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Desert Southwest Growers Union


Checking in to the club... lifetime AZ dweller. Indoor grower. Kal-El knows me fairly well )

Also I was a Sat/Ind judge at the ICMAG cup in Amsterdam couple years ago and got to meet some "not local" good folks. Core/Farmer John/Trichomefarmer/Soma...etc etc... very good people.

I just finished reading all of this thread... jeeze... anyways it's good to see folks having great success here in the SW.

I'll be around, though I don't spend as much time reading here as I used to.

Thanks and I look forward to more conversations.
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Active member
Heres fridays Shack! It'l get beter next time. Next set comes out 2/19. I made adjustments to feed'em stronger. These got a severe p&k def but they should be getten beter from here on!
Checking in to the club... lifetime AZ dweller. Indoor grower. Kal-El knows me fairly well )

Also I was a Sat/Ind judge at the ICMAG cup in Amsterdam couple years ago and got to meet some "not local" good folks. Core/Farmer John/Trichomefarmer/Soma...etc etc... very good people.

I just finished reading all of this thread... jeeze... anyways it's good to see folks having great success here in the SW.

I'll be around, though I don't spend as much time reading here as I used to.

Thanks and I look forward to more conversations.

Whazzup Flasht2, welcome to the DSWGU. What was your fav when you judged the ICmag cup?

HCA--looking good brotha, those buds sucked every last once of nutrition outta those leaves, lol.


Old Soul

Active member
Hey HCA, looks great to me. How many days did you take her to? Had the pleasure of trying some of Major's at day 50 and it knocked me out! Such a great smoke! Can't wait to see the next round.


Active member
Thanks OldSoul! Thanks DeTokeVille! They really did sukk it outta there didnt they! I didnt know anything could eat this much. Il post up the next set 2/19. They autta be beter. I letem go 56 days and they sho nuff is stoney OldSoul, knocks us out too. Really GREAT for the arthritus!! Her Hash is instant pain reliefe!


Active member
great HcA, glad you got the meds you need, nothing like self medicating, heal thy self
Como estas Joesy?

What kinda hash do you make HCA?

I just did a lttle run of ISO with some old Mexican sativa trim I have that has got to be 3-years-old! And the shit is great. I always get tempted to do an ice water or other bubble extraction or maybe even make a BTO tube, but in the end the ISO is just so easy and quick. It's great for deciding to make some oil on a whim...

Hope everybody in the DSW is feeling green...

CH9 mixed fems Day 27 12/12:




Active member
how do you pm i cant do it i have no option to pm when i click on any ones name
50 post to pm, get busy.

man this thread is coming to life, glad to see all the new faces and pic's If ES and I can ever get togather again I will put up some new pic's of my new stadium and whats in there.


Hey...I'm here!

Man- glad to see everybody!

Joes---I'll be getting in touch with you soon!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Gotta stop and say hi.. sw it is... here is a shot of some of the nugs i pull out of my cfl setup..


Active member
Hey Howdy Folks! Blessins on alla us Desert Dwellers! -Yea Joesy, this Shack is excelent meds! The pain dissapears! Hey DeToke-Ville! I do a Sadu Sam Ice Water extraction with a li'l improv. I just got bout 7 gs outta 95 g trim a couple days ago. I love the shitt outta Hash! We'r bout to get a set of bubble bags rite away. I seen a 3 bag 1 gallon set for bout $50 somewhere but I cant findem like that again. I just saw the link bout a week ago but I just cant find it no more. Imma keep lookin tho. Hey ES! Howdy! Yea Breth! It'd be great to see some stadium pics! Thats onna the thing's I wanna do. I wanna get a stadium goin onna these days. Id like to put a collesium type thing together onna these days and call it "The Funky ColemanZeum". Damn Joesy! Im gettin some insperation here. Lets see that Stadium!
those are some beautiful ladies there de toke-ville. how do you like that CH9?

Thx drtask, yeah I like these Ch9 pretty well--at least as far as being easy to grow. but since this is my first run with them I have no direct experience about how they smoke.

If you're considering some of these beans you might wanna check out the CH9 vendor forum and read their strain guide sticky. It'll give you an idea about the genes contained therein.

Since my grow is 250w closet style, I wanted some reliable fem beans that would produce some varied phenos and grow and yield well. So far it seems like this mixed pack is fitting the bill. And you can't beat the price either. :joint:

HCA-that sounds tasty. If I ever get a bigger op going I would definitely need some bubble equipment. On this run I'll prolly settle for a screen and sift proceedure for the trim and popcorn and then ISO it to extract the rest.

You should make pics of your next ice water run.

gOdzilla-those are some nice dense-looking CFL nugs bro, nice job.



Hey Everybody!

Ok, you all probably know this already, but I must rave cuz I just discovered the miracle that is: Earthworm Castings!!!!
Yeah yeah, I had heard about them before & thought "gee I ought to try them"....well, I FINALLY bought some(out of shear desperation for a few sad babies).
I am here to tell you: GET THAT WORM POO! You can't use to much, the plants LOVE LOVE LOVE it and I am just beyond thrilled with the results!

Now I am using a homemade tea of desert bat guano & earthworm castings.
Next up: Try the molasses in the tea.

Just so's y'all know....these are the happiest goddamned babies I have ever had, and for the first few weeks I was worried they were going to croak on me.
And that's my newsflash for now. :woohoo:

P.S. All the latest pics are absolutely fabulous!!!


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Hey Everybody!

Ok, you all probably know this already, but I must rave cuz I just discovered the miracle that is: Earthworm Castings!!!!
Yeah yeah, I had heard about them before & thought "gee I ought to try them"....well, I FINALLY bought some(out of shear desperation for a few sad babies).
I am here to tell you: GET THAT WORM POO! You can't use to much, the plants LOVE LOVE LOVE it and I am just beyond thrilled with the results!

Now I am using a homemade tea of desert bat guano & earthworm castings.
Next up: Try the molasses in the tea.

Just so's y'all know....these are the happiest goddamned babies I have ever had, and for the first few weeks I was worried they were going to croak on me.
And that's my newsflash for now. :woohoo:

P.S. All the latest pics are absolutely fabulous!!!

Amen to that! We just watered our babies with a tea consisting of 3/4 TBS. blackstrap molasses, 3/4 TBS. EWC's and 1/4 TBS. Liquid Karma in 3L of water. They loved it!