Africa. But if the Adam-caveman-demon sex happened around the time and place of Isis and the story the OP is telling, you're talking about a time when humans were already spread to various regions.


Damn its foggy in the foothills


Domesticator of Cannabis
Especially the section There was an African Eve is confusing, as it places the birth and origins of Isis very late (4000 BCE). The beginning of the neolithic period, with the end of the last Ice Age, along with estimates I've heard for a great flood are all much earlier. She supposedly had "Asian" ancestry, but yet became the genetic mother of future Asians?

The evidence of worked-stone tools reveals that humans have lived by some form of hunting and gathering economy for as long as they have been human. Hunting and gathering had been the only lifestyle of humanity for two million years until 11,000 years ago when suddenly it changed.

The original Isis was born in east Africa about 6000 years ago. Within 3000 years, her missionaries had reached all parts of the earth.

"The earliest civilization in Central America—and possibly the earliest civilization in the Americas—was the Olmec civilization which arose sometime between 1200 and 1000 BC. They originally lived in the Gulf Coast region of southern Mexico, but soon expanded into Guatemala. . ."
(Richard Hooker, Washington State University)

"The Olmec were Mesoamerica's first civilization. They were located in Laguna de los Cerros, tres Zapotes, San Lorenzo, La Venta, and the Tuxtla Mountains, in Mexico. . ."
"The Olmec were a mother culture to later civilizations. The culture of the Olmec started in Mexico's Gulf Coast between 1200 and 1400 B.C , approximately between the Trojan War, and the golden age of Athens, and ended about 3000 years ago. . . Perhaps the most spectacular trait of the Olmec were that they used hieroglyphs. They used hieroglyphs to record dates, events, and to tell stories." George E. Stuart, New Light on the Olmec, National Geographic Nov. 1993

The image to the left is Itzamna arriving from the east paddling a canoe (c. 1200 BC). The image to the right is the galleon of Rameses III (c. 1175 BC).

Rameses II, son of Seti I and Queen Tuya, was the third king of the 19th Dynasty. He lived to be 96 years old. He reigned as Pharaoh for 67 years (1279-1213 BC).

"The Olmecs, as far as we can tell, are the first chain in the development of Mesoamerican culture."
(Richard Hooker, Washington State University, 1996)

"The Olmec were a mother culture to later civilizations. The culture of the Olmec started in Mexico's Gulf Coast between 1200 and 1400 B.C , approximately between the Trojan War, and the golden age of Athens, and ended about 3000 years ago. . . "
(George E. Stuart, New Light on the Olmec, National Geographic Nov. 1993)

Ireland was one of the UrRean nations of the Pagan ancestral empire of the Isis bloodline. Pre-Celtic Irish kings were of the same family of "divine" kings as were the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Ashurs of Mesopotamia. The later Celtic kings were also sons of Isis and Heru before they arrived in Ireland (c. 500 BC).

Different versions of the Pagan foundation legend have come down to us from ancient times. The Biblical tale of Adam and Eve is one version of the Assur and Isis legend. All the versions of the foundation legend tell the story as the lives of two individuals in a single lifetime. However, an 8,000-10,000 year record of history is condensed into that simple story. Parts of the story relate to Assur's deeds shortly after the melt down of the Ice Age. Parts of the story, relate to travails of Queen Hatchepsut (c.1480 BC). Some of the prehistoric monuments of England were the works of the "old" Pagan culture there. Some of the most famous monuments were the later works of "new" Pagans of the Isis bloodline.

Celtic Britain in 55 B.C., Julius Caesar commented on its high population and numerous farms and cattle.
Caesar wrote that they:
"know much about the stars and celestial motions, and about the
size of the earth and universe, and about the essential nature of
things, and about the powers and authority of the immortal gods;
and these things they teach to their pupils."

The Cro-Magnon people who painted magnificent works of art in European caves twenty-five thousand (25,000) years ago would certainly qualify as "wise" Homo sapiens.

The resurrection of Assur is an allegorical tale. Isis was born sometime near the dawn of the historical era (6,000 years ago). The Assur legend goes back into prehistorical times following the melt down of the Ice Age (8,000 to 11,000 years ago).

About 5000 years ago there was a "Golden Age" when the ruling families of the major powers were members of a royal world-family living in relative peace and harmony. It didn't last long, a few centuries at most. That Golden Age was the nearest thing to a universal culture that this world has ever known.

Norte Chico
On the northern coast of present-day Peru, Norte Chico was a cluster of large-scale urban settlements which emerged around 3000 BCE (contemporary with urbanism's rise in Mesopotamia) and declined around 1800 BCE. Caral, in the Supe valley, is one of the largest and best studied sites. It is the oldest known civilization in the Americas.

What I feel is coming to light is, first scientists don't differentiate HS - HSS very well, if at all. They're all humans. The first double wise human was Isis or we have my questions to answer to. The DNA evidence says we all came from a very small stock of humans. I don't think she's the eve of 60,000 years ago, either does the Isis site. She may well be the biblical Eve.That's our Genesis.

So if Isis is the first twice wise human although other HSS are on the planet, she has shown her double wisdom to be superior ie: pyramids etc. on to the rest. We'd give it some time for generations of the original Isis girls family to come into power. That's when HSS started to become twice wise with our genesis, they're doing pretty good in Sumer & Babylon after 6,000 BC when agriculture really takes off.

El spread the seed 10,500BCish after the flood. They went from gatherers & hunters to farmers. They originally practised the Hawk religion (Superior hunters) once they became farmers & recognized how important the Sun was they added it to their religion & became the Ur-Re-ans (Ur is from the sound of the hawk wing, RE = the sun) who used the Winged Sun symbol ~ See Ashur of the Sumerians. Agriculture had been done but on a small scale, part time farmers, major civilizations take organizing skills like none before the genes of Isis. They would need, by necessity, to create a writing system to keep track of the cargo, a wheel to move the cargo etc.

The one part of the myth that I have the most issues with is the spreading of the genes to the entire population but as I said there's something to it, what?

I have no issues with the idea of a divine bloodline (Keep it in the family) do you? The interbreeding amongst the ancients, the gift wives, I have no issues with or even the use of eugenics especially with all the midwifery going on. The Pheru's bloodline was inherited through the female side. No one just became the King, Isis is credited with providing that throne as mother of the Pheru.

Why would they want to have babies with their sister or another family member if there were no other benefit beyond keeping it in the family? Eventually the spreading of the genes became a big part of the conflict when the hired help was impregnated with the genes of Isis.

I'm not throwing the baby out with the bath water. For the most part the myth is flowing very nicely in accordance with any evidence we have presented here. This is what I'm attempting here, to match the myth with the evidence, too many assumptions by another. We've got to figure it out, & the scientists will help us do it very soon.

Have you watched the Lost Civilization video?
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sac beh

Sir, by on ignore do you mean he can't post to the thread? Grat3fulh3ad has contributed some great insights and links, as well as your signature. Its important to keep differing, respectful views in the discussion.

Anyway, I agree that the HS-HSS is a gray area that hasn't yet been defined too well. But we're starting to see some great contributions to the discussion by historians combining findings from archaeology, DNA analysis, and anthropological-cultural studies, and in time we'll have a much clearer picture of the origins of the modern human. But generally the evidence points to an HSS origin earlier than the Neolithic. Again, this doesn't exclude the possibility of an advancement in knowledge/behavior in the time/place of Isis. It was never my intention to deny the contributions of early Egyptian myth.

Sir, do Atlantis myths play into the Isis story? If so, how? Usually the Atlantis culture is given dates to at least 10,000 BCE. And I've heard evidence of Egyptian knowledge of a lost island civilization to the west. But the site doesn't say much about this.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I absolutely have no problem with different views, I mention a circle jerk on an earlier page. Anyone can post at will, he's on my pay no mind list. I have superior will power. I've done some editing above you btw.

I'm not sure on Atlantis, I've only briefly looked there. I'm not against some loss of land mass after the melt down. I'm not very familiar with the bible, new, old testaments either where the tales could tell us a bit of the story. El is credited for starting the first civilized civilization for mankind after the flood. Who was El & where did he come from?


I find your insights fascinating ... as a Christian, particularly your beginning quote referencing scripture's relation of humans procreating with another form of creation (angels?). Sometimes wondered how that geneology played out to this generation.

Also, the Egyptian influence that is so prevalent in our society today - obelisks everywhere including the center of the Vatican, the center of Washington D.C. & used as tombstones for centuries; the "wisdom" and theology of the Egyptians being central to many fraternal or otherwise "secret" organizations who control governments around the world.

An interesting study ... thanks.


The Voice of Reason
sac beh,
I am amused that sirgrassalot is so intimidated by me as to refuse to acknowledge valid points, simply because I posited them... Perhaps if you point blank repeated my posts he'd ackowledge the things which make his assertions so asinine... I don't need to help you here, I've put up enough info and you are obviously intelligent enough to make proper use of it... Keep him honest is all I ask...

You may or may not have superior will power(read stubbornness), but you most assuredly have inferior cognition. You were duped by a bullshit website, I pointed it out, and proved it... And now all you can do anytime my name comes up is QQ and call names like a kindergarten schoolgirl...

Man the hell up and admit your error before you make yourself appear a complete fool instead of a gullible truth seeker...

If you are just going to deride me and ignore my posts, why did you invite me here?
I think I just answered my own question within the question... You invited me here for the purpose of derision...
Guess you've been properly sussed out and your premise debunked, so maybe I will move along and allow the other seekers of truth here to take up my mantle, as sac beh is so capably doing already...


Domesticator of Cannabis
Rameses II, son of Seti I and Queen Tuya

Rameses II, son of Seti I and Queen Tuya

Rameses II, son of Seti I and Queen Tuya

The blondes & the redheads.....tbc
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